
A New Nickname

Bethany woke up, startled, and not sure where she was. She looked around and was greeted with the dark room, surrounded in purple. Seeing the purple, it all came back to her. She was in Alex’s house, sleeping in the guest room. She sighed and got out of the bed, peeking at the alarm clock on the bedside table to see it flashing 3:38 brightly back at her. She padded down the hallway and down into the kitchen. She searched the cupboards for a clean cup and when she found one, she got some water from the tap and took a drink, turning around to lean against the counter.

She heard footsteps and held her breath. Soon Alex came into view in nothing but a pair of black basketball shorts. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand and stretching with the other. Still not having noticed Bethany, he walked over to the cupboard she had previously opened and got a cup out, getting water from the sink. He took a drink and turned, finally noticing Bethany. He jumped about a foot and she shook her head. Dumbass, she thought with a smile.

Meanwhile, Alex clutched his heart and took a deep breath. “Fuck!” he whisper-yelled at the young girl. “Isn’t one heart attack a day enough? Jesus Christ!” He leaned over, holding his knees, trying to regain composure. Bethany just laughed lightly. “You're such a drama queen Gaskarth.” Alex got up and shrugged. “Whatever, you like it.” Bethany rolled her eyes. She finished her water and set the cup in the sink. “Why are you up?” He shrugged. “I heard someone else got up, and I worried it was you so I got up too.” Bethany nodded. “I’m fine, Alex. I really am.”

Alex just shrugged, finishing his own water. “Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t. Not necessarily something we need to figure out at three am, is it?” Bethany smiled and shook her head. “Guess not.” Alex nodded, putting his arm around her shoulder, steering her towards her room. “Get some sleep. You need it. You kind of look like hell, Bethy.” Bethany scowled. “Gee, thanks Alex.” On the inside, she smiled at the nickname he had given her. “Night,” she called over her shoulder, getting back in bed. She fell asleep with more dreams of Alex, having trouble escaping them.

The next morning, Bethany was woken up by the sounds of fighting? She climbed out of bed, grabbing her phone and walked slowly downstairs, where the boys were all in the living room, playing from the looks of it, Halo 3. Again. Bethany shook her head and walked over to the couch, taking a look at her phone to see what time it was. It was past noon. She laughed to herself, not believing how late she slept. “Sleep good?” Rian asked her. She nodded. “Very good. That bed is like heaven.” Rian smiled. “Good; you slept late enough.” Bethany laughed and nodded. She was sitting besides Alex on the couch while he played Jack. After he killed Jack for the last time, he turned to her and said, “So you got back to sleep fine?”

Bethany nodded. “Perfectly,” she told him, leaving out the part where she dreamt of him all night. She was embarrassed just thinking about it. She was not supposed to like Alex, no matter how little of a crush it was. It was not supposed to happen. Alex was supposed to be like her brother who was helping her out. But to her, he wasn’t much like her actual brother at all, so it was kind of hard to think of him like one. She concentrated on the telivision, but the dream replayed yet again in her head.

They were on a beach, walking towards the sunset. The sand felt smooth beneath Bethany's feet. Occasionally, water would splash at her ankles. The dream was calm, soothing almost. A hand grasped her palm. Bethany turned to her right, only to have Cameron standing a few inches above her. Their eyes locked, and Bethany took a step towards him. His strong arms grasped around her tiny waist, pulling the teenager as close as humanly possible. Bethany held his gaze as they leaned towards each other.

The moment seemed to go in slow motion, a second turning into a minute. It seemd like centuries had past, and then he kissed her. Their lips touched atlast. The kiss was filled with passion, love, and everything Bethany wanted. He pulled her closer. Minutes passed, and Bethany came up for a breath. Her eyes traveled from the pale skin of the male's chest, up to his long hair, then to his deep brown eyes. They took the place of the tan skin, the short hair, and the eyes that were beautiful pools of blue. Bethany hadn't kissed Cameron.

Bethany had kissed Alex.
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first six paragraphs- sonya.

last paragraphs- me.