Sequel: Supernatural


This used to be Rare Phenomenon, but I thought this name suited it better:] If you want to make banners, the girl who's playing Heather is Jayne Wisener


As far as 16-year-old girls go, I'm pretty normal. Okay, so I'm not the most sociable person on the world and people suspect me of gang activity because of the situations I get into, but honestly, I don't go looking for this. It finds me. They find me.

I'm usually a pretty happy person, besides the annoyance of my heavy burden and the fact that I have to move from my cozy home in Chicago to the hills of Hollywood. My mother married a man named John with a twelve-year-old son named Derek. It would be easier for us to move in with him than him move in with us, since it is vital he stay in Hollywood. He's a music producer. But the fact that I have to spend all of my summer in a recording studio that's over 100 years old? I'm not too thrilled. I don't do well with old buildings. If it's over than 50 years old, there's a better chance someone has died there.

So I guess I had better re-introduce myself. My name is Heather Odam and I see dead people. Literally.