

The students didn’t even look my way as I headed into the building. I doubt that anyone would even have noticed that I had been gone for a week. They wouldn’t care.

I could see Courtney leaning against the wall, her arms by her sides. A tall guy was leaning towards her, one hand against the wall above her head. I could see her lips moving and he laughed. It was just the kind of place I expected her to be. Honestly, she is never without a boyfriend. I walked past her with my head down.

School days always seemed to drag on forever. The teachers droned about nothing I wanted to hear and the students laughed and talked with their friends. But I stayed by myself all day. Hiding in the library during breaks, sitting by myself in classes. All I wanted to do all day was go home so that I could talk to Strider. And David.

But no matter how hard I wished for it, the day would not pass any faster. The seconds dragged on and the minutes slowly clicked by. But that was the way it went; every time I wanted to be someplace that I was not time would slow, or seem to slow, and when I was doing something I enjoyed time would race by. It isn’t fair. I want it to be the other way around. I suppose everyone feels that way.

By the time Dad came to pick us up I was itching to get home. I fairly leapt into the front seat and pulled the seatbelt across rapidly, having to restart three times as it became jammed.

Dad laughed “Something exciting at home hey?”

I smiled at him and waiting impatiently for my sisters to arrive. Courtney was walking over with that guy I had seen her with this morning. They kissed briefly before Courtney slid into the car. Luckily Dad had been looking the other way – I’m sure he wouldn’t have been overly pleased about that. It isn’t that he is a prude, it’s just that he thinks there is a time and place for that sort of thing, and it is not in public.

“All in?” Dad asked and turned around to check that everyone was in before driving home.

I hurried up the stairs and turned on my laptop. I changed whilst it loaded and then unpacked my bag. I should probably actually do some work tonight seeing as I usually disregard it so that I can talk to Strider and David.

No-one was online. I didn’t really expect them to be, but I still hoped. Strider would either be doing something else or at school and there were some nights that David wouldn’t log on at all. I knew that Strider would log on at some point, he always did.

Until then however, I should do my homework. I lugged some books to my desk and pushed the laptop to make room. I checked what I had to do and pulled out my copy of The Great Gatsby, the text we are studying in English at the moment. I didn’t mind it as most of the students in my class did. I thought it was a sweet story, though the characters annoy me slightly because they do stupid things all the time. But I suppose it is like that in many books. If the character didn’t do something stupid every once in a while then there would be no story to tell – nothing exciting would happen. It’s the same way in real life – people make stupid mistakes and that is how we learn and experience new things.

I flicked through the pages and breathed in the smell. I love the smell of books. When I have my own home I am going to make sure that I have a library if only so that I can have the smell of books in my house. It is one of my favourite smells, my favourite being the smell of rain.

Strider logged on just as I was returning from dinner.

Strider Hello sweetheart

Enigma Hey Strider

Strider You know what, I think we should go on webcam tonight

Strider We haven’t for aaagggeeesss. I don’t even remember what you look like

I laughed as I typed my response.

Enigma Yes, I imagine it must be hard to remember what someone looks like with only a dp

Strider It isn’t big enough. I want to see you

Strider Please…

Strider Pretty please?

Enigma :P Yeah alright

I clicked on the camera button and the webcam began to load. It only took a few moments. And there he was.

He smiled broadly as he saw my picture and waved madly. I laughed and waved back at him.

Strider Looking lovely as ever

Only problem with webcam is that he can see me blushing. Which is what I was doing right now.

Strider Yes! Made you blush!

Strider I am king!

He raised his fist and pumped it in the air, obviously please with himself.

I raised my eyebrows at him and watched his reaction as I typed.

Enigma Pity I can’t say the same about you

Enigma You still look as though you have been hit in the face with a bat

I stuck my tongue out at him. Of course, it was far from true. In my opinion at least. His eyes were as blue as ever, and the light seemed to make his hair glow. His face was more sweet than handsome, but I didn’t mind. I like the way he looks. A fair damn bit actually.

Strider made a face at me and stuck up his finger.

Enigma Now now, remember you manners else I won’t talk to you

Strider Sure, whatever girly

I could see the sceptical expression on his features.

Enigama No, I mean it.

Enigma Honest. I swear on your life

He cocked his head to one side and stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth as he replied.

Strider Am I supposed to be happy about that or not?

Enigma About what exactly?

Strider You swearing on my life

Enigma Oh, you should be very worried indeed, because your life means absolutely nothing to me

I grinned at him as he pulled another face.

Then a slim blonde girl wandered into the room behind him and slipped her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek tenderly and moved his face so that she could kiss his lips.

I didn’t need to be told that this was Stacey. Who else could it be? I could feel my stomach dropping. She was every bit as gorgeous as I had imagined her. And more probably. No wonder he likes her so much.

Strider Sorry, gtg. Busy ;)

Strider signed out

Wow, how could I ever compete with someone as beautiful as that?