
One Friend.

Alex stared into Bethany's eyes awaiting her to continue the devestating reality that was her life. Bethany's eyes were staring at the wall behind Alex, as if the twenty year old wasn't there at all. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. She tried to continue, but it was physically impossible. "You don't have to tell me Bethany." Tears began to fall from her eyes, and Alex wrapped his arm around her holding her close. "Alex, you need to understand something," she said. He looked down toward her, and raised his eyebrows awaiting what she would say. "I just really need a friend right now." "Me too," Alex told her. Bethany gave him a questioning glance. "I don't know what's wrong with me," he said. "My problems aren't half as bad as yours." Bethany's voice came as a whisper, but Alex could hear her clear as day. "Any problem is important Alex."

"Well, it's hard to have the dramatic music scene we have. It's hard being away from home. It's hard having so called fans making up rumors about you as if you are in high school. It's hard staying out and meeting every single fan at every single show. It's hard when you lose your voice, and can't sing. It's hard to try not to dissapoint everyone." The last sentence came as a whisper. "I miss my mom, and my dad. I miss my dog. I miss my friends." Alex stayed quiet for a minute, then continued. "Do you miss anyone?" Bethany nodded. "I miss having friends. I miss being able to leave the house and get away from Drake. I miss haing Drake as a friend and not as a threat. I miss having my parents trust. I miss how things used to be." Bethany shimmied out of Alex's grip then took her place on the opposite wall. The two stared at each other. "What do you mean you miss having friends?" Alex asked.

"I was in a close group of friends. I guess you could consider us the popular group of our school. But, that was middle school. It was three of us. We were the ABC's. It was Alyssa, Camillia and I. The summer between eighth and ninth grade, we were having a sleepover. I had went up to the kitchen, and while I was there Drake kissed me. They winessed it, and called me a freak. They left. They left forever, and I haven't talked to them since. So, I guess I'm too scared to attempt to make friends anymore. Because I feel like they'll leave me."

"Well, you've got one friend now" Alex told her.