Frozen Water

strike 1...2...and 3

I looked down at my watch and sighed as I saw it was starting to get around five o’clock. Daniel and his mates would be coming soon. Joy.

Yes sorry did I forget to mention Daniel? Well first of all he is the biggest bastard a human could ever lay eyes on.

When I was four years old he was the one to take own age over the sand box in play group.

When I was six he stole seven of my toy cars and then sold them.

When I was eight he stole my pokemon cards, ripped them in half and threw them down the toilet.

When I was eleven he stuck my head in the toilets and no, it wasn’t clean if you know what I mean.

And lastly, he stole her….Amanda.

Normally around this time he would come around to the lake and set a bonfire with a bunch of his mates. If I normally stay past that time, he would pour the belongings of my bag in the water.

But today the lake was frozen so I’m not sure what else he would do. Probably kick and punch me like at school. I think I’ve gotten used to the pain. Most of the time, while I was getting beat up, I just tried to picture Amanda breaking up with him. What did she see in him? He only made out with her at school, if his mates were talking to her or something, just to show her off like a new toy. That really pressed my buttons.

First of all he was a porker. Yes he was rather on the large scale and his face was a bright shade of red. He has thin, black hair which is normally saturated in gel, to spike it up. He always wore clean white NIKE trainers and a gold, chain necklace, forced around his thick neck. He likes to play sports a lot. He is always in the school sports team’s photos in the dining hall and you can normally see him doing these odd tricks with a football. It has always occurred to me why he hasn’t lost weight after playing all these sports, but when its lunchtime you could change your wonders completely, as he raids several of the year 7’s lunch boxes then empty’s my pockets of lunch money. I’ve just given up really and end up just giving it to him. I don’t need food. I’m slim and fairly fit, so I should be able to miss a meal.

Anyways, yes here I was sitting on the banks of the lake realizing I better be off soon.

It then came to me, why should I leave? I’m taller, healthier and have a sense of intelligence. Why should I just cower away and not fight for my rights? I crossed my arms and breathed in deeply. I’m not scared of him.

Besides it’s only him and his mates. What’s the harm in that?

Man, was I wrong.

I heard all their bicycles skid across the mud. Their faint laughter grew louder then finally stopped. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before turning around.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here? Hey look guys, its wittle Alexandra!” Alexandra was a pitiful attempt to call me a girl’s name. My actual name is Alex and yes I am a guy. I’m just lucky that Daniel isn’t that bright and can not come up with any descent insults.

I finally twisted my head around to see the small gang of them. Daniel was at the front of course; with all his mates giggling behind him. Then from behind the crowd of twats, came……Amanda. What was she doing here? She never normally comes to Daniel’s little ‘get-together’s’?

Her eyes twinkled there green fireworks and her face was full with excitement. She drifted over to Daniel’s side and gently wrapped her arm around his waist. He then made the same gesture, just cockier.

“Hey! I know you! You’re that nerd who was drooling over me today! What’s your name again?” she chimed.

Strike one. Did not see that coming.

“He was staring at my baby?” Daniel mocked with his mates making a sarcastic ‘shocked’ noises.

“Yeah! It made me feel sick. He just looks so…so…ugly! Ha ha!” she giggled with delight.

Strike two. That one hurt. A lot.

Daniel laughed along with her. Never did I expect this kind of attitude from Amanda. She just looked and sounded so innocent. I would have thought she would have known my name anyways from being in my science, maths, and technology for three years in a row. That wasn’t important though. I just never thought anything could ever hurt this much. Ever.

Daniel then plodded over all ‘cocky’ and arrogant. He prodded his stubby finger in my shoulders to push me back in little steps. ‘Come on Alex just punch him!’ I encouraged myself.

“Don’t you ever look at my girlfriend again, or I swear you will wish you never had eyes!” he spat in my face and then spun around on his toes to walk back to Amanda.

That was it. I blew. I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. He spun round and I gave him the hardest punch I could muscle up.

He knelt down holding his nose.

“Holy fuck! You little fucker! I’m going to murder you!” he screamed. Silence spread through out his audience.

He looked up at me. I held my pose. His brown eyes burning with rage. Blood streamed down his top lip from his nose.

“How dare you touch my honey-boo!” Amanda screeched and stormed over to Daniel’s side. She attempted to comfort him.

“Get off me!” he elbowed her in the stomach and she backed off, but still giving me a death glare.

How could he hit her like that? I swear I’m going to hit him again!

Before I could make my next gesture of anger, He straightened up and tripped me to the floor.

I fell to my side like a complete idiot. His friends began to chant his name.

He kicked me hard in the gut

“You ever-!”
He kicked me once again except with more force.

“PUNCH ME AGAIN!” he bellowed and then took the final gut-wrenching blow to my torso.

I yelped in pain. I held my stomach and curled into a small ball.

The faint echo of laughter, from the small audience, danced in my ears. Amada’s laugh seemed the most ear-penetrating of them all.

NO! He’s not leaving me like this, this time!
I staggered up and Daniel came to a halt as the laughter formed into a stunned silence.

He twisted around again.

“Wow! You are an idiot!” he giggled along.

I tried to remain composed.

Before I could get my head straight he strided back over to me.

“Bye bye!” he waved and then punched my into the lake.

I fell back and crashed through the ice. Bubbles fizzed all around me. I jolted around struggling to swim back up to the open surface. I could see the mere figures of Amanda and Daniel looking down into the water.

Just staring…..

Strike 3. I should just die.

She never loved me. She just watched me get sucked in to the bottomless pits of the lake…. I loved her.

My vision was slowly fading, like my flame was being extinguished.

But wait…. What’s that? I squinted slightly.

A figure of some sort was floating towards me. my concentration was being taken away from the ice cold crystals flooding though my lungs.

It’s so cold…drowning slowly. But there she came…… some sort of angel of the dark, icy depths of the lake…..
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PLEASE COMMENT! I NEED COMMENTS! hey I knwo this is a rather long chpater but hey Sometimes you just get carried away! I BEG YOU FOR COMMENTS! PLEASE?!! thankyooh!!