
Monday Morning

“Bethy, wake up!” Alex shook the teenager lightly. She awoke with a stutter, sitting up to face her friend. He grinned. “What?” Bethany asked him, with an aggravated tone. The young girl wasn’t a morning person; the boys had learned this the hard way. Alex chuckled, and sat on the foot of the bed. The young blonde repeated her question, “Alex, what do you want? I was sleeping.” Her eyes drifted around the room, her pupils adjusting to the bright light. She took a glance at the clock. It was blinking 5:00. Her eyes widened, and she smacked her friend involuntarily. “Why the hell are you waking me up at five in the morning Gaskarth? I have better things to do!” She huffed, and shoved her head under the covers. Alex shimmied up to the head of the bed, and lied down next to Bethany. Her stomach gained butterflies.

“Bethy, what is today?” Alex asked her. His tone was similar to Bethany’s when she talked to her younger cousins, and they were toddlers. She rolled her eyes at the boy, and mumbled into the pillow. “I can’t hear you,” Alex informed her. Popping her head out, Bethany yelled a “Monday,” and went back to her place under the comforter. The singer pulled the blanket from the fragile body that was his best friend. She huffed, and sat up. “You have school today, and I’m not letting you miss it” the twenty year old said. Bethany’s eyes widened. She shook her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll drop you off at 7:20, you can go to all of your classes, then I’ll be there to pick you up at precisely 2:00 PM. Nothing will go wrong, I promise. Now, go get ready. We have to be out of here by 6:00 if you want to go get some grub.”

The two stood up out of the bed, and Alex placed his arms around Bethany’s torso, squeezing her in a tight hug. “Bethy, I love you. I won’t let anything happen to you.” She snuggled into his chest, mumbling. “I know,” she told him. They let go and Alex walked out of the room, shutting the door on his way out. The young blonde shook away her bed head, and went to the closet. She opened it up to find a weeks worth of clothing on the hangers. The boys had taken her home yesterday to pick up clothes while everyone was out. Bethany had informed her parents that she had been having a hard time lately, and she needed to stay with friends. They accepted her request, and instructed her to be home on Sunday night at 8:00 PM. This was when she planned to tell them about Drake.

Letting the depressing thoughts slip her mind, Bethany began to get ready. She yanked a pair of denim skinny jeans from Glamour Kills off of their hanger. Next, she pulled out a white camisole, and a red American Apparel v-neck. Last, she pulled her black American Apparel hoodie. She slipped out of her pajamas and into her outfit for school. The silver locket made its way around her neck, and a new silver Tiffany’s bracelet made its way around her wrist. The bracelet was a gift from the boys, something to remember them by, they had said. Bethany fastened both tightly, and then went into the bathroom. Mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss made its way onto her face, and she used her straightener carefully while styling her hair. After an hour, Bethany was finished getting ready. She slipped on her red flats from Wet Seal, threw her purse over her shoulder, and made her way down to the living room.

Alex was lying on the couch, face down. His light snores were adorable, Bethany decided. She shook him lightly, “Wake up” she whispered. Alex jumped, and looked up. “Morning, what time is it?” he asked. Bethany pulled out her iPhone, and glanced at the time. She informed him that it was 6:05. The two left a note for Matt, then headed out. They slipped into Alex’s car, a new experience for Bethany. She had only been in Matt’s car. Alex’s was impressive. It was a 2007 Lamborghini, black interior and black exterior. The stereo system was ridiculous. The bass shook the seats. Bethany smiled. “What are you smiling at?” Alex asked, with an amused grin on his face. “Your car,” she admitted sheepishly. He chuckled, and turned the volume up on his radio. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” Alex questioned. Bethany nodded, and then leaned back in the seat. The car wasn’t the only one that was a beauty, Bethany noted. Alex’s bed head wasn’t half bad, she had decided. His legs held the same skinny jeans as hers, and his torso was covered with a blue and black plaid shirt from Pac Sun. He looked very cute for so early in the morning.

Starbucks drive through was their breakfast. Alex ordered a coffee, while Bethany got a vanilla latte and a cinnamon bun. They ate on the way to school. “Turn left up here,” she instructed the driver once they were in front of the building. He did as told, and stopped in front of the door. “Your school is huge,” he complimented her. Bethany giggled. “Thanks for the ride Alex, I’ll meet you here at 2:00?” she questioned. The twenty year old nodded, and turned down the radio. “He won’t be here today, will he?” Alex asked quietly. Bethany shuddered, and shook her head. “He shouldn’t be.” The singer nodded. “I have to get to class,” Bethany told him after a moment of silence. Alex kissed her on the forehead, and unlocked the doors. “Love you, little sister.” Bethany smiled, “Love you too,” she told him. Then, she shut the door and walked through the double doors with a smile on her face.

Bethany did a good job of hiding her family secret, but could she hide who her temporary roommate was? From the stares she was getting in the hallway, her chances of keeping that secret didn’t look too great.
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