The Oak Tree & the Resurrection Fern

Chapter Four

Just as it registered with him that he shouldn't be able to see the girl crying on the rocks, a flame- not unlike the ones that had just consumed his body- shot through his throat. His head whipped around, and Maria laughed.

"You're hungry, dear one. Go hunt! You'll figure it out."

With those words, Maria was off, and the red-haired one was standing beside him. He saw Maria clearly as she bolted across the sand, and he was distracted from the burning as his attention focused to the girl beside him.

She was tall and slim, and oh God, she smelled divine. Like pine, and sap, and grass, and sky, and salt-water taffy. He inhaled again, and picked up tones of roses and lavender. Everything lovely.

"I'm Leona. Don't mind Maria, she's the oldest of all of us and thinks she can boss us around. I'll help you learn how to hunt. Smell that?"

Leona threw back her head, her long waves undulating like waves, and sniffed deeply.

Jasper did the same, and over her scent, he caught a whiff of something absolutely delicious. It sent his mouth watering and his throat burning.

"Follow it."

As soon as the words left her lips, Jasper tore off, following the scent. It led him past the ruined- albeit tasty looking- bodies of his comrades, past the now empty mess hall, and straight to the barracks.

Where a worried- looking Edwin sat on his bed. Jasper could see him through the warped glass windows, and forgetting everything: himself, his connections, his morals, Jasper sprang through the door.

The last thing Edwin ever saw was the ferocity of Jasper's expression as he ran towards him. Jasper sprang, snapping his neck before he could scream, and ran out with the body, towards the desert, towards solitude.

Towards turmoil that he could not yet predict.