

Alex pulled up to the student parking lot of Harford Technical High School, Bethany in the passenger seat. He was dressed in skinny jeans, a green American Apparell v-neck and black dunks with white trimming. Bethany, on the other hand, wore denim skinny jeans, a zebra tank top and a pair of black flipflops. The weather was suprisingly warm for the middle of April, but then again, any weather in Maryland was suprising. They had the most unstable weather conditions. Parking the car, Alex and Bethany exited. He locked the door, and they then walked towards the back of the school. "Who's this guy again?" Alex questioned. Bethany rolled her eyes; it was the twelveth time he had asked. With an exhale of breath, she explained how she met Aaron that afternoon while she was waiting for him to pick her up. Accenting the word waiting, guilt washed all over Alex's face. Victory, Bethany thought.

The duo made their way down the concrete path that led to the field. Stadium lights, brightining the walk way, shined down on the players. Alex payed the ten dollars for both of them to enter, as Bethany's eyes scanned the yellow and black uniforms looking for number twelve. She spotted him talking to his coach, and drinking from an orange gatorade. He was sweating already, and the game hadn't begun yet. After his short talk, his eyes met hers. Aaron grinned, then motioned her over. "Alex, you see that guy waving?" Beth asked. The tall male next to her nodded. "That's Aaron Peterson, the guy I'm here to say. You better not say a word to embarrass me, and you defanately better not mention Drake. Understood?" Alex rolled his eyes, only to have Bethany grip his wrist. "Alex. Do we understand each other?" she said through clenched teeth. He wripped his wrist away, and agreed to her terms.

They arrived at the fence, and Aaron wrapped Bethany in a hug. "I'm glad you could make it," he told her. Then, noticing the singer next to her, he offered his hand. "Sup man? I'm Aaron." Alex shook it, introducing himself. "Nice to meet you," Aaron told him. Alex nodded sarcastically, and recieved a look of death from Bethany. He rolled his eyes. One of Aaron's teammates came up, instructing him to get his helmet on. Aaron waved a goodbye, telling Alex and Bethany to meet him after the game. They obliged, then went to the bleachers to find a seat. "I have a funny feeling about that guy," Alex told her after they found a seat. Bethany sighed. "Alex, you have a funny feeling about any guy." Alex's eyes got big. "That is not true! I have no funny feelings about Jack." Bethany's face turned sour. "I am not dating Jack Barakat." The two shared a laugh, then watched as Bethany's crush of the day played the sport he knew best.
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it's short. but, i'm getting back into the groove of things :) so i'll write more as soon as school lets out, swear.