

Nobody talked at dinner that night. I sat with my eyes downcast, looking only at my food. Everybody left as soon as the meal was finished.

I sat on my bed and sighed loudly, my face felt raw from crying. I lay down, burying my head underneath my pillow. There were still tears there, I could feel them. But I doubted that I would begin again. Mum had eventually persuaded me to come back to the house and have dinner. But we had sat there for a fair while, not talking, just me crying.

By the end I wasn’t even sure what I was crying about anymore. Courtney, me, or Strider?

I pushed myself up and sat at my desk, I hadn’t done any homework yet.

I had logged onto the internet as soon as I had finished my homework. David was online and immediately began talking to me.

David Hey there

David How’s it going? Hospital sucks, but Viv brought in my laptop tonight for me to entertain myself with

Enigma Not great, but you know

Enigma We got the invite today

David Oh good.

David What’s wrong?

David Do you want me to call you?

Enigma Courtney was just saying some things

David Like?

Enigma Just stuff, it wasn’t that bad, i just don’t like it

David Well, we could always disinvite her if you want ;)

I smiled and rubbed at my eyes.

Enigma :) Thanks, but I don’t think my parents would go for that :P

David Psh, it’s not their wedding, Dad and Vivien can invite and disinvite who they want :)

Enigma Nah, I don’t think it would help anything anyway. She’d probably hate me even more then

David She’s an idiot

Enigma You don’t even know her :P

David But I know you, and you are amazing Annette. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise

I could feel my heart thumping oddly and I smiled warmly to myself.

Enigma Thankyou David, you always make me feel better :)

David I mean it

David I love you Annette, remember that

Enigma I do. I love you too David

I bit my lip as I typed that. I did love David, really, but there was something in my chest that hurt when I said it.

David :)

David Ick, I’ve gotta go

David Nurses

Enigma Yuck. Have fun :P

David signed out

I sighed and leaned back in the chair, running my hands through my long hair. It was probably time to get a haircut; I hadn’t had one since before Christmas. I glanced out of the window across the black landscape. I couldn’t see a thing except my own reflection. I reached forwards and pulled the curtains across. It was only nine; perhaps I’ll just go to bed early tonight. I stood, grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom. The hot water felt good on my skin and I stood still for a moment, letting the water cascade down my body before beginning to wash.

I slipped under the covers and grabbed my copy of Catcher in the Rye. I read until my eyes were drooping and I couldn’t concentrate on the words anymore, only then did I put the book down and turn off the light to drift off to sleep.
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Sorry it's been so long since I updated :( I was on holiday and I didn't seem to have any inspiration to write anything. Also sorry for the fact that this is very short :(