Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

A Date With the Enemy: 03


The next morning, I woke up early to change back into my normal, clothes, and so Jessica couldn't see me. Dressed in a black shirt with HIM sign on it and a pair of skinny jeans, I opened the dorm door, and as soon as I close it behind me a pair of blue eyes meets my green eyes. I gasp in surprise. I didn't even hear him.

"You scared me Aiden." I said.

He smirks, and gives me a wink. "Just checking up on you, Jessica told about the message you left on the girl's bathroom." said Aiden.

"Oh, about that, yeah sorry for leaving like that but my stomach started to hurt." I said, faking a hurt face.

"Do you feel better?" asked Aiden.

"Yeah, I do, took some Pepto and good as new." I said faking a smile, the thought of Aiden with fangs, kept flashing in my head.

"Do you want to walk to class together?" asked Aiden.

'Yes!' heart said.

"No." My brain told me. “I have to skip class today, family emergency."

"Anything I can help with?" asked Aiden.

"No but thanks for asking, Aiden. I'll see you around." I said.

"Actually Vi, I came to ask you something." said Aiden.

"Sure, but could you make it quick, I'm in a real hurry." I said meekly, I wanted to tell James everything.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" Aiden asked.

My mouth slightly opens.

"Uh... um... yeah...sure." I said. Damn retard he's a vampire... hello! I mentally slapped myself but it was too late to go back.

"Great. Um I'll pick you up at 8pm tonight." Aiden said.

"Greeeaaaattt." I said forcing a smile, and walked away. When I was sure I was out of sight, I hit myself with my hand on my forehead.

“I just agreed to go on a date with a vampire... smooth move Vi."

I got to James house, and went into the kitchen and saw him cook some eggs.

"Morning how was last night?" asked James.

"Freaking awesome, found out that a boy I thought I liked, is a vampire and the worst kind of vampire, he's royalty, along with his friends. Umm then this morning I agreed to go on a date with him." I said and took a bite of the toast.

"You what?" asked James.

"Agreed to go on a date with vampire royalty." I said. “But I think I can cancel the date."

"Don't, if he's royalty, then he must know the vampires that killed your mother." said James.

"So I should get close?" I said confused.

"Very close, with time, if you play your cards right, he'll confess he's a vampire and invite you to his house, and that’s when you do what you do best." said James. I give him an evil smile.

"No wonder you're the best watcher in the whole world. Anyways, I need to rest; the fight from last night took a lot out of me." I said. "Don't wake me up."

I leave James in the kitchen and go upstairs to my old bedroom. It was the same since last time I'd seen it. It had vampire pictures, and old photos around. I cleared my bed from old stuff and fell asleep.

<<5 hours later>>

I had the same dream again. In my dreams I keep reliving, that awful night. I wake up sweating and breathing hard. I threw the covers to the side and went to the bathroom. I put some cold water in my face to wake me up. I stare at the mirror.

How I missed to have a normal life. Don't get me wrong, I love hunting, but sometimes I think it takes over my life. I have no friends. I did, I mean I was the most popular girl in High School, but after my mother's death, nothing mattered to me but revenge. And to this day revenge is still my main priority.


"Izzie, come I need to give you something." said James. I open the door. “Follow." so I follow him to the basement, where all of my weapons are.

"Did you get the sword I wanted?" I asked. I had seen the most beautiful sword, and I planned on buying it, but it was expensive.

"Better." said James, kicking the wood floor and the wall of the basement flipped and showed all of the different stakes and cross bows. He goes some place. "Close your eyes."

"Come on just tell me." I said whining.

"No it's a surprise close your eyes." said James. I smile and close my eyes.

"Put your hands out." I did as I was told and then a heavy piece of metal lands on my hand. I open my eyes and I see a gun. A .45mm. I gasped.

"You finally got me a gun?" I said. For the past 6 months I've been going to a place where you practice shooting, and thought we could use that. Of course we made some connections to give us some bullets that will kill vampires.

"Came while you were sleeping and...” points at three big boxes."2 year worth of bullets."

"Thank you so much, now it's going to be much easier." I said and hugged James.

"Well the best Slayer deserves the best weapons." said James.

"Thanks what time is it?" I asked.

"3:00pm." said James looking at his watch.

