
Blog Entry

I know that there will be people out there in the world who will read this and either say:
A) This girl is pathetic. She believes herself in love with a person she has never met before
B) I have been through something similar to this actually.

Well, yeah, I have been talking to this guy who I have never met before. Not the safest thing to do obviously, but anyway. I’ll just skip over that. He lives in L.A, I live in Ireland. So I guess that we will never meet.

But, I feel like I have known him my entire life when I have actually only known him a couple of months. He knows how to make me feel better when I’m feeling my worst. We know how to make each other laugh and sometimes I know what he is going to tell me even before he says it. Or writes is anyway.

He has a girlfriend though. And he seems to really like her. When I say that, I mean really like her. It makes me feel bad when he talks about her I become instantly jealous. I have never met her so technically I cannot hate her right? That’s what I think. I have no reason to dislike her at all.

I just do. I hate it when he brings her into our conversations. It makes me so annoyed as if all he can think about is her. It isn’t fair. He told me that he thought I was pretty the first time that we ever talked.

Not that he would continue to talk to me if he knew what I was. I’m so different to everyone else in this world. I feel so alone, I just want someone to tell me that I mean something to them. No, I want someone to tell me that I mean everything to them.

Is that so much to ask?

I clicked the save button. I stood and walked over to my bookshelf and picked up Darkfall. It was a book that I had read many times, but one that I believed I would never get tired of reading.

I sat infront of my computer and started reading while I waited fro someone to comment on what I had written.

I didn’t have to wait long. Five minutes at the most. I clicked on the comment to see what it read.

Why don’t you just tell him how you feel? That would get that over with. And tell him what’s wrong with you, whatever that may be. If you truly are friends as you say you are then he will accept you no matter what right?

Another comment popped up moments later.

Stop talking to him if it makes you feel so upset. Go and talk to people in the real world and stop living your life through the internet.

I sighed and was about to reply to the comment when a third appeared.

I bet you a hundred dollars that whatever is wrong with you is nothing compared to what is wrong with me.

That comment got me. My curiosity aroused, I clicked on the username and waited for their profile to fill the computer screen.