Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

New Kids from England: 01


The alarm goes off. Another day went by. I didn't even get two hours of sleep. I had quiet a fight just a few hours ago, with some Vampires in some club.

"V, get up, we have history at 9 Am." said my roommate. Her name was Jessica, and she was a girly girl.

"No, I want to sleep." I said hiding under the covers.

"Fine it's your grade." said Jessica.

She knew where to get me.

"Ugh! I hate life." I said throwing the cover aside. I take a towel, and go out the dorm. Jessica always woke me up so I could be the first to take a shower. After thirty minutes, I get out the shower, and saw the deep cut the vampire made. I make my hand glow blue to heal myself; I put my glowing hand on my shoulder, and saw slowly the wound heal. With a towel wrapped around my chest, I walk out and see the line of girls glaring at me. I ignore them and go back to my dorm. I open the door and see Jessica making out with some guy.

"Could you knock?" she said.

"Could you stop slobbering guys all the time?" I said. “Who’s the victim this time?"

The guy had black hair and had snakebite piercing.

"Dominic, this is Viola, my annoying roommate." Jessica introduced.

"Hi." said the boy shyly.

I noticed his British accent.

"You’re British?" I said, shaking his hand.

"Yeah transferred with some friends, I'm sure you'll meet them." said Dominic.

"Joy." I said sarcatically. "Um could you please step out, I sort of have to dress."

"Oh yeah, sorry." said Dominic and stepped out. I roll my eyes. Jessica and I argue about having guys in the dorm and how we could get in trouble if the RA saw them. While we argued, I changed into black jeans and a striped shirt with a corset over it. I put my hair in a pony tail and applied a lot of eyeliner.

"Look next time; just make sure I don't walk in while you make out." I said and slammed the door shut, with Jessica inside the dorm. Outside were people staring? “Don’t you people have lives?" I snapped and people got back to their lives. For the rest of the day, it went by long great.

There were some new kids, from England; I guessed those were the boys Dominic was talking about. At lunch, I sat alone again. Until four trays slammed on the table. I look up to see Jessica, Dominic and two other boys.

"Can I help you?" I said with a rude voice.
"What can't I eat lunch with my roommate and bring two very hot guys?" said Jessica. One of the boys seemed annoyed, like me like he didn't want to be here.

"Not unless it involves me doing you a favor." I said with a fake smile.

"Okay, so…” I rolled my eyes. “they know this awesome, club and they invited us." said Jessica.

Just as I was about to answer her in a very rude way, my cell phone began to vibrate. Only one person called my cellphone... James.

~Cell conversation~

"Yeah?" I said.

"We need to talk about your little adventure last night." said James.

"Look, they came up to me... well... sort of." I said.

"Not another word come now." said James.

"Yes, sir." I said and hanged up.

~end of cell conversation~

"Is it that creepy man?" said Jessica.

"He's family." I said standing up. “Well sorry I have to leave so soon, see ya." I said giving them the piece sign.

Jessica’s p.o.v.

Viola got up and left us. She always does that, during parties or in the middle of class.

"Sorry guys, she always does that." I said as Dominic kisses my neck.

"Its quite alright." said Matt.

"Does she do that all the time?" asked Aiden.

"Yeah, now that I think about it." I said.

"She's hot." said Matt.

"Does she know, what you are?" asked Aiden.

"A vampire? No...She’s very closed minded." I said.

"Oh, what was her last name again?" asked Aiden.

"Harper, I think." I said.

We all knew The Harper, the slayer but she was dead, and the daughter was killed, at least that’s what they told us.

“You don't think she's you-know-who's daughter?" we feared the name.

"No, she's dead, dead like her mother." said Dominic.

"What about the rumors?" Matt said.

"Rumors?" I said a bit scared.

"Haven't you heard...there’s rumors going around in the Underworld, that a new Slayer hunts at night." said Dominic.Viola's p.o.v.

"I told you a thousand times not to go hunting on school night!" yelled James, as he paced up and down. I was sitting on the chair, and was half paying attention. For some reason, the picture from the boy from earlier came into my mind.

“Are you eve listening to me?!"

"Huh? Yeah. I sort of ran into the vampires okay, I was passing by an alley and they were about to sink their teeth into some 13 year old girl, and I happened to have my disguise with me." I said.

"You have to be more careful, Vi, if you're discovered...”

"Then the whole Clan will be back for me, yeah I hear it every time I go hunting." I said standing up.

He sighed. "Look its Friday, so you can go have fun, and then you can hunt." said James.

"I don't have anything fun to do, except for that club thing with Jessica, knowing her, it's probably, full of Vampires, retard thinks I don't know what she is." I said and chuckled.

"That’s perfect, I got some news that some old friends of ours are back." said James.

"The ones who killed my mother?" I said.

"Maybe, go to the club, and find out what you can." said James.

"Yes, sir." I said with a smirk.

Thirty minutes later, I went back to campus, and started to look for Jessica. I found her, and her new friends hanging by the fountain.

"Hi, Vi...”

"I think I'll take your offer on that club thing." I said.

"Really?" said the boy with the black hair and snakebites. (The piercing)

"Really. I think I need a break from the books." I said.

"Great, well, we leave at 9pm." said Jessica.

"See you then." I said. I loved hunting. It may sound weird, but hunting gave me a reason to wake up the next morning. Saving people, is the best feeling in the world. I went back to the dorm, and started to get ready. I put some black clothes. Inside my boots there is a knife. I also got purse and put some stakes, and holy water. Jessica then came and got dressed too. By 9pm we were ready. There was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it." I got up and opened the door, and saw the boy with snakebites. When he saw me, he looked surprised. "

Viola? Right?" said the boy.

"Yeah... uh... sorry, I still don't know your name." I said.

"Aiden." he said.

"Hi Aiden." I said. “Jessica will be out soon."
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