
Chapter 1

Lord Eric lay in a bed of hay. Is long silver hair was down and spread out around his head. Around his forehead was a gold band. It was simple but still represented who he was.

He wore a blue tunic and black armor. His hands laid on his chest gripping his sword, his shield laid on that from the waste down, so that the chest, arms, and sword was open to be seen. Alistair’s father, even in death, still looked like a powerful ruler. His face looked calm and collected. Head laid to where it looked as if he had it raised high.

Alistair looked at his father with the highest respect as he placed a red rose on his father’s shield. After a minute of silent respect, he picked up the bottle and poured the thick red liquid. The liquid fell into a crystal wine glass next to his father’s body.

The blood was the last gift from the living to the deceased, and it was hard for Alistair not to breath. The blood was such a delicious smell to him and everyone at the ceremony. He looked out to the crowd, all the eyes focused on the liquid as it fell. Alistair knew he would not be the only one getting a drink after this.

Finally, the glass was full. Alistair put the bottle down and turned to the people of the crowd. They were his subjects and he was responsible for all of their lives. Now he would tell everyone why he should take the thrown and what he will do with his power.

Alistair was never more afraid in his life.

He looked out into the crowd now. At all the eyes on him. He felt his chest tighten as he raked his mind, trying to think of the speech he thought of earlier.

“My fellow Vampires!” he shouted to get their attention and show them his authority. “The passing of my father is a great hit on our land. For over 180 years he looked after, protected, and served or lands, as our king. His fall for our country was a hero’s fall and it is with sad eyes and heavy hearts we wish him fair well,” Alistair paused. He looked at his father, thoughts of his greatness flashed through his head and he knew he would be anything like his father.

“I know I will never be my father,” he continued. He looked down, then up at the crowd. He looked at them with all the strength in his body and a newfound confidence. “But one day I hope to be better than him. I hope to give as better future for us and for those after us. I want to bring peace to this land. I want to bring us to a future without war! A FUTURE WITHOUT FEAR!” At this final exclamation, the crowd let out a loud roar of there approval. “Then will you accept me as your king?” he asked and the crowd responded with another uproar of screams and shouts. “Then as your king and ruler I promise to honor my position and to bring the best for Nocturnia and the people of our fair land!”

The crowd let out another loud roar as Alistair turned around again to look at his father once more.

“Goodbye Father. May you find peace in paradise,” he said to his father. He knew what had to be done next. Alistair picked up a torch and placed it on the hay, next to his father. He stepped away and allowed the flames to in gulp his father’s body and light up the night’s sky.

Alistair watched as the flames slowly, but surely, consumed his father’s body. ‘This war has lasted for over 1200 years. It has taken so many lives. If we do not end it now, both the Angels and the Vampires will destroy each other. I will not have the blood of the innocent on my hands,’ Alistair thought to himself. ‘I will call a truce.’
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okay. last time i update this chapter