Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Engagement: 16

With red cheeks and sweat, I walk off the stage. Even though it was vampires who were cheering, it felt good to sing again. I hadn't done so in a long time. The first person to greet me off the stage was Aiden.

"You were bloody brilliant, Vi." said Aiden.

"Thanks." I said.

"That was wicked, Viola." said Justin with a glass of water on his hand. He hands it to me. "Thanks." I said again as I drank from the water. “I needed to do that. To blow off some steam."

"You needed to do that?" said Justin.

"Well you know, being the Sla--" but before I went any further, Aiden covered my mouth. And then I remembered that Justin didn't know I was the Slayer. It was only Victor and Aiden who knew. Oh and Matt and Caleb.

"Love, come, its time." said Victor. Aiden takes his hand off my mouth. I go to Victor.

"Time for what?" I asked.

"For the official engagement." said Victor.

He takes me hand and pulls me to the stage, again. The band was gone. The light was off. So I could see everyone.

“If I could please have your attention" Everyone turns to Victor. "Now, is the moment for why you all are here." said Victor and got on one knee, and took out a red box.

My eyes widen because I knew and everyone else knew what it was...the ring.

“Viola Isabel Hallow, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I don't answer at once. I was nervous; I hated being the center of attention. I look to the crowd, who are hanging on to every second.

I look and see Aiden. His face is full of hurt and anger. But then my mother comes into my head. I promised her, I would do anything to keep human kind safe.

Even if it meant giving up my happiness. I look back to Victor.

"Yes." I said. There are cheers across the room. Victor takes the ring and puts in my left finger. It was big and it was black. Victor stands and kisses me. I don't kiss back because of the shock.

[Aiden’s Point of View]

"Time for what?" asked Viola.

"For the official engagement." said my father and took her hand pulled her to the stage. “If I could have everyone's attention."

I know what’s about to happen and it hurt so badly to see her with another man. And not just any other man, but my own father.

"You'll have to let her go mate." whispered Justin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said nervously.

"Look, mate, I see the way you look at her, and I see how she looks at you." said Justin.

"And how would that be?" I asked.

"With love." said Justin.

I couldn't argue with him, it would be pointless.

"I just---I love her so much. If I let her would be the end of me." I said.

"Yes." said Viola, and I felt my world crashing down. My heart felt like it was being squeezed and I couldn't breathe.

There are cheers and it just made it worse. My dad stands with a big grin on his face and kisses Viola.

"I need some air." I said and without another word I left the room and went outside to the garden. 'What is it about her that drives me so crazy?' I thought as I looked at the stars.

I don't for how long I was there.

"You needed some air too?" said Viola. I quickly stand and look at her. The moonlight made her even more beautiful. Her green eyes twinkled in the darkness.

"Yeah, it was getting hot in there." I said.

She walks to where I was and looks up to the stars.

"When I was about 10, my mom and I would drive to the desert to look at the stars. She would tell me if I ever saw a star that glowed more than the others and that would be her, watching over me from heaven." She said with a weak smile. I could see it was painfully for her too.

"My mom loved the stars too. But she loved the moon even more. She always thought---"

"that a princess used to live there." Viola finished.

“My mother too."

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" I said going over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Two times." she said with a smile.

She gulps.


"Aiden, please don't. We can't. I want to too, but I'm a woman of my word." she said.

"Aiden? Viola?" said my father; she quickly pulls her hand out. “What are you doing outside?"

"I needed some air." we said at the same time.

~Viola's Point of View~

"Come, I want you to meet my best man for our wedding." said victor extending his hand to me. With my right, I pick up my dress and with my left I take Victor's hand, and follow him back into the party. I turn back to see a depressed Aiden. I sigh and turn back and put on a fake smile.

"You alright?" asked Victor.

"Mmhm." I said nodding. He leads me to a couple. The man had blonde hair and blue eyes. Of course he was a Vampire, and I could sense he had recently had human blood, which boiled my blood. But I had to let it go.

The women had a sour look on her face, like she was stuck up or something.

"Viola, this is John and his wife Marcela." said Victor. The guy and the women bow their heads.

"Your highness." they both said. I nod.

"You were absolutely correct Victor. She's incredibly beautiful." said John. I blush.

"Tell me dear how old are you?" asked Marcela.

"I'm 20." I said. "Just turned on October 31st."

"Oh. Well good." she said. But I sensed she didn't like me.

“Where exactly are you from?" John asked.

"Los Angeles, California." I said.

"I thought the accent." said John.

"That is where the Slayer Harper strikes." said Marcela.

"So I've heard. But I never had the pleasure of meeting her." I said. “Thank the Devil."

"Yes, lucky you." said Marcela, with a suspicious look.

For the rest of the night, I had to pretend to laugh at John's stupid human jokes. I felt like stabbing his ass and see him turn to dust.

Marcela just kept asking questions about my past. I answered almost truthfully. When it was time to leave, Victor and I stood at the door and told them good bye.

When everyone was gone, Victor headed upstairs. I went to the bathroom and removed my make up, and went into my PJs. When I came out Victor was already asleep.
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