

“Look what came in the mail today.” Mum flourished an envelope in our faces as we walked into the house after school.

“What is it?” I asked as I headed towards the stairs.

Courtney took it from Mum and turned it over. “It’s an empty envelope.” She frowned and Mum laughed at her. “You’re excited about an empty envelope?”

Mum showed Courtney what was in her other hand.

Courtney grabbed it and smiled widely. “It’s the wedding invitation.” She read it quickly. “Looks like it’ll be an inside wedding.” She mused. She handed the invite back to Mum and then walked upstairs.

I shrugged and went up to my room. David had told me that they had sent out the invitations so I had already been expecting it.

“So, when do you girls want to go shopping then?” Mum asked as we all walked into the kitchen to find something to eat.

“Maybe on the weekend.” Sarah said thoughtfully as she made herself a mug of tea.

“All right then.” Mum smiled and ruffled Courtney’s hair. “Isn’t this exciting?”

I nodded as I munched on some biscuits.

“It didn’t say anything about the engagement party.” Courtney frowned as she sipped at her drink.

“Oh, sorry.” I swallowed my food. “David said last night that it would be on the weekend. He went to hospital today instead of next week. So it’s going to be a kind of mixed thing.”

“Mixed thing?” Courtney raised her eyebrows.

“You know, having him back at home and the engagement party.” I grabbed a glass and poured myself some juice.

“Why a thing for him getting out of hospital?” Courtney asked. “I mean, he goes there fairly often, wouldn’t they be used to it by now?”

I glared at her, “You know, having to go to hospital and have people stick needles in you and run tests on you for a week isn’t pleasant Courtney.”

Courtney smiled sweetly. “No, I don’t know. But I suppose that’s because I’m not some sort of freak.”

I clenched my teeth and without thinking, I reached forwards and slapped her hard across the face. Courtney shrieked and stood.

“Hey!” Mum grabbed her jumper and held her back from coming towards me. Sarah and Anne stood quietly in the corner as Courtney struggled against Mum’s hold. “Stop it now! Both of you!”

I leaned against the kitchen benches and glared at Courtney.

“Both you of apologise. Now!” Mum ordered.

“I am not apologising to her.” I clenched my fists tightly. “She has been doing that to me all my life, and never once has she apologised.”

“Now!” Mum glared at both of us.

Courtney shook herself out of Mum’s grasp and stared resolutely at the wall. “I am not apologising to that freak.”

“You will. Neither of you are going anywhere until you apologise.” Mum shooed Sarah and Anne from the room. “Now, apologise.”

Dad walked into the kitchen. “What’s all the fuss?”

“Just a little dispute between these two.” Mum said. “They’re not going anywhere until they both apologise.”

Dad sat down at the table and rested his chin on his hands. “So, what happened.”

“Annette slapped me.” Courtney glared at me.

“Because you called me a freak. You’re always calling me a freak, and I’ve never done anything before. I’ve put up with it until now.” My voice was shaking and I swallowed hard. I did not want to cry now.

“But you are a freak.” Courtney snapped. “Can’t you see that? Nobody wants you here except the doctors and your stupid freaky boyfriend.”

“Oi!” Dad thumped his fist on the table, causing everything on it to shake. “That’s enough.”

“I’m only saying what everyone else is thinking.” Courtney sneered.

“Fuck you!” I shouted and stormed out of the room.

“Annette! Get back here right now!” Mum called after me.

I ignored her as I grabbed my jacket from the hook in the hall and hurried outside. Cold air slapped me in the face and I pulled the jacket on. I could feel the tears starting to run down my face as I began to run from the house. I just didn’t want to be there anymore. What Courtney had said hurt so much. All I could think about was Strider. Would he have reacted the same way if he had ever found out about me? Would he have thought I was a freak and left?

Of course he would. That’s exactly what I am.

I stopped running and looked around me. Dark clouds were gathering overhead and I knew it was about to start raining soon. But I honestly didn’t care. There was no way I was going back home, not now. I just needed to be away from them, from Courtney. I was so sick of being called a freak. Until now I had never done anything about it, I had just accepted it as some sort of joke. I had always hoped it was just a joke, but I knew that somewhere deep inside I had always known that she actually meant what she said.

I sat down on the grass and pulled my keens up to my chin. “I hate this.” I muttered. “Why can’t I just be like everyone else?” I sighed and brushed the tears from my face. But more just kept coming. Silent, never-ending tears.

I felt an arm wrap around me and looked up to see Mum. She had followed me. She sat down and I leaned against her and cried.