
Three Little Words

The week seemed to drag by forever, the seconds ticking by like hours until Saturday finally appeared. The sun looked down through the scattering of clouds to shine upon the sea of green land. I woke happy; the knowledge that I would see David today sent a warm feeling to my chest, almost as if someone were hugging me close.

This feeling had been building for the last couple of days, warding off any unpleasant thoughts. I sat fidgeting in the dining room, watching Mum as she typed quickly at her laptop. She glanced up and smiled at me. “Got any special plans for today?” She asked, placing her glasses on the table beside her. She ran her fingers through her thick hair and sighed deeply.

“No,” I shook my head. Really I hadn’t thought that we would do anything, just spend time together. That was all I needed.

“Ah, well I’m sure you’ll have fun.” She stood and walked into the kitchen. “Want anything to drink?”

“No thank you.” I called back. She reappeared moments later carrying a glass of water.

“He’ll be here soon Annette.” She shook her head slightly, her lips twitching as she watched my fingers drum against the table.

I nodded and looked out the window. There was no car in the street yet, but I could hear something coming up the road. I jumped up and went to the door.

David smiled at me as he stepped out of the car. His Dad sat in the driver’s seat waiting.

“I’ll see you later Annette.” Mum called from where she was busy working again.

“How are you?” David asked as he opened the car door for me.

“Can’t complain.” I smiled widely at him. “Hello Sean.” I turned my smile to his father. He nodded and began to drive as David closed his door. The drive passed quickly, the green country-side flashing past in a blur.

“Here we are.” David spoke softly as the car parked. He held my hand as we walked up to the front door and in. He led me into the kitchen where Vivien was brewing some tea. She stepped forwards and hugged me. I blinked as I took in her glowing appearance. I glanced at David and he smiled slowly. Sean walked in behind and wrapped his arm around Vivien’s waist.

I was completely confused now.

“Annette, we’re so happy that you are here right now.” Vivien’s warm voice gushed.

“We think you should be the first to know.” Sean continued. I looked at David again, my brow wrinkled as I tried to figure out what was going on. Vivien and Sean laughed as I turned back to them. “We’re getting married.” Sean’s face broke out in smiles as he spoke the words.

“Wow.” I smiled back at them, taking in the feeling of complete happiness that they were both exuding. “Congratulations.”

Vivien sniffed and wiped at her eyes before she pulled me into another hug.

David smiled at me as he led me from the room.

“I did not see that coming.” I whispered as we walked into his room.

“I did. I’m actually surprised that Dad has only just asked her. He’s so much happier with her than he ever was with Mum.”

I studied his face, looking for any hint of a lie. “So you’re really happy for them?”

“Of course I am.” He laughed and punched me lightly on the shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I shrugged. David chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me. “It’s the best thing that I could hope would happen for Dad.” His eyes were warm as he stared at me intently. I could feel my face burning red as he leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine.

The warm feeling in my chest returned as my heart thudded awkwardly. David pulled away and bit his lip, frowning.

“What?” I asked, the warm feeling disappearing as nervousness settled in.

His eyes were alight with fire as he took my face between his hands. “I love you Annette.”