
A Single Tear

I escaped the constant thrum of Courtney’s pulsing music by shutting my door. She always had it up as loud as she possibly could without causing a disturbance to Mum.

Mum hates to be disturbed when she is working. She is a top journalist but is currently working from home because she is recovering from a bout of pneumonia. Dad hates the fact that she continues to work when she is still not well, but when Mum wants something the re is no arguing with her.

I sighed as I leant against my door and looked around my room. Nothing had changed in years. My walls were still a slightly off white colour which was highlighted by the light which dangled from the middle of my ceiling. It was not an overly large room, but there was enough room to fit my dark oak wardrobe, a double bed, a large desk, an armchair and three bookcases.

The bookcases were filled with books and there were some books heaped on the floor when they couldn’t fit onto the shelves. Most of the books were fantasy books consisting of stories where the impossible happens, but there were also some romance, science fiction and crime fiction books there as well. Reading was one of my favourite pastimes.

I moved over to my bed and pulled the thick quilt and sheet up so that it looked slightly tidier than it did a few moments before. I then changed out of my uniform into jeans and a polo top.

The computer whirred to life when I pressed the button on the side and within moments I was staring at my background. It was a picture I had taken only a few days ago. I had climbed a hill near our home and was looking towards the eastern horizon when some birds had flown into my view. They looked so perfect as the glided across the sky with the sun setting in the background and then emerald green hills just beginning to darken in colour.

I smiled to myself as I remembered taking the picture and then hurrying home to load it onto the computer.

I logged onto messenger and smiled broadly when I saw the Strider was on.

Strider Sup?

Enigma Eh, not much. Just back from school.

Enigma You?

Strider I’m pretty good actually. Took Stacey out last night. She had fun, I had fun.

I pursed my lips when I read that and then shook my head. I hadn’t even met the girl and I felt a slight animosity towards her. I sighed; there was no reason for me not to like Stacey. I was just being stupid.

Enigma What did you do?

Strider We had dinner at my place. My parentals weren’t there.

Strider Then we went swimming in my pool. Hilarious.

Enigma Sounds like fun

Strider Oh trust me, it was. *wink wink*

Enigma Do I want to know what you’re talking about? Or is it better for me to stay in the dark?

Strider lol, nothing bad happened. We just kissed……..for a while.

I bit my lip and stared at the line for five minutes. I felt a surge of disappointment flow through me. I wanted desperately to be able to tell myself that he was just a friend but these emotions that I was feeling showed that it would just be a lie.

But what hurt me most was that is truly what he is. Just a friend. He didn’t even know what I truly am. A freak. An outcast. An enigma. And I wasn’t about to tell him.

Enigma Ooooh.

Strider Yeah,

I knew then that I couldn’t talk to him for any longer, not today.

Enigma Sorry, have to go.

I logged off before he could say anything back. My nails bit angrily into the palms of my hands. I pushed myself away from the desk. It was stupid for me to get so uptight about this. It was hardly likely that I would ever meet him, and even less likely that he would like me when he found out what I am.

That was how it was with everyone. My sisters don’t like me because they feel that being related to me brings down their social status at school. The people in my year don’t like me because I’m so weird and different to everything that they have ever known.

A single tear rolled slowly down my cheek and I wiped it away. Moping about had never gotten me anywhere before. I rolled the chair back to the computer and opened up a blogging site.

My hands paused over the keyboard as I struggled to think of how I wanted to word this.
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