
What Home Will You Go To?

Bethany swirled her sparkling silver spoon around in the bowl. She wasn’t necessarily speechless, not even at a loss for words. There was simply nothing to be said. The table had been silent since dessert was delivered. Bethany was the last one with her bowl. She wasn’t hungry. She kept herself content, clanking the silver wear against the bowl time after time. Jack groaned, and lifted his head up from its position on the table. “Would you eat the damn ice cream Bethany?” he asked. Everyone looked up, startled. Jack continued. “If you won’t eat it, then can we go? After twenty minutes of silence, I think we know that there’s nothing to be said.” Bethany nodded, shoving the bowl away from her, and offering it to Jack. “No thanks, I don’t do chocolate soup,” he told her. Beth giggled.

Mr. Sanders sighed, and looked up to meet his daughters’ eyes. “Bethany, where do you want to go home to?” Her stomach dropped. She hadn’t thought that far into it yet. If she went home with her parents, nothing said that Drake wouldn’t continue his game of cat and mouse. He would continue being the alpha male of the house. He would continue molesting her, and he would continue his abuse. Nothing would change. If she went to Alex’s, well, that’s a whole new problem. She would have to switch schools, or get a boundary exception. She couldn’t afford the gas to get from Cockeysville to Bel Air everyday anyway. Bethany would miss her parents. She would miss them more than words could explain. She didn’t know where to go home to. “Can I finish off another few days at Alex’s then decide? Spring Break’s coming up, after this week. It’ll be the perfect chance to move to my home.”

Bethany looked at the parents, hopefully. They nodded, agreeing to the situation. She thanked them, and then looked to her friends. “This is okay with you, isn’t it?” she whispered to Alex. He nodded fast, “Of course, Bethie.” She smiled, and then turned back to her parents. “Easter dinner is Sunday, a week from today. Can I decide then?” Mrs. Sanders nodded. “That sounds perfect.” Everyone shared their gratefulness, as the father paid the check. Once the waiter came back, everyone headed out to their separate vehicles. “Bethany dear,” her father called. The teen turned to face him. “We’re going out, but you all can go to the house and get everything you’ll need for a week.” Bethany thanked him, as did Alex. “I love you Bethany,” he told her. She extended her love to the family, and then slid in next to Alex. She placed her head on his shoulder. “Too the hell hole,” she spoke.

Bethany begged the boys to let her go in the house alone, for sentimental reasons. She was attached to this house, to this home. She didn’t want to necessarily leave just yet. She walked up the front stairs, and turned the key slowly. The door opened, letting the home come into full view. She smelled the fresh wood of the newly finished dining room floors. She felt the cold handle of the door. She heard the creaking of the floor as she walked. She was home. Bethany slid off her shoes, and walked up the stairs softly. She would pack her bathroom belongings first. Bethany went into the personal bathroom, and got out an overnight bag. She carefully packed everything she would need: makeup, a hair straightener, a blow dryer, a curling iron, a brush, a tooth brush, shampoo, soap, and her other basics for a trip. After zipping the bag tightly, she set it at the top of the stairs. Bethany tiptoed across the carpet, her bedroom door coming into view. She stopped in front of it, and placed her fingertips one by one on the knob. It was cold. She turned it slowly, surely, and confidently.

Bethany switched on the light. As her eyes adjusted, she looked around the room. A room she missed, a room she loved, a room with more than one occupant. The last part frightened her. She went to the bed, feeling the movement of a body underneath the covers. She slowly pulled them up, only to have the devils face come into view. “Drake,” she shuddered. The boy grinned. “I missed you Beth,” he told her. “Are you coming back home?” His teeth glistened in the light of her bedroom. He was enjoying this far too much. Bethany felt nausea in her stomach, as she thought about the options to come. She couldn’t be catty, he would only hurt her. She figured that kindness would please him, and it would most likely end quicker. “I don’t know yet,” she told him. Drake slid his arm around Bethany’s waist and pulled her on top of him. “I missed you so much,” he told her. He pulled her torso to his, and then covered them with the blankets. They lie on the beds, a heap of devastation and hatred. Drake patted her hair, kissing her head. “Did you miss me?” he questioned. Bethany spoke in a monotone voice. “Yes.”

He yanked her hair. “Bethany Nicole Sanders, you better act pleased to be here after keeping me from you these past days.” Bethany tried again, putting on an act, hoping it would end. “I missed you so much, I could hardly stand it.” Drake smiled, he was pleased. “Show me how much you missed me,” he instructed. With that statement, he turned off the lights and took full advantage of the vulnerable girl. She tried her hardest to act like she enjoyed it. His face was replaced by Alex’s the whole time. After minutes, he stopped and they lie next to each other in silence. Drake spoke. “Baby, we better not let them know what’s going on. Pack your stuff, so you can get going.” He kissed her a parting kiss. She packed her stuff, and he watched over protectively. Once done, he placed her on his lap. “Promise me something,” he told her. She gazed back at him. “Promise me you’ll skip school tomorrow, and come here instead.”

Bethany stood up, kissing him on the head. “I can’t make that promise,” she told him. Then she ran, she ran as fast as her feet could take her. She ran down the stairs, through the living room, and out the front door. She ran so quickly, with so much hatred in her. She opened the door of the car, jumping in over Jack, and putting herself on Alex’s lap. She threw her head into his chest, crying hysterically. “Drive, Matt, drive!” she instructed through her tears. He did as he was told. Bethany sat in Alex’s lap, feeling his loving hand rub her back as they drove home. Home, she was finally going home.
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cateeeeeee :D