
Don't Go Home.

Alex caught Bethany burrowing her face abruptly into Matt’s shoulder. She saw something she didn’t like. Alex glanced around the restaurant and saw Drake. “That son of a bitch,” Alex cursed under his breath. He quickly turned back to the rest of the table and said, “Matt, Rian, get her out to the car. Jack, come with me.” Matt and Rian both nodded while Matt grabbed Bethany’s wrist lightly and tugged her out of the booth swiftly. The three walked quickly out of the restaurant. When they got to Matt’s car, both he and Rian climbed into the backseat with her because when they tried to sit up front, a tiny whimper escaped from her lips and fear shone in her eyes. The backseat was a safer bet. Finally, after sitting in silence for several minutes, Matt spoke up. “Bethany, you have to try and tell your parents what is going on. You can’t go home to someone like that.”

Bethany just nodded. She knew Matt was right. The truth was, if she were to go home tonight and her parent’s just happened to be out of the house for a little bit, Drake just might cause her the most pain he’s ever caused her. She was scared, more scared than she’d ever been because Drake was getting worse. Bethany let out a small sob and both Rian and Matt put there arms around her and held her in a mini group hug to try and comfort her. Back in Pizza Hut, Jack and Alex stood up and walked over to Drake’s table. He was sitting alone, like the creeper he was, so Alex took a seat across from him while Jack stood next to his best friend, scared shitless. “Is your phone broken?” Alex asked nicely.

Drake’s face contorted in anger at seeing the two boys in front of him again. “What?” he asked gruffly. Alex leaned in towards Drake and said quieter this time, “I said, did your phone break? Did you not get the text I sent you?” Drake glared at the idiot in front of him. “Yeah I got it, asshole. But she’s my sister and you can’t order me to stay away from my family.” Alex scoffed and leaned back in the seat he was currently occupying. “You don’t deserve to call her your family, jackass. Back off.” Alex stood up and turned to walk away with Jack, but was stopped by the venom in Drake’s voice. “Fuck off, asshole, before I make you regret meeting Bethany in the first place.” Alex and Jack left Pizza Hut, both with their middle fingers in the air pointed at Drake.

The two boys switched places quickly with Matt and Rian and Matt drove them all back to Alex’s. Alex basically carried Bethany inside because she was still so shocked with fear that she could barely move. She could finally admit it to herself. She was not okay, and she needed help. She needed to tell someone what was going on, but who? Alex already knew, and so did the other three boys surrounding her. As far as Bethany was concerned, that was four too many. Alex set Bethany down on the couch and she didn’t say a word. She didn’t thank him, she didn’t start mumbling shit about Drake; she just sat there and stared at the blank TV. “Bethany, are you ok?” Alex asked, leaning down to her eye level.

Bethany shrugged, but still didn’t say anything. Alex got up and walked into the kitchen where the rest of the guys were. “Alex,” Matt said, “we have to tell someone.” Alex nodded. He knew this; hell, he of all people knew this, but Bethany had assured him time and time again that telling her parent’s wouldn’t do anything. And at the moment, Alex was completely out of ideas. “I know, Matt. But who are we going to tell? Bethany’s already told me multiple times her parent’s don’t believe her. We can’t make them believe her, or us. So we’re kind of at a dead end her, Matt.” The tour manager shrugged. “We can not let her go home?” he suggested. He was just as scared for the girl as the rest of the guys were.

Alex nodded. “I guess we don’t have a choice right now. She’s going to stay here tonight and we’ll figure the rest of this shit out tomorrow. For now, try and make her comfortable. She doesn’t need to be stressed out.” The guys nodded and Alex and Jack walked into the living room to see how Bethany was doing. “Bethany?” Jack asked tentatively. The younger girl looked up at the two boys with tears in here eyes. Alex spoke up. “Bethany, you’re staying here tonight ok? You’re parent’s already know you’re spending the night at a friends, so no worries there, and you have clothes so you’re good in that aspect too. You can sleep in my room, too,” Alex added. Bethany tried to protest. “No way. I’m not putting you guys out—” Alex cut her off. “Shut up. You’re staying here. You cant go home to that asshole tonight Bethany. You aren’t putting us out, either, so stop worrying.”

Alex’s tone was final, so Bethany knew she wouldn’t be able to argue with him. She also knew a part of her didn’t want to argue with him. “Okay,” she said finally. Alex nodded triumphantly. “I’m going to go order some pizza.” Bethany’s eyes widened slightly. She hated being alone in this house. It scared her because for all she knew, Drake would come in at any second and she was constantly on edge. “Don’t worry,” Alex comforted her. “Jack will stay in here with you. I’ll be right in there,” he pointed to the kitchen a few feet away. “I’ll be right back.” Jack took a seat next to the scared, timid girl. “It’s going to be okay, Bethany. You have the four of us, and you’re safe here. Drake can’t find you if he wanted, and even if he did, he couldn’t get in here.” Bethany nodded, but her eyes were still full of skepticism. Jack smiled softly at her. “Want me to lock the front door?” Bethany smiled too and nodded. “Yes please,” she told him. Jack nodded and got up to go lock the door, all the while wondering how long it’d take this broken girl to be fixed, or even worse, if she could be fixed at all.
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shes obv a better writer than i am.