Frozen Water

See my story

She moved in sequence with the water, with a dim aura; enlightening her angel-like features. What creature of the water could look this enchanting? Her very image made me trance in to total lockdown. Was she a messenger from heaven; just here to take me up into the clouds to finally be at peace.?

Wait stop.

Death. My death. Am I already dead or on the verge? Who is this woman? How is she alive? What is going on? What should I do? How should I react?

Ongoing questions; all in a mixed puzzle set, but all related to the same topic.

It was only when I came to my senses that I realized this angel was not coming towards me, but only hovering and motionless.

Something in me wondered why I wasn’t dead. Maybe the freezing temperatures finally numbed my pain, but only externally. Internally, my heart pounded to a beat of an echo and my lungs slowly turned to an ice sculpture of non-existence.

I must be dead. I must be. A ghost of the frozen murky waters.

I had an undying urge, to go and swim up to the floating figure ahead. Every time I forced my muscles to move, a shock of pain followed; it was like electricity and I was the live wire.
I wasn’t sure whether it was just the fact that I was dead (or at least I assumed that; concluding with the regular scientific acknowledgements of course.), but I swear someone was calling me.

A gentle, sweet monotone of a woman’s voice, sifted through my ears like a lullaby. Never had something like this, been as comforting as it was now.

“Alex....Alex come to me. I can show you.”

It suddenly occurred to me that the voice was coming from the floating lady. I narrowed my blurred eyes and concentrated on her. Listening in deep interest.

“I can show you.” She repeated harmoniously.

Suddenly she drifted towards me.

She came so quickly I didn’t have enough time to focus.

She came so close her crisp, soft hands cupped around my face. Her eyes a striking, lightning blue, but they were ever so light. In fact they may have looked silver each time the light from the sun above, glistened down into the water. Her hair was a pearl white and her skin flawless with a pale contrast and brightness.

“See my story.”
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