
Friends Over Family

Bethany’s eyes went wide. This is not going to go well, she thought to herself. Mr. Chapman stood at the front of the bus, getting everyone’s attention. “Alright, kids,” he boomed, making Bethany wince from his loud voice. “You can either split into groups of five or go on your own throughout the museum. We’re here to learn though, so no funny business. You’ll have two hours to go throughout the museum, and then at 11:20 you’re free to roam the inner harbor.” Mr. Chapman looked at the other two chaperones as if to see if they had anything to add. They didn’t, so he said, “Alright, get out of here.”

Bethany darted off of the bus first, trying to reach Alex before anyone noticed him standing there. Her eyes were still opened wide with shock. “What are you doing here?” she hissed when she was close enough to him to not draw attention. Alex smiled. “Nice to see you too," he told her. Bethany waited for an answer. "I told you; Jack and I were bored so we decided to pay you a visit.” It wasn’t until Alex mentioned the lanky guitarist next to him that Bethany finally noticed him there. Jack waved a small wave and smiled a goofy smile at her. “Hey there,” he said.

Bethany nodded her head in acknowledgment, but then her panic quickly returned when she heard her fellow classmates whispering about who Bethany was talking to. “You have to get out—” she started, but was cut off by the shocked gasps of her fellow classmates. Alyssa and Camillia were the first to walk over to her. “Bethany,” Alyssa said in an overly sweet tone, “Who is your friend?” Bethany, shocked that Alyssa, who hadn’t talked to her in almost two years, was talking to her now. But of course, it was only because of Alex and Jack. Camillia stood next to her partner in crime, smiling a little too eagerly. “Don’t play dumb, Alyssa" Bethany called her fellow classmate out on her lies.

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Play dumb? I would never! Hi, I’m Alyssa,” she held her hand out to Alex who chuckled, and swatted it away. He looked at Bethany and asked, “Is this the girl you told me about?" Bethany nodded with an eye roll, only to have Alyssa smile. The lies started pouring out again. "We're best friends, we just fight a little." Alex smirked. “Really? Best friends don't fight that much though, and they wouldn't leave each other alone on the bus." Camillia's voice came into play. "The closest friends you'll have are the ones you'd take a bullet for, but they're the ones you constantly feel you could put a bullet in as well."

Alex laughed in responce, while Jack stood clueless. "Think about what you say before you speak, and stop lying. That advice might take you far in life" Alex exclaimed, dragging Bethany behind him towards the museum, where Jack followed behind both of them. The guitarist turned to speak to the two shocked females. "Don't listen to Alex. You can lie, just make it beleivable," he told them, then ran to catch up with his friends. The two of them were stopped at the museum’s entrance laughing. “Thanks, Alex" Bethany said with a shy smile. He returned the favor. “I told you, I’m your friend, and it’s what friends do. Now, what do you say we cause some trouble?” he smirked devilishly at both of his friends. One had the look of pure terror on their face, while the other nodded eagerly.

Two hours later, after Jack and Alex came dangerously close to getting kicked out of the museum twice; the pair stood out front the museum waiting for Bethany. She finally came out with a worried look on her face. “Everything alright?” Alex asked her. She shook her head. “Not particularly.” Sneaking a glance in Jack’s direction, who was watching her intently, Bethany sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Drake sent me a message. He’s going to be hanging out in the Inner Harbor today. He wants me to meet up with him.” Bethany could feel the bile rising in her throat and Alex could see the fear in her eyes. “Then we’ll meet up with him,” Alex told her, stressing the ‘we’ part. Bethany shook her head. “Forget it; I can deal with this on my own. You’re not getting tangled up in this mess.” Alex rolled his eyes again. “No, you forget it; friends remember?” Bethany sighed. Alex wasn’t going to let up on this, and so it seemed she had lost the battle. “Whatever,” she mumbled, “It’s your funeral.”

The trio went to grab some lunch at ESPN Zone. Bethany was on edge the whole time, and Jack sensed. It didn’t know why this girl was cautious about this guy named Drake, but the fear in her eyes was evident. While Bethany was ordering crab cakes, Jack leaned over to say to Alex, “Dude, maybe we should get her out of here. She looks about ready to lose it.” Alex shook his head. He didn’t want Bethany to have to go home, or even back to the field trip where Drake could get to her easily. “Forget it,” he mumbled. Bethany finished ordering and the waiter left. She looked at the guys and smiled a tight smile that looked more like a grimace. Alex frowned. “Calm down, Bethany. If he finds you here, I’ll beat the shit out of him for you. Okay?”

Bethany gulped and looked at a spot over Alex’s left shoulder. Alex’s back was facing the aforementioned Drake whose eyes looked pissed, but whose face showed concern. When he spotted Bethany, his expression faltered to one of rage but he quickly composed himself and ran over towards her. “Bethany! I thought we were going to have lunch together. We haven't had alot of bonding time lately." The fear oozed out of every pore in Bethany’s body. Jack could feel it radiating from her, as could Alex. Immediately, both knew this had to be Drake. “I’m s-sorry, Drake. I f-forgot,” she stuttered.

Drake nodded and turned to face the two older boys sitting across from his sister. “Who are you two?” he asked them gruffly. Alex stood up and offered his hand as a mere pleasantry. When Drake didn’t accept, he quickly dropped it and nodded. “Well, I’m a friend of Bethany’s. Is there a problem here?” he asked, regarding them having lunch together. Drake nodded. “Actually, yes. You’re a creep trying to get in my sister’s pants. That is a problem.” Alex nodded again calmly, and Bethany stood. Form her place behind Drake she shook her head, trying to stop Alex. She didn’t want to cause him any trouble. “Actually, I wasn’t trying to get in her pants, dude. I'm just being the friend that she needs."

Drake narrowed his eyes at the dark haired boy. “She doesn’t need you as a friend, dude.” He emphasized the 'dude,' as he was mocking the singer. Alex looked at Bethany. “Let her decide that.” Bethany’s eyes got wide as Drake looked at her. “Well?” he asked her gruffly. She gulped. She never had to choose between a friend and a family member before. Bethany lowered her head, looking at her lap. She grumbled a quiet sentence that the trio was unable to make out. "What'd you say?" Drake growled. She looked him in the eye, glaring at his horrid face. "I'll see you at home," she told him through gritted teeth.
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sonya w/ editing by me(: