Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Fake Smiles: 10

The ride and the flight was complete silence. This was childish and stupid. But neither of us would give in. We both had pride, especially me.

After the 8 hour flight. We got our bags, and outside the airport saw a man, I really didn't want to see. Victor.

"Vi, my dear, good to see you." said Victor.

I put on a fake smile.

"Victor." I said with a nod.

Aiden comes next to me, and there’s an awkward silence.

I clear my throat.


"Let's get inside the limo, and head to the Mansion." said Victor.

"Mansion. Sounds nice." I said.

"I've got to warn you Viola. In the Mansion, they don't know you're the Slayer, and you will see feedings on each other, so try not to throw up." said Victor.

"Don't worry, Vic, is it alright if I call you Vic?" I said.

"Sure." said Victor.

"Like I said before, don't worry I got a strong stomach." I said with a confident smile.

He nods and turns around. Immediately my smile turns into a frown. Victor opens the limo for me, and I go inside. Next to go inside is Victor, and then Aiden. Victor was in between me and Aiden.

Victor puts his left arm around me. I give him a weak smile. When I look out the window, I roll my eyes. I see the rain hit the window. I start to think of a song. Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace.

I stomp my feet as I think of the song. I start to lip synch the song.

"What are you singing?" asked Victor.

I turn to him in a confused look.

"Huh? Oh... yeah... got bored and just started singing to a song in my head." I said.

"Does that a lot." said Aiden.

I glare at him.

"Do you mind me asking, which song?" asked Victor.

"Animal I have Become, by Three Days Grace." I said looking out the window again.

"That’s a great song." said Victor. "Aiden, didn't you meet the band?"

"Yeah, cool people." said Aiden, like it was nothing.

"You actually met Three Days Grace." I said looking at Aiden.

"Mm-mm." said Aiden not looking at me.

Jerk! I thought.

The car was slowing down, and now I could see the mansion. It was made entirely out of cement blocks. It had that creepy feeling. I could even hear the gate creak when it was opening.

On the top of the house it had gargoyles, the size of a gorilla. With awe I look everywhere.

"This is so incredible." I said.

"Most girls that Aiden's brought say its creepy." said Victor.

"I'm sure there must've been many." I said with a hint of jealousy in my voice a deaf person could hear.

"Yes, many." said Victor.

"How old is the house?" I asked.

The car door opens on my side, the chauffeur offers his hand to help me out, but I ignore it and get out myself. I'm not used to receiving help especially for something as easy as getting out of a car.

"It's about 1,000 year’s old." said Victor.

"Whoa, that’s a lot." I said.

"Come, now remember they don't know you're the slayer, so be careful." said Victor.

He puts his hand on my back and guiding me to the door.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

The door opens once I touched the first step.

'Weird' I thought.

Inside was like the scene from Underworld. People feeding on each other. I take in deep breaths, trying not to throw up.

The people were beautiful, but they were drinking from each other's blood.

"ATTENTION!" boomed a voice. It was a man next to the door that I didn't notice. “Introducing Sir Victor Harrison, his son Aiden Jacob Harrison and our new Princess Viola Hallow." I give Victor a confused look. He leans in.

"Your mother's name follows her in every single vampire house. If they knew you were here, they would rebel." said Victor.

I nod stating that I understand.

Then I feel a presence next to me. It was Aiden.

"I didn't know your middle name was Jacob." I said.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." he said still not looking at me.

This made me angry.

“Hi Marilyn." he said with a fake smile.

I look in the direction he's looking; there was a beautiful girl around my age. She had pale skin, thick lips and red hair.

"Hi Aiden." she said with her British accent like Aiden.

She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him straight on the lips. First instinct was to pull her off him and stab her on the heart.

But I suppressed it and turned away.

"Umm Victor, can I go to my room? I don't feel so good." I said.

"Actually our room, but come I'll show you. Try not to get lost it's a big place here." said Victor. I just nod.

'Wait our room?' I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of just... feeling... blah

comment? please? with a cherry on top? ^-^