

Bethany tip toed into the living room, shutting the front door carefully behind her. She had a great night, and didn't need the wrath of All Time Low to ruin it for her. Silent steps were taken down the hall and around the corner. She tilted her head past the wall to observe the occupants of the house sitting silently in front of the blasting telivision. With a sigh, Bethany turned around, and headed up to her room. After turning the corner, she collided with a tall brunette. The girl looked up at her, and smiled. She tossed her hand out, and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Kara. I'm Rian's girlfriend. I'm guessing you're Bethany?" she asked. The young sixteen year old confirmed. "Listen, I know you're tired, but you might want to deal with them now. I doubt you'll want to deal with Momma Flyzik in the AM. He'll be pretty cranky." The two giggled, then Kara walked down the steps, with Bethany in tow.

"Look what I found!" Kara spoke to the mute boys that were scattered across the living room. Each of them jumped up with their own speech prepared for the teenager. Jack got to her first, and gave her a huge bear hug. "I'm so happy to see you Bethie! I missed, missed, missed you!" he yelled. Bethany giggled, and hugged him back. "I missed you too Jack." Rian was next, quickly hugging the young girl and then stepping back to look her in the eyes. "Look Beth, I'm young. You can't be giving me heartattacks like this, okay?" The blonde smiled, then agreed to the deal. Matt came next, and Bethany's insides dropped. She understood what Kara meant by 'Momma Flyzik.' The manager stepped towards her, and suffocated Bethany with a hug. He then stepped back, and put his hands on her shoulders. "Bethany, I'm dissapointed in you. I really thought Drake was going to get a hold of you. You shouldn't of ran away. You had us worried to death. I'm begging you Beth, please don't scare us like that again." Bethany shuddered, frightened. "I promise I won't do it again," she told him.

Alex was last, hugging hardest by far. "Don't you ever, ever, ever scare us like that ever again!" he instructed. His body was shaking. "I'm so sorry Alex," Bethany mumbled into his shoulder. He hugged her tighter, almost cutting off her circulation. "I really do see you as my little sister Bethany, I can't have you doing this to me." Bethany tightened her grip around his torso. "I'm so, so, so sorry Alex." He patted her head, and let go. "Just get to bed, alright? Jack will show you your room." She nodded, and made her way up the stairs behind Jack. He opened the door to a magnificant bedroom. It was a purple themed room. "We kind of got carried away with the colors. Let's just say we're big Ravens fans," he shrugged. Bethany observed the room. The walls were painted lavender, and the carpet was a deep purple. The bedspread was white with purple flowers placed sporadically around it. A flat screen telivision caught her eye. It sat on a white dresser, along with a vase of purple lilacs.

"It's beautiful Jack, thank you" Bethany assured him. He grinned, then hugged her. "Bethany, we're all kind of worry warts about this whole situation," he said once he let go. "You're like our baby sister, and we can't let anything happen to you." Bethany nodded, in understandment. "Well, night," Jack told her, hugging her once more than slipping out of the bedroom. Bethany shut off the lights, and snuggled underneath the comforter. Her thoughts consisted of Cameron from the time she lie down, until the time she fell asleep. She really liked him.

But, if that's true, why did she dream of Alex?
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i, cate, wrote this one.
sorry for the lack of updates. we're busy :|

&i hate to have this be so short, after not having an update in a while. but, i'm in dire need of relaxation. i promise the next one will be longer!