Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Pregnant: 24

'Oh god what if I am? I can't battle of I am? What will Aiden say? Will he want it?', all of these thoughts rushed through my head as I waited patiently in the bathroom, on Saturday afternoon.

I had sneaked out early in the morning to a pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. Now I was in the bathroom, locked up and ready to face the consequences of having sex.

I don't regret it, not at all, but it's definitely not the time to have a baby. 'Pregnant' the label read. My eyes widen and my heart sinks, I did what I never thought I would do if I ever found out I was pregnant; I cried, I literally fell to my knees and cried softly.

This was no time for a baby, my battle with Victor was tomorrow.


"Viola, are you alright?" Aiden's voice said through the other door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said somehow I had sounded alright.

"Are you sure? I think it would be best to take you to the hospital." said Aiden.

"No, no. I'm fine." I said getting up from the floor.

I looked myself in the mirror and cleared away the tears with my sleeves. I try to look as normal as possible before I open the door, with a fake smile plastered on my face.

“Do you need something?"

"We just..."but Aiden was looking at my eyes "--were you crying?"

"No. I just yawned." I said giving a fake, small yawn. He raises an eyebrow in suspicion. “What?!"

"Nothing." said Aiden, backing off.

"So what did you need?" I said as I put the positive pregnancy test on the back of jeans.

"We need you to approve the plan." said Manuel appearing behind Aiden, my eyes shift to Manuel.

I nod my head and walk out of the bathroom and made sure I closed behind me.

I follow Manuel to the kitchen where everyone was making plans.

"Whose plan is this?" I said reading the very first paper I picked, it was a great plan.

"I did." said Javier raising his hand. We all give a 'say what' look. "Que?(what?)"

"You...did this plan?" I said showing him the paper.

"I think I recognize my own handwriting, Vi." said Javier. “Why?"

"It's---Great! it's the perfect plan." I said surprised as I reread the plan and it was perfect.

"Why are all of you so surprised?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Because it's you!" said Miguel with a laugh.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked a little worried.

"No offense, but if all of the minds were in darkness, yours wouldn’y shine so much." I said in a smile and everyone starts to laugh.

"Har, har." said Javier. “I can be smart."

"Apparently you can, which is what surprises us the most." I said.

"Well I'm gonna go to the gun shop and get some more silver bullets." said Aiden.

"I'll go with you." said Miguel, rising from his seat.

"Love you." said Aiden, giving me a kiss on the lips before he departure.

"Love you too." I said melancholy, but hid it with a smile.

He gives me one more suspicious look before he leaves.

As they left, it also left an awkward silence in the kitchen. I do a big sigh.

"Something's wrong." said Manuel giving me serious look.

"No there isn't." I said hiding my worried face and walked towards the fridge, and got out a bucket of ice cream.

"Ah Ha!!" said Javier, as I felt someone grab the pregnancy test from my back pocket. I spin around in a millisecond. I start to breath fast, Javier's face turns white as he read it.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" yelled Manuel as he read from Javier's shoulder.

"Shhhh!!!" I said in desperation and a pleading look.

"How---could this happen?" asked Javier in shock.

"Have you heard the story of the birds and the bees?" I said dumbly.

"I know how-how, but didn't you used a condom?" asked Manuel

"Most of the time is was spontaneous sex." I said innocently.

"You can't battle now." said Javier.

"No! I'm the only one who has the power to defeat Victor. I HAVE to do this." I said. “Please don't tell Aiden."

"I won't, but something like this is too big to keep a secret." said Manuel.

"Just until Monday...I can battle. The world's fate is at hand." I said with another pleading look.

"Have you thought about the well being of the child?" asked Javier.

"Of course I have. That's why I'm still going to defeat Victor. I want him or her to grow up in a healthy environment. I want her to have a quinceanera and if it's a guy then just a big party. I want it to have friends. No vampires, werewolves or any of the sort." I said pacing around the kitchen.

"What if your baby is the next slayer?" asked Manuel, I stop pacing. “If it's its destiny you can't prevent it."

"I sure can." I said in a dangerous tone. “No harm is going to come to my baby.”
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Yeah, it was kind of a give away she was pregnant =], LOL