I Taste It From Your Lips

Violet Midnight Twilight is a young 21 year old girl. She's single, and happy with it. Not that if the right guy came along she wouldn't be happy with him. But it'd been awhile since she'd had her last boyfriend, and that hadn't been the best relationship in the world. So right now she wasn't too worried about that.

Everything soon changed. It all changed when she met the man of her dreams. Literally. But what shocked her the most was when she discovered a deep, dark secret about Ville Valo. One that hardly anyone knew. And he trusted her with this secret. He trusted her, because he needed her. And he wanted her to be his....Again.
  1. I Have A Surprise For You
    But as far as I know, they didn't have any new CDs out right now. "Well, somebody special is coming to town!" She chimed. "Somebody like who?" I urged her on. "Guess." She stated flatly. "Ummm.....Micheal?" "Nope." "Bret?" "Nope." "Jenny?" "Definitel