The only thing you'll get is this curse on your lips

Chapter Seven

~*~Melanie’s POV~*~

He slowly placed his lips on mine, giving me a lust filled kiss. His tongue begged for entrance, I slowly opened my mouth allowing him in. I threw my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair while his hands were entangled in my long hair. I slowly broke apart and putting my hands on the chest.

“What’s wrong?” Pete asked, obviously seeing the concerned look on my face. “I though this is what you wanted.”

“It is but…” I said, tears threatening to spill over.

“But what?” he asked, by this point we were both sitting up.

“I-I, I gotta go.” I quickly said, getting up and running as fast as I could. I just ran, tears streaming down my face. I ran as fast as I could back to the apartment. I wiped my eyes and calmed down before turning the door knob and entering the apartment I called home.

~*~Pete’s POV~*~

“I just don’t get it man. I mean one minute we were laughing and kissing just like back in high school. Then all of a sudden she starts crying and ran off. I don’t understand what I did wrong, I really don’t.” I said sitting on the couch next to Patrick, letting out a sigh.

“Well you know you have that effect on a lot of women…”

“Patrick I’m being serious here for once, why can’t you?”

“You’re right man, sorry. I really don’t know what could be up with her. Why don’t you try calling her? Do you have her number?”

“Yeah I got it from Harlie, but she has her phone turned off. I honestly don’t know what I did.”

“Well why don’t you get Harlie to talk to her later?”

“I think I should clean up my own mess, I’ll be back later I’m gonna go to the park.”

“Pete, you can’t escape to the park every time something doesn’t go right.”

“I don’t escape there, I think there. Like I said, I’ll be back later.” I said before getting up off the couch and grabbing my phone and my keys, I never really know how long I’d be there for, sometimes it’s really late by the time I get back. I walked out the front door and down the street towards the park.

~*~Melanie’s POV~*~

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!” I screamed at Dave.

“YOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE HOME YET!!!” he screamed back.

“Oh, but it would have been all right if I wasn’t gonna be home!”

“Don’t you even DARE start shit with me about cheating, I saw you in the park with that guy. Now I know why you’ve been seeing ‘Harlie’ so much for ‘coffee’! You were fucking that prick the whole time weren’t you!”

“Don’t you accuse me of something like that, ever! You were sleeping with that fucking whore in MY apartment, I pay for the rent, your just a good for nothing freeloader! Get the fuck out of my house, and you know what Dave, you can just forget about the wedding! The engagements off!” I yelled, throwing the ring at him and grabbing my phone and keys and heading down to the one place I could truly think.