
Prince Charming?

I slid into bed and as I pulled the covers up around my shoulders I thought about my earlier conversation with Strider. I really shouldn’t get so worked up when I talk to him. It’ none of my business who he spends his time with. I don’t even know him. Not really. We have never even met. He is never going to be anything more than a friend.

If he is even that anymore. I sighed and rolled onto my side. I stared out of the window at the inky black sky. The stars flickered and twinkled. There was no moon tonight. It took me a few moments longer to realise that I had neglected to draw the curtains.

I laughed quietly to myself as I pulled them shut. At least I can still find something amusing.

I clambered back into bed and snuggled under the warm quilts. When I was younger I would cocoon myself in these covers. Especially on winter mornings. Mum would practically have to drag me out of bed so that I could get ready for school. I may not be able to feel the cold like some people, but it is still nice to feel warm.

Warm and safe. That was how I felt. Tucked up in my bed as I dreamt of being a princess in a far away land, a handsome prince coming and us living happily ever after. Ever little girl’s dream.

If I were that princess now, who would me prince be? David? Or Strider?

I rolled onto my back again and stared at the ceiling. I could just make out the outline of the light.

Surely it would be David. I know him. I like him, he likes me. Simple? It should be.

I wish it was.

Surely if I like David as much as I think I do, all this Strider stuff shouldn’t bother me. But it does. I like David a lot. But, I also like Strider…a lot.

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. I’m a princess in a far distant land. My prince is walking towards be. He reaches me and stops, holding his arms open to me. I slowly raise my eyes from the ground. My heart thuds in my chest and my stomach is turning.

Who do I want it to be? I should want it to be David. So why do I feel so damn confused? I don’t know who I want it to be. I keep my eyes trained on his hands as they reach out to me. They aren’t David’s hands. David’s hands are long and strong. These hands before me are long, but they don’t have the same strength to them that David’s have.

My stomach turns again. Does this mean my prince is Strider? Why do I feel sick? Is it a good sick or a bad sick?

I’m fighting to keep my eyes where they are. I almost don’t want to know what I am going to see if I raise me eyes. What if it is Strider? Do I dump David, buy a ticket to America and tell Strider that I love him?

I don’t, I just like him a lot. I can’t love someone I don’t know. It just doesn’t work that way.

Slowly slowly I raise my eyes. I don’t even want to know anymore. But I cannot stop.

Slowly, oh so slowly. I see his neck. I stop, not knowing what to do.

I clench my fists and my eyes continued to follow the line of his neck towards his face.