Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Flu: 23

< Half a Month Later>
We arrived at the LAX around 1pm on a Friday. Miguel, Javier and Manuel Jr. were the only Rodriguez’s family members who could come with us.

The others had to stay behind to protect the town, because Vampires didn't sleep in Mexico.

"Taxi!" I yelled and the closest one stopped. I was in the front and the boys were in the back, a bit tight. I told him the address to James’s house. “Welcome to LA boys."

"Everything is so...que es la palabra? (what's the word?)..." pondered Javier.

"Big?" I finished.

He nods as we pass by the main street of Los Angeles.

"How do you get around?" asked Manuel as he too looked out the window.

"You get used it after a certain time." I said.

<1 Hour Later>

We were stuck in the Los Angeles traffic, which took like forever to get out of. But in an hour we were out and then the taxi arrived outside the house.

The boys got out and stretched. I paid the driver and he opens the trunk and we get out our stuff.

"Nice house." said Miguel.

"It's James’s." I said in a sad tone.

"Oh, sorry." said Miguel.

"It's okay. He's in a better place." I said shaking my head, while fighting back the tears. “Well let's get you guys sett--" but then I got a little dizzy and almost fainted but Aiden's arms caught me.

"Viola." said Aiden in a worried voice.

"I'm alright, I'm alright." I lied as I tried to stand up in my own two feet, but my knees were like jell-o.

"Don't lie." said Aiden as he picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way inside the house and I didn't complain because I was, all of a sudden, too tired to argue. He sets me down on the couch gently.

"I'm fine. I've just been training too hard, that's all." I said as I waved my hand in the air.

"Too hard? A bit too hard. At night nothing wakes you up, because all of your energy is gone." said Aiden. I roll my eyes.

"I have to train if I'm going to beat Victor." I growled.

"That doesn't mean you have to push your body through so much exhaustion." said Aiden.

"You're sounding like James." I whined.

"Listen to Aiden, Vi, he only cares for you." said Manuel in a serious tone.

"Who's side are you on?" I said with anger rising above me, mood swings. “Because it looks like you're taking HIS side!"

"I'm on nobody's side. Jeez." said Manuel backing away defensively.

Then it hit me, that I was being so rude.

"I'm so sorry Manuel. I'm just---I'm just so...tired and...I guess I get a little grumpy." I said.

"Pshh, a little?" scoffed Javier, I snap my head to him and glare.

"Do you have something to say?!" I almost yelled.

"Viola!" said Aiden in a warning voice. I merely glare at all of the boys. “What’s wrong?"

"I don't know....must be T.O.M (time of the month)." I said. “Sorry for p.m.s-ing on you guys. I'm sorry."

"It's alright." said Javier.


The telephone rang. We all put on confused looks. Nobody knew this number. Miguel grabs the phone and gives it to me.

The screen on the phone didn't recognize the number. I press the 'talk' button and put the phone next to my ear.

"I see you have arrived safely." said Victor, my face darkness.

"Victor." I hissed with so much venom.

He chuckles. "Ready for our final match and your doom?" said Victor, I could pictured the smirk on his face in my head.

"I'm ready to defeat you." I said.

"Good. Let's make it quick and battle Sunday. Midnight, you know where." said Victor and we both hang up.

"What did he say?" asked Aiden with an angry look on his face.

"To set the date for the battle. It's Sunday midnight." I said.

"Where?" asked Javier.

"Where it all started." I said.

"Where would that be?" asked Javier

"At the alley where he killed my...mother." I said. “It’s going to end where it began. Seems fair at least for me."

"You need to rest." ordered Aiden as he picked up one more time.

"No! I need to go to the basement and ready the weapons." I whined.

"We'll take care of that don't worry." smiled Miguel.


"No buts." said Manuel.

I fold my arms on my chest and pout. I fell asleep as soon as Aiden had dropped me on the bed gently. What woke me up was the sudden urge to throw up. I run to the bathroom sink and throw up. Not too long after my first throw up the boys come upstairs to check on me.

"What happened?" asked Miguel.

"I think it goes under the line of throwing up." I said a bit moody.

"You're in no condition to fight." said Aiden.

"I'm going to be fine. Must be because....because...."

"There’s no excuse, Viola." said Aiden. "I'm calling my father and postponing the battle."

"DON'T!" I said. “What are you going to tell him...'Viola can't battle because she threw up.' ?"

"Something is wrong with you!" Aiden pointed out.

"People are sick all of the time! I must just have the flu." I said.

"I'm taking you to the doctor tomorrow." said Aiden.





"NO!!!! AIDEN I'M FINE!" I yelled.

"No you're not. You're just trying to be strong. But you don't need to pretend." said Aiden. "You don't have to go through this alone. You have ME, Manuel, Javier and Miguel. We're here to help you."

I sigh in defeat. He was right. I was scared to admit that something was wrong with me. Because I'm the only one who can ends this once and for all and all of a sudden I get sick and....this crave for watermelon.

"Fine. Can someone get me watermelon? For some reason I'm craving watermelon." I said.