
I Can Touch Whoever I Want

Present Time
The two sat motionless, still on the cold concrete. Alex was in shock and Bethany had no emotion. Suddenly she coughed out, “I couldn’t tell anyone.” Alex stared at her, bewildered. “This is the first time I ever got it out,” she continued. Before Alex could reply, she answered the obvious question. “I was too scared. I was always the baby in the family. Despite the fact that I had two younger sisters, I was always the innocent one. My parents would take Drakes side immediately.” As Alex thought, he realized this girl had more problems then a crazed fan could ever cause him. “So what’d you do?” he asked, curiously. Bethany leaned back onto the brick wall of the alley, thinking. The story flowed out.

December 31, 2005
The sound of the throbbing bass made its way through the vents and up to Bethany’s room, where the young teen lie on her bed. A change of clothes was done. The girl now wore jeans, a green day shirt and a black hoodie. Bethany was face down, with her face stuffed into the pillow. She was thinking about the mornings events. It just seemed wrong what Drake had done. A knock at the door interrupted her from her thoughts. As if on cue, the one and only Drake walked in. His hands held two red cups. Handing one to his sister, he sat. “Why’d you change?” Bethany shrugged, and looked in the drink. She placed the cup back into the boys’ hand. “I’m not thirsty,” she told him.

“Come on, have some fun Beth!” he exclaimed. With gritted teeth, she answered, “Don’t you think we’ve had enough fun today?” Drake smirked and pulled Bethany closer, wrapping his arm tightly around her. His lips flew towards her, and with a swift smack it was gone. “Don’t touch me,” she growled. The brother let his anger get the best of him, as he punched Bethany straight in the arm. “I can touch whatever I want,” he replied. Kissing her on the forehead, he walked towards the door. Once halfway out, he turned back to her. “Remember that,” he said.

Present Time
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” Alex told her, unsure of what to say. Bethany replied in a monotone voice. “I don’t need your sympathy. Plus, I’m not done yet.” Alex’s expression brightened. “Does it get happier?” he asked her hopefully. With an exhale of breath, Bethany spoke a simple word. “No”
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kinda short. sorry.