


How can you exist?

How can you just stand there and radiate peace? Love. Hope. Joy.

I don’t understand how there can be evil in this world when you exist. It’s like you stole someone’s good. There’s someone evil running around out there simply because you took whatever was going to make them good. You don’t even understand how good you are.

You’re always there. Not just for me, not just for your friends. Just for anyone that happens to pass by. You just want to help. It’s your love of God that does it all. You want everyone else to experience the joy of God. You’re just so full of his grace that you give it to everyone else, whether you mean to or not. I hate to say it, but you’re so damn close to perfect it scares me.

It doesn’t help that you’re good looking. Your face is perfect…Not that it matters. Your perfect hair sticks up in perfect spikes…Not that it matters. It just adds to your over all near-perfection. Your eyes change color so much I can’t tell you what color they are. When you’re laughing, they’re crystal, ice blue. When you’re playing your guitar, they’re sea green. When you’re thinking, they’re deep, chocolate brown.

How can you have this power over me? The power to make my heart stop just by saying my name? I try not to talk to you – the more I do, the more I’m afraid you’ll realize that I’m not worth it, no matter how much you think I am. No matter how many times you tell me that you’re not wasting your time around me, I know you are.

And you’ve never dated before. That means I definitely know I have no chance with you. Who would choose someone like me as their first girl friend? Who in their right mind? You tell me that I’m something special. Something worth it. I’ve told you this before – you’re blinded by God. And by God, I‘m beautiful. In God’s eyes, everything is perfect. But to everyone else…I’m nothing. And secretly? I think you know that. I think you know I’m not worth a second you give me. But you don’t care. You still want to be near me, just because you’re that good.

In a way, I hate you. That you can just waltz into my life and take away my free time. Because every time I get any time to myself, my mind goes racing back to you. What are you doing? I know you’re not thinking about me. But it’s nice to pretend you are.

But it all goes back to the same thing. This is all pointless. I can say it all in one word. This could have been a lot of trouble saved if I had just stopped at that first word. That first question.

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What do you think? Comments are great. Is this too melodramatic?