
I'm Not One Of Your Teenies.

She covered herself with blue denim skinny jeans and a tight fitting black v-neck, her frail arms warmed by a yellow American Apparel hooded sweatshirt. Beat up black and white checkered vans held her small feet. The signature silver locket hung itself around her neck. Staring at her feet, she sighed, only to have her blonde hair fall into its common place over her icy blue eyes. Average is a word commonly thrown into descriptions these days; however Bethany had no other adjectives circulating her brain when Jesse had asked her how to describe herself. With an iPhone placed into the palm of her hand, she typed away. The screen stared back at her, the short message reading “I’m just average, I suppose.” Hitting send, Bethany locked the phone. Seconds later, the message took its trip into cyberspace where her new friend would shortly find it placed into his comments on myspace.

This is where our story takes place, on the cold sidewalk of Baltimore City. The events travel back years, yet it could be started with the simple teenager placed in an alley nearby Rams Head Live in the middle of the night. The teenager is in fact a female. She goes by the name of Bethany. Her shivering body was placed as far as possible from the entrance, awaiting her two younger sisters to pry themselves from the venues doors. Only the sounds of muffled conversations could be made out. There was no screaming yet, the boys weren’t there. Bethany’s phone rang, interrupting the silence. “Where the hell are you?” it read. A whimper escaped her lips, as she ignored the text message. He wouldn’t bother her now.

The screams of young girls filled the sixteen year olds earlobes. Bethany rose to find four boys making their way through the crowd. Grins were plastered onto three of their faces. In the back of the line, was a different kind of celebrity. His facial expression differed, a nasty smirk lying across his lips. Arms crossed, he squirmed through the gasping girls, each of them rubbing his arm wishing to have only the scent of the singer on them. However the singer didn’t want to have young girls to have his scent tonight. Instead, he ran right towards Bethany. Throwing himself onto the ground across the alley from her, he groaned, throwing his head into his hands. A bewildered expression covered the young girls face as she stared at him. Minutes passed, and the boy hadn’t noticed the company. Only a sneeze from the young girl had gotten him out of his daze, and back into the real world. His sad eyes looked up as his mouth turned into a confused frown. “Have you been here the whole time?” Bethany nodded her head up and down. The boy groaned. “Do you want an autograph or something?”

A laugh escaped the females’ lips, as she looked at him. “I’m not one of your teenies sweetheart; you won’t have to worry about that.” His jaw dropped, and then he held out his hand to shake. He introduced himself as Alex Gaskarth. “So, why are you hiding back in these alleys Gaskarth? Don’t you want to be drooled over?” she questioned him. His eyes rolled back into his head as he let out a bellow of sarcastic laughter. “Honestly, I love the fans. But, when it comes to them rubbing all over me, or chasing me to the point where I need the bus doors locked, I’m going to have to be done. The majority if them isn’t bad at all, it’s a select few. But, either way it’s creepy...” His voice drifted off. The two sat in silence for a few seconds before Bethany’s phone rang once again. Looking at the caller identification, her pulse sped up and she left it ringing.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” Alex asked her, staring across the alley with wide eyes. She shook her head as the ringing ended. “Well, now it’s your turn for an explanation.” Bethany bit her lip, and pulled her hoodie sleeve up. Bruises covered her arm. Alex’s eyes widened as he leaned over towards her, placing his cold palm onto her pale forearm. “Are you okay?” he questioned. Bethany’s voice quivered as she looked him in the eye. “I don’t know,” she whispered.