
Enjoying Life Atlast

Alex was pissed. No, he was way beyond pissed now, and at the moment, he was furious and worried. Furious because Bethany just left and she could get hurt being alone at night like this, and worried for the same exact reason. But, from the rage on Drake’s face, Alex had bigger fish to fry. “Fuck,” he cursed to himself. At the sound of another person’s voice, Drake turned around to face the singer. “You need to stop hanging around my sister, pedo.” Alex’s mouth dropped open. He was the pedo? Yeah-fucking-right. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Alex said, amused and shocked. Drake’s face contorted in anger. “What?” he growled at him. “I’m the pedo? What about you, you fucking creep!” Alex exploded. He knew the minute the words escaped his mouth, he had just messed everything up. For him, and for Bethany.

“What are you talking about?” Drake asked viciously. Alex shook his head. “Nothing,” he said quickly and turned to leave. Alex pulled his phone out and swiftly typed a text to Bethany, yelling at her as best he could in a text and telling her she better be fucking careful. Then Alex hurried back to his house. Somehow, he knew he wouldn’t be taking Drake on by himself. Thank god for Zack, he silently told himself.

Bethany was still sitting in the Barnes and Noble when her phone went off. She had been talking to Cameron about books each of them had read. She excused herself, pulled out her phone and checked the message. It was Alex. It read: "Bethany, I swear to god if you aren’t being a million time more careful than normal right now, I’ll hunt you down myself. I’m not happy you left like that, and I’m fucking worrying like a little bitch right now. BE CAREFUL." He signed it with his initials. Bethany shook her head, texted back “I’m fine, I promise” and put her phone away.

“So,” Cameron said once she had her attention back to him, “What brings you here at this time of night?” Bethany shrugged. “Crazy family and friends,” she said simply. “What about you?” Cameron shrugged. “As you could tell, I love reading. I spend a ton of time in this place.” Bethany nodded. “Me too,” she smiled at him. Cameron smiled back, and Bethany’s stomach filled with butterflies. “Do you want to grab a coffee or something?” he asked her. Bethany smiled, but then quickly frowned. She had no money with her. “I—I don’t have any money with me,” she said sheepishly. Cameron laughed. “It’s my treat.” Bethany brightened up. “Okay,” she told him and the two walked over to the coffee counter and placed an order. Bethany was starting to actually thank her brother for showing up at Alex’s and Alex for being a douche bag.

Moments later, in the Cockeysville neighborhood, a voice called out to Alex. “Hey fag!” Drake yelled after Alex when the singer finally reached his front door. Alex turned around and gave Drake two big middle fingers, then walked back into his house. He shut the door and, because he was slightly paranoid, locked it. “Where’s Bethany?” the guys asked Alex in unison. He shook his head. “She ran off, and Drake’s out there, and right now I’m freaking the fuck out!” he exclaimed, wanting to throw something. “You let her run away?” Matt yelled, not believing what he was hearing. “While Drake’s out there?”

Alex put up his hand. “Save it; I didn’t let her run away. She sprinted and there was no way I would have been able to catch her. Good news? Drake didn’t go after her. He followed me instead.” Matt shook his head. He knew there was no way this would end okay, and because of that, he was scared for Bethany. "Well can't we call her and figure out where she went?" Zack suggested. Alex shook his head. "I mean, we can but she probably wouldn't answer." Instead of following his own advice, Alex dialed Bethany's number and waited for her to answer. Suprisingly, she did.

"Hello?" Bethany said into her phone, getting kind of frustrated. She was having a good time with Cameron and it kept getting interrupted. "Bethany? Where are you?" Bethany growled. "Leave me alone, Alex. I'm with a friend and I'm fine. I'll probably be back at your house in a half hour." On the other end, Alex groaned. "Bethany, be extra careful, okay?" Bethany rolled her eyes, smiling at her friends over protectiveness. "Alex, I promise I'll be fine." She, then clicked off with him and went back to her conversation. Cameron smiled at her from across the table, giving her butterflies, and said to her, "Now what?" Bethany shrugged. "I guess I should get back to my friends house, where I was before I ran here."

Cameron cocked his head. "You ran?" he asked her, and Bethany nodded. "This friend... Alex, he's like my brother. I was at his house and got frustrated and left. But that was him on the phone and I guess I should be getting back." Cameron nodded. "Let me drive you." Bethany smiled and accepted the offer. Once back to Alex's with no sign of Drake, Bethany smiled at Cameron and said, "Give me your phone." He did as told and she entered her phone number into his cell. She handed it back and said, "There. I put my number in because I had fun tonight and would like to hang out with you again."

Cameron smiled and nodded.' Yeah, I'd like that too," he told her. Then Bethany said goodbye, got out and ran up to Alex's front door, walking into the house with a smile plastered on her face. Her night had been a roller coaster, from bad to good to bad to good again, but right now, she was happy and didn't care what happened next. Finnally, after being on this Earth for sixteen years, Bethany was learning to enjoy herself.
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