
David's House

I stood and walked over to my bed. I fell down onto it and covered my face with my pillow. I was really annoyed with Strider. Though part of that annoyance was directed at myself. Why should I care what he thinks? I have a real friend now. Not just some person who I only talk to over the internet. Someone who I could see almost every week. Someone who understands what I am and accepts it.

I could hear the phone ring downstairs and I wandered out onto the landing. Mum was laughing as she talked to someone so I guessed that it was one of her relatives. I sighed quietly and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Mum stirred the pasta whilst she laughed loudly again. I walked out of there, into the living room. Courtney was painting her nails a vivid red; Sarah and Anne were diligently watching their favourite TV program. Dad smiled as he walked towards his office.

I sighed again as I sat down in a large wingback chair to watch the television with Sarah and Anne.

I drummed my fingers on the kitchen table as I waited for David and his father to come and pick me up. Mum smiled kindly at me as she worked on her latest article. I had talked to her about David last night. She could remember him better than I had been able to before seeing him again. I smoothed down the blue shirt that I was wearing.

“Don’t be so worried dear, he’ll be here soon,” she spoke around the pen in her mouth as she smiled again.

I stood quickly as I heard a car pull up in our driveway. There were a few moments of silence before the doorbell rang. I wandered over to the door, trying not to rush. I felt that it was ridiculous that I should be so excited to see him when I had seen him just yesterday.

Maybe it was because he knew about me. He understood what it was like to be this different from everyone around him. All we had was each other.

I opened the door and David smiled exultantly when he saw me. “Hi,” he bent down slightly and hugged me tightly. I smiled at his father behind him.

“Would you like to come in?” I offered when David let go of me. I closed the door behind them and then led them into the kitchen where Mum and Dad were talking.

“David,” Mum spoke warmly. She walked over and hugged him. “Hi, I’m Marianne.” She extended her hand to David’s father.

“I’m Sean,” he smiled as he shook her hand.

“Dean,” Dad shook hands with David and Sean. “Well, would you like something to drink before you leave?”

Sean shook his head. “I would love to, but we really need to be going otherwise we are going to miss out on the lunch that Vivien is making.”

Mum smiled encouragingly at me as I slid into the back seat beside David.

The drive was short and the conversation was never awkward. “Wow,” I let out a long sigh as I saw their house. It was just on the outskirts of the small town. It was a large white house with dark windows and doors.

“Do you like?” David asked as he helped me out of the car.

“Very much,” I smiled at him. “Can you give me a tour?”

“Sure.” We walked into the house behind his father. I let out another dreamy sigh as we walked through the door. The first thing I saw was an ornate grandfather clock. It chimed loudly to announce the arrival of one o’clock. I smiled to myself and followed David down the hall.

“Hi, you must be Annette.” A tall woman smiled warmly at me as she chopped some vegetables. She put down the knife she held and walked over. “I’m Vivien.” She pulled me into a warm embrace. I smiled at her when she pulled away. “Are you taking her on a tour David?”

He nodded and we walked out again. “Right, this is the dining room.” We walked into a large room with a beautiful round table in the middle.

“You’re house is so nice,” I spoke quietly, in awe.

David laughed and took my hand. He showed me the living room and the study downstairs and then we walked up the stairs. “Right, this is the bathroom,” he said, opening one door. “My Dadand Vivien's room, the spare room, the other spare room and my room.”

I followed him into his room. There was a large double bed underneath the windows which overlooked the town. Next to the bed was a desk with a laptop on it. There were two bookshelves on the wall opposite. On another wall was a large built-in wardrobe and on the side opposite that there was a long sofa.

He sat down on the sofa and I sat next to him. “I love your house,” I said, suddenly nervous.

David smiled at me. “I’ve lived here all my life,”

“Lucky you,” I smiled at him.

David stared at me, “I don’t want to be corny or anything, but you have the most beautiful smile,” he whispered.

I blushed violently and looked down at my skirt. “Thanks,” I mumbled and played with my fingers. I laughed inwardly at myself. He had given me one compliment and now I could hardly say anything.

David laughed quietly, “Sorry if I embarrassed you. But it’s true, you’re beautiful.”

I turned and looked up at him. He leant forwards and kissed my cheek. He pulled away slightly and looked at me before leaning back in and kissing me.

My heart thudded loudly as he entwined his fingers in my hair. I could feel the heat rushing to my face as I kissed him back.

I smiled exultantly inwards. My first kiss!
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I was able to update sooner than I thought I would be able to update. :D
Hope you like it.