
Not In Love

Matt’s vehicle sat five people, each of them squished tightly against each other. The quintet was headed to Pizza Hut for dinner. Bethany was fitting tightly between Jack and Alex, while the passenger seat held Rian. Matt had taken control of the wheel, explaining that he didn’t trust any of the boys to drive his Range Rover. Bethany stared out the window, watching the different buildings fly by. Her thought process was jumbled; her motions were weak and timid. She was nervous. As if her life wasn’t bad enough, Drake then came into play. She felt the vibration, and heard the voice of Christofer Drew from her front left pocket. All eyes in the car turned to look toward her. Bethany pulled the phone from her pocket shyly, and tapped the screen. Drake’s message came up.

‘Mom says you’re staying at a friend’s house tonight. I know you’re with those jackasses from today, you just better hope I don’t find you. XOXO, Drake.”

Bethany felt her stomach drop, and her face turn five shades of red. Alex’s voice boomed from next to her. “What did he say?” he asked her. Bethany slid the phone into Alex’s view. His eyes skimmed over the device. His eyes turned cold with hatred, and he pressed reply. Bethany’s jaw dropped, and she attempted to yank the cellular phone back. “Bethany, I won’t get you in trouble. I promise,” Alex confirmed. He hit send, and the message made its way into Drake’s inbox. Once she had gotten the phone back, Bethany went to her outbox and read Alex’s message.

“If it were up to me, Bethany’s best friend, I wouldn’t allow her to come anywhere near you. XOXO, Alex.”

Bethany couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a few beats. Alex’s generosity and friendliness to her in her time of need was enough to make her wish that he and Drake would trade personalities. Drake was cold hearted, cruel and full of hatred, while Alex was the complete opposite. The singer was nothing like his fans said. He was either more, or less depending on what type of “fan” you asked. He was almost impossible to describe. Between his ability to grow so close to someone so quickly, and his angry outbursts when said person is hurt, friendly would be one to start. His loving nature to Bethany was another; he was almost like a brother to her. He had that type of generosity that people only gain with age and experience. It was unbelievable that through all of the thoughts she had about Alex, Bethany hadn’t fallen for him.

Sure, Alex was that guy. He was the guy who would be the subject of many conversations daily. He was that guy whose voice had the ability to make you melt. He was the guy who had his face plastered on teen girl’s wall. He was that guy whose touch could make you quiver. Just to have him wrap his arm around you for a photograph was a thrill. He was that guy that almost every girl had fallen in love with. Every girl, that is, except Bethany. She felt like Alex and she had gotten remarkably close. She felt closer to Alex than she had ever felt to any other person, even family members. Alex wasn’t just a brother to her; he was the boy who had saved her. Bethany was planning on running away that night, but a talk with Alex in the alleys of Baltimore made her change her mind.

A stutter woke Bethany from her deep thought process. Jack was the only other one in the car, and he was shaking her ferociously. “You’re finally awake” he spoke. The guitarist looked at her with puppy dog eyes. She nodded sleepily. “Good, that means we can go in. Alex made me stay in here with you; he said we couldn’t leave you alone. Then, Matt told me not to wake you up harshly. That wasn’t too harsh, was it?” Jack asked her eagerly. Bethany shook her head, and grinned at him. Jack smiled back. “So, can we go eat now?” he questioned. Bethany nodded, and followed Jack into the Pizza Hut. They sat at a booth with the boys, and the young girl surveyed the restaurant. A pair of eyes caught hers, and her stomach dropped. Bethany’s skin turned a pale shade, and her eyes got wide. She lost eye contact, and shoved her face into the closest shoulder, which happened to be Matt’s. Bethany knew that he had seen her. But, for now she would just pretend that he didn’t.
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i wrote this chapter.