The only thing you'll get is this curse on your lips

Chapter One

"Pete, Pete stop it! I'm serious!" I screamed threw giggles as I ran away from Pete.
"I'm gonna get you back Melanie!" He yelled from behind me, with a fresh red juice stain adorning his white shirt.
"I said I was sor...” I was cut off when Pete tackled me onto the football field, both of us landing on the grass with a thud. Pete turned me over so he was now straddling me. "Pe...Pete... I-I swear... I'm gonna... gonna hurt you wh...when I ge...get up." I said threw my laughter, as Pete was now tickling me.
"Oh is that so?" He asked, his lips forming that coy smirk that made me fall in love with him a year ago.
"Well what if I do this?" He asked, leaning down, gently bumping his lips into mine.
"Well then, I guess I'll just have to do this." Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him down closer to me, and brushed my lips against his which then turned into a very passionate kiss. We were lost in our own little world, that is, until we heard a teacher approach us.
"Hey you two, I don’t care if it is the last day of school, and you two already graduated. None of that during school hours.” Pete and I stood up and walked over to the rest of the gang.
“Hey you two, managed to pick yourselves off of each other long enough to spend some time with the rest of us.”
“Shut up Andy, at least I have a girlfriend.”
“Pete come on, be nice.”
“Oh O.K. but I’ll be right back I gotta go get something out of my locker, I’ll be back in a bit.” Pete said before running off towards the school doors.
“So Andy, what is the deal with you being single anyways? I could name about five girls that would go out with you in a heart beat.”
“Well do you remember Chrissie?” Oh do I ever. Chrissie was Andy’s last girlfriend. They broke up about a year ago. Andy walked in on Chrissie in bed with another guy.
“Well, I actually thought I loved her you know? I though she was the one I’d spend the rest of my life with, the one that I’d grow old and gray with. She just hurt me so badly, I just don’t know if I’m ready to trust another girl with my heart just yet.”
“Andy, you’ve had one bad experience, you can’t let that ruin dating for you for the rest of your life. You gotta get back out there. I know you’ll find the right girl one day.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so; you’re such an awesome guy. Any girl would be crazy not to love you.”
“Aww thanks. That really means a lot coming from you.”
“No problem. Now if you’ll excuse me, Pete’s been gone for a while now, I’m gonna go find him.” I said before taking of towards the school. I rounded a corner before seeing something that shattered my heart. No just shattered it, but ripped it out, threw it on the ground, stomped on it, and put it threw a blender.
“Pete…” I whispered, “how could you?” I let out a whimper before turning around and running in the opposite direction. Tears were blurring my vision, but I could care less. All that was on my mind was getting back to Andy, or Patrick or Joe. Just getting back to one of them and get a hug from them and just have them to hold me and feel wanted. All of a sudden I felt someone grab onto my wrist and spin me around.
“Melanie it’s not what it looks like.”
“Not what it looks like?! How can you say it’s not what it looks like?! You were fucking sucking face with Chrissie, the girl that broke Andy’s heart. And you tell me it’s not what it looks like?!”
“Melanie she kissed me, if you’d just listen.”
“No Peter Wentz, YOU just listen! I wore my fucking heart on my sleeve for you! Well you just listen, you just listen to this! Boys like you are overrated, so just save your breath. I do NOT need your excuses! You’re only gonna get one thing out of this, let me tell you. All you get is this curse on your lips; I hope they taste of me forever! Because then each and every day, you’ll remember me, and how you broke my fucking heart! It’s over Pete!”
“But baby…”
“Don’t you DARE “but baby” me. It’s over.” I cried before running away, away from the boy once loved. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, right past the group. I ran all the way to the bleachers on the other side of the field. Once I got there I just sat down and cried.
“Hey…” I heard a soft familiar voice say. I turned around, wiping the tears from my eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“You wanna know what’s wrong Patrick? Everything, everything is what’s fucking wrong.”
“Aww, come on I’m sure not everything is wrong. I mean, you still have me as a friend. Now tell me what happened.” Patrick said, pulling me into a tight hug. So I told him the whole event, what I saw, what words we exchanged, the whole story. “That fucking son of bitch! I’ll kill him!”
“Patrick, don’t. I’ve decided I’m going to go live with my dad anyways. I’m leaving tomorrow.”
“Mellie, don’t leave just because of that asshole.”
“No, I think it’s time I left anyways; mom was making me go for the summer, and there’s a better school out there. Don’t worry. I’ll still call you and the guys and try to keep in touch.”
“Mel, don’t do this.”
“I have to Patrick, it’s the only thing that makes sense to me right now.”
“Well if you’re sure it’s what you need.”
“I’m sure it’s what my heart needs. Right now I just have to be away from him.”
“O.K. but you have to promise to call every night and tell me what’s going on.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
“Are you still coming to our show tonight at least?”
“I don’t know…”
“Please, you’re leaving tomorrow. If not for me, for Andy and Joe.”
“O.K but only for you guys, and tell… him, that I don’t want to talk to him while I’m there.”
“Don’t you think that’s a little harsh? I mean, you’re just going to let him leave you with a sour taste in your mouth?”
“Patrick, if he try to talk to me, I’m gonna lose it and either break down completely and start crying, or I’m going to start saying things that I really don’t mean.”
“O.K, but we better head back in, the bells going to ring right away. Do you want a ride home with me instead?”
“I’d love that Patrick. I guess I’ll see you after school.”
“And at the show?”
“Yes, and at the show.”
“If I don’t see you there I’m going to go to your house and make you come.”
“Don’t worry I’ll be there.”
“You sure you’re O.K?”
“O.K just making sure.”
“Hey Patrick?”
“No problem, now lets go before were late.”