Stuck With Three Teenage Criminals For a Year?! Sweet!

Officer David.

There were several things I hated about the police station, one was the annoying chatter among the officers, like they were at a normal office. The second was the smell, almost like a hospital only with more liquor and cigarette smoke around. But the third would have to be this receptionist in front of me, she smiled as if she knew who the hell I was and what my name was, but I knew exactly that she was just acting nice, and saying snotty comments inside her head.

Luckily for her my hands were cuffed behind my back, not allowing me to slap the stupid smirk straight off her face. Something I was literally dying for, I hated her, every time I saw her she’d always call me ‘sweetie, Hun, or babydoll’ I cringed at the names.

“Hun are you sure your not thirsty?” She asked in her Barbie voice.

I growled, “I’m telling you for the last fucking time I’m not thirsty!” My voice raised a little higher earning a few looks from the cops that had brought me in, “ask me again and I’ll kick your ass somehow.” I added.

She turned away after muttering something to herself, I glared at her for a few more seconds before turning back to the clock I had been staring at. 7:45. It would only take my Dad maybe about five more minutes to get here, we’d drive home and he’d yell, and then I’d go up to my room and blast my ears out to Slipknot.

I felt a smirk slid over my face once I remembered why I was here, I would have gotten away with destroying the Chem lab, if the stupid janitor hadn’t heard the glass breaking. Usually he always had his headphones on, listening to the Beatles or something.

And I wouldn’t have had to wreck the Chem lab if Mr. Snide hadn’t given me a D- on my report, it was A material, and even my old Science teacher told me that! But of course he got all butt hurt when I spotted him staring down my shirt, and of course I went and told the vice principal.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sliding doors opening, and revealing a very annoyed looking Father. He sent a glare towards me and walked closer to the receptionist, obviously trying to control his anger. I couldn’t help but compare him to a tomato at the moment, all read and round.

Even though he was trying to hush his voice I was close enough to hear him.

“What did she do?”

“She did what?!? How much is this going to cost me?” I rolled my eyes, him and his damn money. I swear it’s the only thing he loves or cares for…it honestly makes me sick.

“Have a good night Ann, please try to stay out of here for awhile.” Officer David mumbled walking over to me. I liked Officer David in a Fatherly way, whenever I got the police called on me he showed up to get me, he also never minded my attitude.

“I’ll try.” I replied as he un-cuffed my aching hands.

“Okay, if you need anything call me.” I nodded as he walked away and over to his partner Sonya, who I also liked. And I was the only one who knew they were dating, and to be honest they made a cute couple.

“Get your ass up.” My Dad growled grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the chair.

I yanked my arm away and followed him outside, of course our white Toyota was parked near the light pole, looking ready to break down, poor thing had been in so many accidents due to me. I was surprised it even ran still.


The car ride was mostly silent, until we got closer to our house that is. I started to notice he was looking at me every few seconds, and I had a feeling we were going to start yelling at each other in a few moments.

“Ann…why do you do these things to me?” He asked turning down the radio.

I shrugged.

He scowled, “Annale, why the hell did you destroy a Chem lab? Your making me pay 500!”

“The asshole deserved it! He got all butt hurt because I wouldn’t let him look down my fucking shirt!” I yelled getting annoyed.

“Don’t fucking take that language with me ever again!”

“It’s not the first time I’ve used it around you.” I laughed.

He growled as we pulled up to our lovely white house, but to me it exactly like the other houses on the block…boring. “Go inside and wait in your room while I make the arrangements.”

I nodded getting out of the car, “wait what arrangements?” I asked confused before I shut the door.

He climbed out of the car, “”

I shrugged and trudged inside, he was probably going to order take out or something. I shrugged it off again and continued up the stairs and into my room. I smiled once I was greeted by the same blue walls I woke up to. Posters and pictures of friends lining the walls, my mattress just laying on the floor with my blanket half on it. And my clothes scattered in the closet, in a clean and dirty pile.

I changed out of my old clothes and quickly into a pair of boxers and a black tank top, I wiped off my eyeliner and let down my hair. All I wanted to right now was go to sleep and wake up after three tomorrow, but of course Daddy wanted to talk to his little ‘ Angel’

I walked over to my bed and flopped down onto the floor, almost landing on the cold wood, but I managed to land on the soft mattress. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, trying to hear any talking downstairs, but the house was oddly quiet.

It took me five seconds to hear the soft foot steps approaching my room slowly, I sat up knowing very well that my Dad was about to walk in. The door opened slowly and finally my Dad walked into view, our white chunky phone clutched in his left hand, and oddly a sad expression on his face.

“Ann, to start off with you know I love you.” I scoffed, “ but I really can’t do this anymore. Everyday I get a call about you doing something wrong…and to be honest I’m close to going insane!”

“Good, I’m doing my job.” I grinned.

He scowled but it faded, “tomorrow your leaving…”

My jaw dropped, “huh?”

“I called around looking for a place for well troubled teenagers to go..and I found this camp, they looked at your files and offered to let you in. So around twelve tomorrow you’ll be leaving to go to Camp Dream.”

“That’s a boy camp!”

“It’s the only place I could find…I’ve had enough of your little outbursts.” He added looking at me, it almost looked like he was about to cry, “you know I love you and only want what’s best for you.”

I felt my blood boil, “no you don’t. The only reason your doing this now is because of your money. Your tired of bailing me out or helping me, and I never even ask you to! You’ve never cared about me once Dad, ever since Mom died you turned into an asshole!” I yelled pounding my fist on the bed.

“You know that’s not true.”

“Bullshit!” I looked around and spotted a picture of my dad and me at Disneyland when I was six, I picked it up and chucked it at the wall. The glass shattered about a foot away from him, he looked at the frame for a second and sighed. Without even saying anything else he turned his back to me and left me alone.

I let out a raged shriek after the door closed, I couldn’t believe he was doing this! I stood up and grabbed the suitcase he had brought in with him, and wiped at my eyes annoyed and hurried over to the closet and started to shove things into it.

“I hope your proud of yourself Dad!” I screamed.
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Tell me what you all think.