Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Death: 19

I flutter my eyes open. My eyes see a familiar ceiling.

"Good, you're awake." said Victor's voice.

I sit up straight, fast, which got me dizzy and a pain shot through my left shoulder. I wince when I feel the pain.

“Don’t get up, you still are recovering."

"Where's Aiden?" was the first thing I said.

I look at Victor; a smirk appears on his face.

“WHERE IS AIDEN?!" I yelled eyes full of rage.

"Don't yell at me Viola! I'm not just another vampire! Aiden is at the dungeon, paying for what he did." said Victor.

"I'm out of here." I said throwing the covers over, my feet touch the cold floor and walk towards the door.

As I reached for the door knob, someone grabs me by the waist and spins me. Victor wrapped me around with his arms, with a tight grip.

"I'm not letting you go this time, love. Aiden came back from his own free will. He had you in his arms." said Victor.

"LIES!!" I yelled struggling free. “LET GO!!!"

"I hoped it wouldn't have come to this." said Victor, he let's go of the grip and pushes me to the ground. I break the fall with my hands, but still felt some impact.

Then I felt my energy being taken out of me. It wasn't natural, my breathing was short. I look to Victor who had a rock in his hands.

A black, clear rock, and it was glowing a dark glow. It was where my energy was being sucked in.

"Do you what this is?" asked Victor.

I couldn't speak because it would be too much energy.

“This is your kryptonite, so like Superman it drains your energy and if near you, a slayer, it sucks your energy. It can eventually kill you." He puts the rock away in an iron box and I feel my chest breathing again.

Victor bends his knees, my head hangs, tears falling to the floor. I feel his finger on my chin, and bring my head up.

"I own you Viola. There is nothing you can do about it. The wedding is tomorrow." said Victor.

"Arghhhhh!!!" I make a fist, gather the only energy I had left and went for a punch, Victor blocks it, like it was nothing. He's eyes are furious and twists my hand.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled in pain.

"You're nothing." spat Victor and dropped my hand; I cradle my hand on my chest.

The thing that angered me the most was not Victor, but me, I was weak and defenseless. I hated feeling like that. I've always been the top dog and now I was a mouse.

"Oh and don't even try to escape, I have guards outside your door. Even in the woods. See you in a while love." He leaves the room.

"Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. After a while of just sitting there, I try to get up, but failed. I tried again and this time used stuff around me for support.

Once I got to the bed, I was confused and scared. One time I'm in the car bleeding and then I'm back at this stupid place and once again getting married.

How long was I out? How did I get here? Did Aiden really come back on his own? All these questions flowed through my head and gave me a headache.

I start to cry. I hadn't done so in a while. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. I've defended people for years, and yet God seems to be entertained by my torture.

"Please God; if this is some sort of test...I have to confess...” I said in tears with my hands together and looked up. “I’m not strong enough to continue...I've always been good...why me?!!!!" I fell asleep crying.

[Next Day]

The door is slammed and familiar faces appear. It's the women from the engagement ball, who did my hair and stuff.

"Get up. You have a full day ahead of you." said the women pulling the covers off. I glare at her.

"I'm not getting up. Because I'm not going to get married with Victor. He can have this ring and shove it up his ass!" I said as I took off the ring and threw it.

"Tell the Lord she's not cooperating." said the lady to one the maids and the maid bows and quickly moves. "Look child. It's best if you do what you're told." said the lady.

"How would you feel if they took the one person you love, and then make you marry someone you despise, someone who killed your mother?" I growled.

"I would be very angry. But I've learned to listen to my superiors." said the lady.

"I have no superiors except for god." I said the women hisses at the name.

"Tst, tst, tst, tst, Viola why can't you just do what you're told." said Victor.

My eyes shift from the women to the door with Victor. My eyes have rage and fury.

“Bring her." Two vampires came in and pulled me off the bed and dragged me towards Victor. “I’m going to show you what happens if you don't marry me." Victor turns his heel and starts to walk and the vampires drag me.

I didn't fight it. I see Justin's door open and gasps when he sees me. Victor goes down the stairs and into some doors I never seen before. We down to a spiral case stairs going down. Made out of bricks and lit by torches.


"Ahhh!!” I heard coming from down there. It was continuous. WHIP and then a scream. My heart started to ache.

Aiden I thought and my heart fell to my stomach.

Victor opens one of the wooden big doors.

In the middle of the prison was someone being whipped. His arms tied above his head, hanging about two inches off the ground, and his back with scars of whips.

"Stop." ordered Victor. I knew who the person hanging was.

"Aiden!" I said losing the grip from the vampires and went to Aiden. His face was dirty and his eyes red. "Aiden." I kiss him on the lips.

