They Lied When They Said The Good Die Young

Let's just give this a shot, okay?

I'll test it out, and based on the feedback, I may or may not continue the story. I had this on quizilla, under my user name 'my.dearly.beloved.', and I wanted to see how it went here at mibba. Thanks for hanging in there with me!!


if you think it's dumb, let me know, and it will be gone the next day. I write this stuff for you guys, so I might as well give you what you actually want, right?

Right. Now on to the actual details.


Kaminari, her brother Torao, and their friend and teammate in combat, Hayao, form squad 18 of the Fang Village. When disaster strikes, the squad is lead to the Hidden Leaf Village to commence training for the chunnin exams.

Friends are made, as well as enemies, and the trio are always feeling the need to watch over one another with hostile precaution.

Kaminari's steel walls of invincible emotional stone seem to crumble under the hospitality of her new friends, especially when she realizes the similarities between herself and a certain knuckle-headed ninja. With new found protection through bonds, vulnerability seems the lesser of her great worries. When the idea of staying, for good, in the Hidden Leaf arises, Kaminari's greatest strengths are tested as danger falls onto the Village.

How far would she go to protect her new home?

How far would she go o protect her friends?

Her family.