
Six Feet Under Milkshakes

Bethany gripped Alex's arm when the referee declared the two minute warning. "Alex, we might win this. We might actually win this!" she squeeled. Alex raised an eyebrow, curious at his friends sudden interest in lacrosse. "If we win this, our school is declared champions. This is it Alex. This is it!" The referee blew his whistle, silence taking over the crowd. Aaron and his opposite player put their sticks parallel to the scratched white ball. The whistle was blown again, and Bethany squeeled. "Come on Aaron!" As if he was listening to her, Aaron scooped the ball into his stick, and ran down the field. The seconds decreased, and Aaron threw the ball to his teammate. The boy threw back. Aaron spun around, and flung the ball into the goal. A buzzer sounded the end of the game, and the referee motioned to the Cobras. They had won. Bethany shrieked with excitement as her schools team huddled on the field jumping up and down. "Alex, we won!" she told him. Alex nodded with a grin. "Man, I love laccrosse," he admitted.

Alex searched the field for Bethany's friend, so he could congradulate him on a good game. He spotted him at the fence of the field, locking lips with a tall brunette. The singers jaw dropped. "Beth, let's go," he instructed. Bethany shook her head. "We have to find Aaron," she told him. Alex grimiced. "Bethany, get your ass up. Let's go." Bethany's eyes met Alex's, then followed his stare. She saw Aaron. Her look of happiness turned into confusion, then hatred, then hurt. "Okay Alex. We can go," she agreed, grabbing his hand and pulling him through the bleachers. They walked up the cement path in silence, Bethany holding back tears. "Sorry I made you come here Alex," she finally told him. "Bethy. It isn't your fault. That guys a jerk. He doesn't deserve you anyway," he attempted to comfort her. Bethany nodded. "Okay."

Once arriving in the student parking lot, Alex unlocked the car. The duo got in silently, and buckled their seatbelts. He put the key in the ignition, then switched on the radio. He put on a mix station. He started driving. Minutes into the drive, All Time Low's song "Six Feet Under The Stars" began to play on the radio. Bethany's eyes met Alex's. He blushed, and she doubled over in laughter. Alex began to sing. "Time to lay claim to the evidence. Fingerprints sell me out, nut our footprints washed away from the docks downtown. It's been getting late for days and I feel myself deserving of a little time off. We can kick it here for hours and just mouth off about the world, and how we know it's going straight to hell." Bethany giggled, and joined him.

The two sang in unison. "Pass me another bottle, honey, the Jaeger's so sweet. But if it keeps you around, then I'm down." The chorus came, and they belted it out. Bethany rolled down the windows. "Meet me on Thames Street! I'll take you out though I'm hardly worth your time. In the cold, you look so fierce but I'm warming up 'cause this tensions like a fire. We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes, and like a bad movie, I'll drop a line, fall in the grave I've been diggin' myself, but there's room for two, SIX FEET UNDER THE STARS." Bethany was in tears from laughing so hard. Alex sang louder, "I should have known better than to call you out." Bethany did the echo, "On a night like this, a night like this!" Alex sang louder, "If not for you, I know I'd tear this place to the ground." Bethany sang through her giggles, "But I'm alright like this, alright like this." They sang together, cars starting to stare at the obnoxious noises. "I'm gonna roll the dice before you sober up and get gone. I'M ALWAYS IN OVER MY HEAD!"

Bethany laughed even harder, clutching her stomach. "What is so funny?" Alex demanded to know. "Your voice cracked on that last line!" she told him, hiccupping from her laughter. Alex rolled his eyes, and joined back in on the chorus with his radio self. Once the song ended, they stopped at a light, making eye contact. Bethany laughed again, and pointed ahead at the bright yellow M. "McDonalds!" she yelped. "I want a chocko, um. Chawko, uhh. Choc-oh-lat milkshake!" she yelled. Alex began to laugh. "You are so messed up, you can't even talk. What is wrong with you Bethy?" She shrugged. "Six feet under milkshakes!" she told him, hicupping again. Alex obliged, pulling into the drive though. They ordered their milkshakes, and continued their drive home.

Once home, Alex pulled into the drive way, and looked over at his friend. "Hey Alex," she said. "Yeah?" he asked her. "Thanks for everything," Bethany told him. Alex nodded, and turned off the car. "Anytime Bethany. When I said I was there for you, I meant it." She blinked, and sucked more of her milkshake up. "So, about that conversation at dinner the other night: Bethany, you are more than welcome to come live here with us." Bethany's stomach dropped. She hadn't wanted to talk about this. "Alex, I know. But, I don't want to leave my school. The only way I can get there is if I drive every morning, and I have no car." A smile snuck up on the singers face. "What?" she asked. He got out of the car, and motioned for her to do the same. Once she got out, that's when Bethany noticed the yellow convertable sitting next to the car with a big red bow on it. "Shut up Alex. Shut up," she told him. Alex laughed at her, "It's yours Bethie. Your parents had it driven here this morning." Bethany screamed at the top of her lungs, lunging herself at the car. Jack and Rian emerged from the house, looking dazed and confused. "She got the car, I guess" Rian realized.

"Can I take it for a ride Alex, please?!" she begged. "Please, please, please!" Alex agreed, and the four kids jumped in the car. "Where are we going Beth?" Jack asked. Bethany stopped at the stop sign and thought about it. "How about chocolate milkshakes at McDonalds? Alex's treat!" Jack and Rian's faces lit up. "Yeah!" they yelled. Alex rolled his eyes, groaning. "Why do I always buy?" he whined, causing his friends to laugh. "Cause you love us," Bethany told him, "duh." Alex nodded. Boy, did he love them.
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sorry for the wait, enjoy :)