"Vi?" said Aiden faintly, he was weak. “My angel." I smile and tears flow.

"Why did you come back, Aiden? You should've just let me die." I said.

"I would rather die than to be in this world without you. It's not worth living if you're not in my world." said Aiden.

"Even in the most dangerous situations, you still have beautiful words." I said. I hear a snap of fingers and then two arms pull me away from Aiden. "No! No!" I fought.

"Boo hoo. Here is my deal Viola. You marry me and Aiden gets to live, you don't marry me, I kill you both. Oh and James who's in the other room." threaten Victor.

"James is here?" I asked. I was furious now, first my love and now my only family.

"Arrived shortly after your escape." Victor answered.

"Ahhhh!!!" I free myself from the vampires. I knock them unconscious. But once again I felt my energy leaving my body.

I couldn’t help but to scream.

"Stop it! Stop hurting her!" screamed Aiden. "Father, stop it!"

The pain stops and I'm left weak on the floor.

"I told you I now control you and you will do as I wish." said Victor. “Do you understand?" I nod. “Good." Victor stands me up, but then I run towards Aiden and kiss him on the lips.

Aiden kisses back, and we begin a make out session. Until Victor pulls us apart.

"I will always love you Aiden, no matter what, my heart belongs to you." I said as Victor drags me out of the room.

"I LOVE YOU VIOLA!" screamed Aiden. Victor is still dragging me. All the way up to the room. The women undressed me and out me the dress on.

They did my hair and my make up. I look beautiful, but with the saddest face. This should be the happiest moment in my life.

Yet I'm miserable. I couldn't do anything from stopping this stupid wedding. The door is swung open and a big vampire guy enters.

"It's time Ms. Hallow." said the man.

"The name is Viola Harper. NOT Hallow." I said the man winces at the sound of my last name.

"A-a-as in the Sl-slayer?" asked a scared Vampire.

"You bet." I smiled how I loved being feared. Right then I realized what I had to do. Vampires would never stop feeding on mortals and it was my duty to protect that.

Victor never planned on stop the feeding. It was all part of his plan and I fell right for it. I reach for a drawer where I knew I had some money saved up; in dollars it was at least $2500. I stuff it in my bra and turn back to the vampire.

I walk towards the vampire and pretend I was going to punch him and he flinches, I smirk, then when he least expected it, I kick him where the sun don't shine, and as he goes down I him a right hand under his chin, knocking him out.

I smile to myself.

"No time to gloat." I said, picking part of the dress up so I could run. At turns of the hallway I would peek and made sure no one was there. As I got near the dungeons I was lucky enough to not bump into any guards.

I went down the stair case, with my heels in my hands so I wouldn't make any clicking sound. The floor was cold. Theres two guards guarding the door.

"Man, Lord Victor is marrying a babe." said one of the guards.

“I would definitely shag her." The other guard snickers.

"Oh I'm not so sure she would let you." I said appearing behind them.

"Huh?" they said turning but I a spin kick and knocked both of them. How I did it in a dress? I will never know.

"Viola?" said Aiden from the bar door.

"Aiden. I'm going to get you out of here." I said as I moved one of the guards finding the keys.

"You're going to get yourself killed." he hissed.

"It doesn't matter. I love you. And I'm here to rescue you, so quit whining." I hissed. I unlocked the bars and Aiden hugs me.

"Thank you, love." said Aiden.

"You would've done the same for me." I said.

"Of course I would have." said Aiden.

"Now, I have to get James out of here." I said.

Aiden's face turns sad.

"Viola...James...died shortly after you left. His wounds got infected." said Aiden.

My head began to spin and my mouth got dry.

"No." I whispered my eyes were dropping tears, but tears of fury. “I’m---gonna---kill---Victor!"

"No. Not right now. We have to get out of here, before the guards." said Aiden.

"This is not over." I said.

"I know it's not. James' death will be avenged. I promise you." said Aiden.

"Oh, yes it will be avenged." I said my eyes turning purple. Without any detection we got out of the house, we went by foot. I wanted to see Victor's face when he heard his future wife ran away with his son.

We reached a city.

“How are we going to get out of the country?"

"I know a guy. He can get us fake passports. But instead of going to the US directly, we have to go to Mexico." said Aiden.

"Sounds like a plan. But I need to get out of this dress." I said.

We went into a drift store and got some clothes. We stole them of course but we had no other option. I got some jeans and a Cold Play shirt.

We got the passports and bought some tickets. I know why didn't I use the money to buy the clothes, but tickets are expensive. In a few hours we landed in Guadalajara, Mexico.....and I knew some people there.
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Here's another update for today :)