
Maybe One Day

Strider Hello little Irish girl

Strider How be the world treating ye today?

Enigma Oh excellent, as always. :P

Strider Oh jolly good old chap.

I laughed quietly to myself and shook my head. Idiot.

Enigma Shutup. You’re making a fool of yourself.

Stirder In front of aaaallll these people??

Strider Oh, how will I ever survive?

Strider Quick, send me away to a different country so that I can recover from this without people laughing at me all the time.

I bit my lip as I smiled widely. Strider could always make me smile, no matter how lame or corny he was being.

Enigma Oook. You just won a free ticket to…..Iraq.

Enigma Please enjoy your stay

Strider Actually I want to go to Iraq one day.

Strider I think it would be interesting

Enigma Where else would you like to go?

Strider Uhhh, well, Australia, England, New Zealand, Africa and Antartica.

Enigma Why those places?

Strider :D Absolutely no idea in the world. I’ve just always wanted to visit those places.

Enigma Fair enough

I chewed my lip anxiously for a moment.

Enigma What about Ireland?

My bottom lip throbbed as my teeth dug into it. It was a few moments before he replied.

Strider Sure why not.

Strider Heeeey, that’s where you live

I frowned slightly and quickly typed a reply.

Enigma Short-term memory loss much. You called me Irish at the beginning of the convo.

Strider Sorry. . Yeah, I should totally go to Ireland.

Strider But not right now. I have classes to go to

Strider signed out

Stupid time-zones. I was about to turn away from the computer when David logged on and started talking to me.

David Hey there. How was school?

Enigma Like always. And you?

David Oh yeah, not too bad

I sat waiting for him to wrote something, having no idea what to say myself.

David What are you doing Friday afternoon?

I thought for a moment. Friday afternoon. Most likely nothing, maybe talking to Strider if he was online between classes.

Enigma Nothing that I know of

David Cool, well, how about we go and see a movie together?

Enigma Sounds like fun 

Honestly, it did. I really enjoyed seeing David and talking to him. So why did I not feel whole-hearted about it?

David Excellent, well I’ll be in touch.

David signed out

I pursed my lips and started to do my homework.

That night after dinner, when I was walking up the stairs to my room, mum caught my arm and pulled me into the kitchen.

“Sweetie,” she cleared her throat before continuing “the doctor rang today and told me that they have moved your next check-up to Tuesday week.”

I was silent for a moment. “Next week you mean?”

“Yeah, is that okay? Does it clash with anything at school?” she asked nervously.

I shook my head and smiled at her. “Nah, it’s cool. Don’t worry mum.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then hurried up to my room.

I hated these check-ups. Doctors testing my blood composition, the way I moved and brain activity. For one whole week. I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. It is only one week. One week of lying in a crisp white hospital bed with nurses bustling in and out of my room every hour to monitor everything. One week of being smiled at and having doctors tell me it won’t hurt.

It doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. But I suppose that would be because I am now older and have developed a higher pain tolerance. When you are younger, everything seems so much worse. Well, the bad things do obviously. And the good things seem to be so much better. Or at least, that is how I remember it.

I used to weigh the pain of the tests and procedures against the bliss and complete happiness of birthdays and Christmas. Only they weren’t so significant now. Merely two points in the year with which you can judge how much time has passed and how much time there is left until the next one comes around.

Well, it is only one week. I sighed quietly and sat at my desk. Maybe if I just keep telling myself that then one day I will truly believe it.