Stuck With Three Teenage Criminals For a Year?! Sweet!

Mutant Fish Eggs.

“ Are you sure your okay?” Jax asked nudging my shoulder as we began to leave the cafeteria.

I nodded softly, “ I’m just tired.”

He looked at me for a few seconds, “ okay, we’ll try not to snore as loud.”

I laughed softly and punched his shoulder, “ it’s fine, my Dad snored really loud, it’ll probably help me sleep.” I flashed him a smile. He grinned back making my knees weaken slightly, I didn’t know why, but I was struggling not to grab his hand..we barely knew each other, and this attraction was kind of getting on my nerves.

I liked hanging out with the guys, they mostly reminded me of my friends at home, they way they were still perverted, but didn’t constantly hit on me. Jay was a little to sexual for me, but he also managed to crack me up whenever he tried, Aaron seemed more brotherly towards me, like he was afraid I’d get hurt here at camp. And Jax, I wasn’t sure really, I felt attraction for him, and most of me wanted to know more and more about him.

I didn’t know how my Father found his ways into my thoughts, but none the less I was actually worried about him now. We had fought before but I had never yelled at him like that, or been so cold enough to break a picture of us. But I wasn’t sure if I felt sorry, or angry, he had other choices than this, he could have let them put me in jail…

“ Ann, your freaking us out.” Aaron frowned studying me.

“ Huh?” It took me a total of five seconds to realize that we were in the cabin, and I was lying on my bed with my pillow pressed against me. “ Sorry, I kinda spaced out.” I laughed hoping they would buy it.

“ You sure your okay? No food poisoning? No fish crawled up your snatch and laid eggs that are driving you insane?” Jay had jumped on my bed and smiled, “ open your legs so I can see if there are fish eggs.”

I felt my jaw drop, I let out a low growl and kicked his chest, sending him onto the floor with a huge THUD. I couldn’t help but giggle at him, Aaron was watching with an amused face as the bathroom door open and Jax poked his head out. Steam from the shower pouring out the crack in the door, he spotted Jay on the floor and instantly looked at me.

“ All I did was suggest a mutant fish crawled into her snatch! And she kicks me off her damn bed!” Jay threw his shoe towards me, trying to hit me. It crashed into the lamp next to me, making it wobble and topple over.

“ You asked me to open my legs for you to check!” I grabbed his shoe and tossed it back.

“ Well I have experience with this kind of fish! Come on it won’t hurt!” He popped up from the floor sending me a pleading look.

I shook my head as I heard the shower shut off, Jax walked back into the room with a towel tied around his hips. He leaned against the wall watching Jay and me argue, even Aaron was staring at us.

“ Why not! Those fish eggs could eat you from the inside out! And then we’ll have to get rid of your body, and kill all these half human, half fish people!” He yelled, his expression entirely serious.

I bit my cheek hoping not to laugh my ass off, “ well you know what? Your not getting anywhere near my damn snatch, and you know what? If you even touch the eggs that hatch from me, I will haunt your ass!”

He stared at me for a few seconds, “ your so meaaan!” He let out a fake sob and ran into the bathroom, “ all of you think I’m fat don’t you?!” He asked in a high pitched voice sobbing.

All three of us started to crack up as Jay continued to complain about how huge his thighs were, how his nose could be much more pixie like, I had to admit, I would have thought Jay was on drugs if I was a cop. After about five minutes of all of us close to peeing our pants from laughter, Jay finally left the bathroom smiling.

“ You all lurve me.” He jumped on his bed and opened his night side table to pull out a pair of pajama pants.

We nodded, “ of course we do, if you weren’t here, we’d be having sex with Ann right now.” Aaron smirked winking at me.

He looked at me with wide eyes, “ you’d let them near your snatch, and not me?”

I rolled my eyes, “ I wouldn’t let any of you near my snatch!”

They pouted and crossed over to their beds, I laughed quietly and grabbed my pajamas, “ I call bathroom.” I said sticking my tongue out at Aaron who merely shrugged.

I smiled faintly and hurried into the bathroom, I made sure I locked the door. I didn’t want my shower to be interrupted by Jay barging in saying the fish eggs were going to hatch with water. I laughed at the idea and turned the shower back on, messing with the water until it felt okay. I stripped out of my clothes and jumped in.

I hadn’t realized how tense each of my muscles were right now, but luckily the hot water began to kneed all of them away. Until I finally felt so comfortable enough that if I sat down I would pass out, even though I could probably get water up my nose somehow…water always loved finding a way into my nose…creepy sounding much.


“ Jay let Ann take a damn shower!” Jax yelled.

There was a loud thud and something slammed into the door, it was quiet for a few seconds, and then of course, Jay began to slam into the door again.

“ Jay! If you don’t stop I’m going to come out their and cut of your privates!” I picked up a bar of soap and chucked it at the door.

I smiled faintly at the sound of whimpering, and then of course I could hear Jay complaining that we didn’t love him. I smiled faintly and started to wash the rest of the shampoo out of my hair, I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if I did have mutant eggs in me.

Who would be the first to die in the cabin, if the birth of the little creatures would kill me, or if I’d be the one to come back to life and save everyone. I had a good feeling Jay would be the last to die, and possible Jax to be the first, trying to wake me up or something..and Aaron, well maybe Aaron would be the person behind the mutant fish..hmm..

I shook my head snapping out of my daze, I smiled and turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped the dark blue towel around myself and started to brush the knots out of my hair. I listened to the guys faintly talking about some movie they had turned on. The sound of the trees slightly scraping against the roof of the cabin, the sounds of a few crickets chirping.

I slid on my clothes and picked up the dirty ones, “ guys, where do I put these?” I asked smiling as I walked out.

“ In that hamper, don’t worry we have guards that wash clothes.” Aaron answered pointing to the white bin.

I nodded and walked over plopping them in, “ what are we watching?” I asked as I sat on Jay’s bed.

“ Elf.” Jay answered smiling.

I raised an eyebrow, “ hey shut up I like this movie.” Aaron said smiling.

I laughed, “ okay then.” I giggled and walked over to my bed. “ We don’t have a bedtime or anything?”

Jax shook his head, “ no, as long as we get up and to the gym on time we can stay up as late as possible.”

I smiled and tilted my head to the side, studying the TV, “ okay, so what time do we have to get there?”

“ About nine-thirty.”

I glanced at the clock, it was about ten thirty. “ I’m going to bed then, night.”

There was a small murmur of “ night” and of course Jay and Aaron added, “ if at anytime you feel the eggs hatching, wake us up.” I rolled my eyes and started to let my eyes droop, listening to the talking on the TV slowly growing fainter until I passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll make sure the mutant fish don't get you.