

“Your highness!” Christopher yelled as he ran into the library. Alistair looked away from his paperwork. He sat in a large leather chair at the desk at the end of the library. All around him, the walls were stacked high with books. Behind him a window, curtains drawn back so that the light of the moon was able to be seen.
Christopher raced to the desk and fell to one knee, something Alistair never allows him to do.
“Terrible news your majesty,” he said, his head bowed.
“Please stand Christopher. We have discussed this,” Alistair replied to him.
“Yes your majesty, we have,” Christopher said, head still bowed, “when you were only prince.”
Alistair looked at him a moment, as the words he spoke started to sink in.
“Christopher, what happened to my father?” he asked as a feeling of dread slowly spread over him.
“I’m sorry your majesty. Your father, lord Eric, was killed in battle with the angels, leaving you the only heir to the throne,” Christopher replied with pain on his voice.
Alistair put down the fountain pen he was using and moved to the window. His eyes found the moon, one of the few things he truly enjoyed about life.
‘This war must end,’ he thought to himself.

“Lady Luna!” Jasmine yelled as she rushed into Luna’s room. Luna looked from the window, from the moon that shone over her garden.
“Yes Jasmine? What has happened now?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet.
“Eric, lord of the vampires, has fallen!” Jasmine said with excitement in her eyes. “We are winning my lady!”
Luna nodded her head then turned back to the window. She looked out to her garden. All the life that was beginning in it and of that life was being lost out of it at the same time.
‘ Now maybe something will change from this bloody hell of life,’
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something i thought of when i couldn't sleep one night. the prologue is short sweet and stright to the point. promise next part will be longer.