

David leant down and kissed my cheek. I smiled as he pulled away. “Thankyou,” I spoke quietly. “I had heaps of fun.”

“My pleasure,” David smiled back at me. “So did I, as always when I’m with you.”

I could feel myself blushing and I smiled as I looked down towards the ground. David caught my chin and lifted it so I was looking at him.

He tilted his head to the side just slightly, his smile becoming minutely wider. He parted his lips as if he were about to say something, then closed them again. I stood still as his fingers trailed down my neck, my eyes still locked on his. David wound his fingers into my hair and leant down and kissed me.

I smiled against him and kissed him back, enjoying the moment.

Or I was enjoying it until I heard the front door open. David immediately pulled away. “Uh, hello Mrs Blair.” He spoke nervously and grabbed my hand.

I wanted to laugh. It’s funny how the appearance of a parent at an inopportune moment can totally diminish a person’s confidence.

Mum pursed her lips. “How did your plans go? Get much money?”

“Yeah, heaps.” I said, moving slightly closer to David. “But we had to give it all back. Compensation.”

Mum nodded. “Right, well come on in Annette.”

I turned to David. Mum stood watching us as he hugged me tightly. “Oops,” he whispered into my ear. I stifled a giggle and waved as he walked away.

“Nice timing mum,” I stuck my tongue out at her.

She frowned at me. “Annette, do you know what you are doing?”

I sighed heavily and crossed my arms across my chest. “Mum, you can so not give me that talk. My sisters were doing things with guys before they were fifteen. You didn’t get upset with them.” I turned away and walked up to my room before she could reply. That might not have been entirely true. Mum definitely did talk to my sisters when she found out that they were dating. But all three of them started dating before they were fifteen.

I closed my door behind me and sank down to the floor. Sometimes I really wish that I was more like everyone else. I would fit in at school. I would even have friends there. I could even have been popular like my sisters. But these are things that I will never know. Because I will never be like them, I will never be like all the other students at school.

And if I was like them, would I know David? We only met because of what we are. First in hospital, and then because I decided to rant about it over the internet. Admittedly, that probably wasn’t the wisest decision I ever made. Who knows who could have read it? I might have a stalker who is watching my every move and knows basically everything about me. I laughed and pulled the hairbands out of my hair. As if someone would want to stalk me.

I pushed myself off the floor and walked over to the desk, switching on my laptop. If I was like everyone else then I would never have met Strider. Of that I am certain. If I was like my sisters then I wouldn’t spend nearly so much time on the internet. I would be out with all my friends all the time.

I ran my fingers through my hair and swung around on the chair. I had gone all day without thinking about Strider. But, now that I am alone again, he fills my mind. What is it about him? Is it because he was my first friend? I drummed my fingers on the wood as I waited to be logged on. I could see straight away that Strider was online. I don’t know if I want to talk to him.

I sat there for a few minutes. Perhaps he doesn’t want to talk to me either. Usually as soon as I or he logs on, he begins a conversation with me.

I was just about to log off when the conversation box popped up and there he was.

Strider Hey you

I sat there, unsure of whether or not I actually wanted to talk to him.

Strider You there?

I bit my lip and sill did not reply.

Strider ???

I sighed heavily and grimaced. I know I want to talk to him. If I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have logged on in the first place.

Strider Dude, you ignoring me or something?

Enigma Nope

Enigma Just busy

I felt a cool satisfaction as I sent that. It’s unjustified, but I feel the need to take revenge.

Strider Well well well

Strider I just love being busy. Don’t you agree?

I clenched my jaw and glared at the screen. If I could, I’m sure that I would hit him right now.

Enigma Very much so

He didn’t reply. I waited, thinking that perhaps he wasn’t going to, that perhaps Stacey was there again.

But no, after a few more minutes he spoke again.

Strider So, how’s busy going for you?

Enigma Brilliant. And Stacey?

Strider Oh man. Stacey is also feeling excellent ;)

I exhaled angrily. I really should just log off right now. But the need to talk to him is just so strong.

Enigma Well, off you go then. Have some fun. You won’t be missed.

Strider Is someone feeling a little touchy?

Strider Now now little one, calm yourself. Think of the ocean or something.

Strider We wouldn’t want you to break anything.

Enigma The ocean is great for drowning people you know

I bit my lips hard. Where is all this anger coming from?

Strider Honestly, have I done something to offend you? Or are you just in a bad mood?

Strider If you are just in a bad mood, then I am going. I don’t want to be attacked

Strider But if there is something that I have done wrong, tell me.

Yeah, right. As if I can tell him that I am pissed off at him because he had Stacey on webcam. God, I would seem so stupid.

Enigma Sorry. I’m just kind of annoyed at my mum.

Enigma She just seems to be a little….overprotective at the moment

Partially true. I am annoyed because of that. But it isn’t the reason that I am being like this to him.

Strider Right. About what?

Enigma David

I wonder if he cares that I have a boyfriend.

I doubt it.

Strider Ahhh, lover boy eh?

Strider And how is that all going for you?

Strider Has he kissed any boys yet?

I snapped.

Enigma Screw you!

I sat, trying to think of something to say, but too angry to type.

Strider Oh my, you are defensive about that. Did I get it right then?

Enigma If I could hit you right now, I would.

Enigma Honestly, you are so damn up yourself.

Enigma Go jump

I logged off, stood up and walked over to my bed. I fell onto it with a thud and buried my head in my pillow.

For all that I seem to like that boy, I really hate him sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo update!
I'm so glad I finally got around to doing this. It feels good to update one of my stories. All I seem to be doing lately is one-shots.
Anyway, I'm nearly finished high-school, so hopefully when I'm finished my HSC, updates will flow more regularly.