The only thing you'll get is this curse on your lips

Chapter Six

~*~*Pete’s POV~*~
I felt her soft pink lips connect with mine. It caught me off guard, but I quickly kissed back. The kiss quickly deepened when I slipped my tongue into her mouth which she quickly accepted. We slowly pulled away, but I know that that kiss was meant for something more then friendship.

~*~Melanie’s POV~*~
We slowly pulled apart. I was looking around every where, the street, the side walk, my shoes, a tree, a piece of garbage, anywhere but him. I’ve missed him so much, and hated him so much for what he did, but at the same time I loved him with all my heart, and I just wanted things to go back to the way they were before I left. We started walking around, no where in particular, not really bothering to tell the guys where we were heading, cause quite honestly, we didn’t even know where we were going.

“So what are we gonna do now?” Pete asked as we were aimlessly walking around.

“We should… go to the park!” I exclaimed while running ahead of him. “Lost one there sucks rotten eggs!” I screamed running full force to the park.

“Not fair, you got a head start.” He complained from behind me. I ran into the park and landed on a swing.

“No fair, I say we have a due over.” Pete complained as he sat down next to me.

“It’s fair and you know it, don’t forget, you were the schools star soccer player, but who made the schools track team state champs four years in a row? Mio.” I said before gently tapping him on the head and running away. “TAG, YOUR IT!!” I screamed and started to run away from him. He quickly shot up and started to run after me. He was quickly gaining on me and before I knew it he tackled me to the ground.

“Pete, I-I swear I’ll ge-get yo-you back for this wh-when I get u-up.” I said threw giggles.

“Oh really?” He asked, his lips forming into a coy smirk, the very one that gave me butterfly’s when I first met him.

“Ye-yeah.” I managed to get out.

“Well what if I do this?” I asked as he stopped tickling me, slowly leaning down to kiss me, starting at my neck, making a trail of small kisses leading to my mouth. It reminded me so much of the last day of school, when we were on the football field. It just breaks my heart to do this… Dave’s gonna kill me if he finds out.