The only thing you'll get is this curse on your lips

Chapter Three

~*~Two Years Later~*~
Today was the day Mel was leaving to go live with her dad. She got me to drive her there instead of her mom.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.” I said as they called her flight.
“Don’t say that, it’s not goodbye, it’s see you later.” She said, honestly giving me hope that she would keep contact with me.
“Ok, I’ll see you later I guess.”
“See you later.” She said before kissing me on the cheek. She left to board the plain taking a part of my heat with her.

I though about her every day. I thought about how she said that it wasn’t goodbye, it was see you later. That always left me a small hope that she would call me someday. That some day never came. The only one that she ever really kept contact with was Harlie. She told Harlie that she had moved, but not to tell any of us. All these thoughts ran threw my as they did every day, as I made my way into Starbucks. I ordered a Venti Java Chip and sat down at a table in the corner with my note pad trying to think up of some more songs. I was concentrating when I heard a voice that was just too familiar. That voice echoed threw my head every day. It was Melanie, this must have been where she moved to.

“Yeah ok Harlie. Yeah I’m here right now. Yeah ok I’ll meet you tomorrow. Yes I’m sure I’m not mad at you its fine.” She said before hanging up her cell phone. “Well I’m here, might as well get a coffee, even if it’s by myself.” She said still sitting at her table. She was still sitting down so I decided to go up to the counter and order her her favourite, which just so happened to be mine. I ordered her a Venti Java Chip and headed over to her table.

“Oh umm excuse me…. PETE!”
“The one and only.” I said setting down her drink and my half finished one and taking a seat.
“How did you find me?”
“I didn’t find you, you just moved to the same city as me. But why didn’t you try to call me?”
“Pete, I’m sorry about that I just had a lot on my mind at the time, and even though I did and still do forgive you I just had a hard time calling you. I tried so many times to but I could just never get the nerve to. How come you never tried to call me?”
“Well you moved so your home number was different, and you changed your cell number.”
“Oh yeah, about that Pete I’m really…” She started before I cut her off.
“Melanie its ok, don’t worry about it I understand where you’re coming from.”
“Well thanks Pete. And thanks for the drink.”
“No problem. I just have one thing to ask you.”
“And that would be…”
“Will you be my fwend?” I ask giving her huge puppy dog eyes.
“After two years you still act like a total dork.”
“But I’m your dork right?”
“Right Pete.”
“YEAH I love my Melanie, in a very non sexual way of course.”
“Wow, thinking with your brain for once.”
“Yeah…. Wait what’s that supposed to mean!”
“Never mind Pete, lets just get out of here.” She said before getting up with me following her close behind.