
Where Have You Been?

I kept my promise. I didn’t think of Strider once while David was here. Admittedly he was only here for half an hour after we got home, but it still counts. As soon as he left though I had practically run up to my room and turned on my computer.

A weeks worth of dust lay on top of it and I carefully brushed it off and lifted the screen. My background flickered on and I sat back in my chair waiting for the icons to load. My bag still lay unpacked on my bed. I would get to that later. Most of it would be going straight to the laundry anyway.

I turned back to the computer and double-clicked on messenger. I signed in quickly and sighed as I waited once again. The computer beeped as I was signed in and I shot forwards in the chair. I only have a couple of people on my contacts list, but that’s okay with me. I wouldn’t want it filled with people I never talk to anyway.

Strider was not online. I sat back and pushed myself away from the desk. I walked over to my bed and yanked open the zip of the bag. I tipped most of the contents on to the floor only leaving my toiletries and the books I had taken with me on my bed. I gathered up the clothing and carried it downstairs to the laundry.

When would Strider come online? Would he come online at all tonight? I just wanted to talk to him. I wasn’t even sure if he wanted to talk to me as badly as I wanted to talk to him. He would probably be more interested in talking to Stacey. I know I shouldn’t, but I really dislike that girl. I don’t even know her. The only things I know about her is what Strider has told me about her, and he has only ever had good things to say; how pretty she is, how funny she is, how nice she is, the way her eyes sparkle when she laughs, the cute way she squeals when he tickles her. Argh, I didn’t want to hear anything about her.

I threw the clothes down on the ground and walked heavily back up the stairs. Honestly, if he starts to talk about her in our next conversation I am going to scream at him.

God, I think I am forming an obsession with this guy.

Not good. Why on earth would I be obsessed with him? What is it about him that just makes me want to go over to America and be there with him? Honestly, I don’t even know the guy. I’ve never met him. The only ‘face to face’ communication we have had is a couple of webcam conversations.

I ignored my computer as I walked in and picked up my toiletries and walked to the bathroom. I slowly put them in their place and lingered for a few moments. There was no hurry for me to return to my room. I stared at my reflection in the large mirror. Behind me the white tiles glistened in the bright light. I could see nothing remarkable about me. Sure, I have no skin problems, but that doesn’t mean everything. My eyes are a sort of dark grey; I’m the only one in my family with grey eyes. Then there is my hair colour. It’s so odd. Mum’s hair light red hair was sort of like mine, but mine was a darker, deeper red. There was nothing spectacular about me.

I looked away from myself and down at my feet. I continued to stare at them as I walked back into my room. I placed the four books lying on my bed back into their places and then sat at the computer once more.

A box flashed in the bottom corner telling me that I had a message. From Strider.

I smiled widely without even realizing I was doing so. Moments before I had been quite upset, over practically nothing. But now, with one little box flashing on my computer screen everything seemed okay once again.


Strider Hellloooo?

My smile grew as I was about to type a reply.

Strider Did I do something wrong?

Strider If I did I’m sorry. Really sorry. Honest. I swear to God.

Strider PLEASE JUST TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My fingers shook as I replied. I smiled widely, so widely that my cheeks were beginning to hurt.

Enigma Hello yourself.

Strider Oh thank God. At last she speaks

Strider Now where have you been for the past week?

Enigma Oh, just away.

Strider Where?

Strider Come on, you have to tell me. You owe me. You left me alone for a week with no-one to entertain me.

Enigma Diddums.

Strider If you don’t tell me I won’t talk to you for a week. See how you like it

I paused for a moment. No harm in telling him I’d been in hospital right? That wasn’t telling him about myself.

Enigma Alright, alright. I was in hospital. Nothing major.

Strider HOSPTIAL?! Why, what was wrong?

Strider Are you okay??

I spun around in my chair and laughed quietly to myself. He was concerned about me! Or, at least he seemed to be. My wide smile was fixed in place as I steadied the chair and wrote back.

Enigma Yes, I’m fine. Like I said. Nothing major.

Strider That doesn’t make sense. If you were fine, why did you have to go to hospital?

Enigma Don’t worry your little head about it.

Strider You’re not dying are you?

Strider Oh please don’t die.

Strider But if you do happen to die, would you be able to tell me so that I can come over and say good-bye to you in person?

My heart thudded loudly and I was tempted to run around the room laughing.

Enigma Honestly, I thought you were intelligent.

Enigma If I’m already dead I can’t exactly tell you that I’ve died.

Strider No, you’re right.

Strider Well, if you find out that you are going to die, please tell me.

Strider I will do the same for you I promise

Strider To think, that might be the only way we might ever meet.

Enigma Oh what a happy thought.

Strider What? Don’t you want to meet me?

Strider I’m offended. Deeply offended.

Want to meet him? More than anything, but I couldn’t exactly tell him that.

Enigma Don’t be silly. Of course I would like to meet you. One day,

Strider Excellent. The plan is set. One day, before we die, we will meet each other. Face to face. Either here or where you live.

Enigma It’s a plan

I don’t think I would be able to describe to him how much it would mean to me to meet him.

“Dinner Annette!” Mum called up the stairs. Down below I could hear the sounds of plates and cutlery being placed on the table and food being taken out of the oven.

Enigma Dinner. Bye

Strider Don’t leave for a week again. Please. I’m begging you!

I smiled as I logged off and hurried down the stairs.
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I think that was much longer than these updates usually are...
I think this chapter was kind of sweet :)