"Church starts at 3:30pm, see you later." I said.

Since my mother's death, I haven't missed one day of church. Why? I just feel closer to my mom. I jumped in my car, which was a 1976 Mustang and in great shape. I passed some blocks and I see people going inside the church. I park quickly, and head inside the church. I take some holy water and do that cross thing.

After an hour, the people left. I used my free time to confess myself.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned." I said.

"Tell me your sins my child." said Father Roberto.

"Father, I think I'm in like with the thing that killed my mother." I said.

"You think?" said Father Roberto. Don't worry Father Roberto knows I'm the Slayer.

"Every time I'm around him, I get this feeling, and it's hard to ignore." I said.

"It is love." said Roberto.

"It is not love!" I said at once, “he’s vampire royalty."

"Then tell me what is it that you feel?"

"I don't know, but I know it's not love." I said.

"Well then until you know your true feelings, you have not sinned. But still you have to say 20 Holy Mary's."

I chuckle. “But I always do it, without you telling me."

"Then I guess you have nothing to worry about Isabel (middle name)." said Father. I come out my side of the door and so does Roberto.

"Good to see you." I said and shook hands.

"Everyone is talking about your little adventure from last night." said Father Roberto.

"Are they?" I said.

"It's not everyday the Slayer is in the same room with 100 vampires and lives to tell the tale." said Father Roberto.

"I guess." I said being modest.

"So you met the son of the King of all Vampires?" said Roberto.

"Unfortunately." I said putting my hands in my pocket.

"Isabel, I don't need to tell you to be careful, you can't let your feelings get involved if it comes down to It." said Roberto.

"My feelings for Aiden will not get in my way." I said.

"I hope so." said Roberto.

"I have to go train; I need to work on my jumps." I said. I hug him and walk out the church.

Someone puts their hands over my eyes.

"Good Afternoon, beautiful lady." said a familiar voice.

"Good afternoon, J.D." I said taking his hands off my eyes. I turn and see J.D. some guy who's been trying to get with me since freshmen year in college.

"I thought we could go out tonight." said JD.

"Can't. I have a date." I said.

"With who?" JD asked me.

"The new kid from England." I said.

"Which one?"

"Aiden." I said and walked away. I get back to my car and drive back to the house. James was gone, so I went down the basement. I set up the place and stared to punch, punching bags. Then I started to jump the jump rope. Then I go down to my knees in pain of my headache, which meant a vision was coming.


A girl is running in an alley. She's scared and has bite marks on her neck. She's crying. She checks her watch and it says 9:58pm. She passes the back alley of a restaurant called Luigi's Fine Restaurant.

~End of Vision~

"Guess I'm having Italian food tonight." I said, and got up. I checked the clock it said 7:20pm. Aiden was going to be at the dorm at 8pm. I was all sweaty and dirty. So I went straight to the bathroom of the house and took a shower. I got some clothes and changed and then applied some make up.

Then I went back to the dorms. When I arrived at my dorm, I saw Aiden waiting outside.

"I thought you ditched me or something." said Aiden.

"I was at my friend's house." I said.

"You have friends?" asked Aiden.

"Yes, I do." I lied. “I was thinking of having Italian tonight."

"Sounds good, do you know a good place?" asked Aiden.

"Luigi's Fine restaurant." I said with a grin.

<<20 minutes later>>

We arrived at 8:50pm. When we got there, people looked at us like we were weird or something. Must be the clothes. At first I didn't think they were gonna let us go in, but when Aiden told them who he was.

"I'm Aiden Harrison." said Aiden.

The Host gives a nervous laugh and then puts on a smile.

"Right my apologies Mr. Harrison. This way." said the host. We follow him to what looked like the best table in the place. It didn't matter to me.

I was just there to save an innocent. Okay if she escaped from him around 9:58pm then it meant the attack was at 9:50... Good thing I have my clothes underneath these clothes.

"Are you okay?" asked Aiden waving his hand in my face.

"Wh--oh yeah, just thinking." I said.

For the next hour or so, we talked about each other's childhood. Then we played 20 questions which was fun. I learned that his first kiss was at the age of 10.

In vampire years that was like 100 years ago. I told him I still haven't had my first kiss. He was surprised. I happened to check the clock at the dinner it said 9:48pm.

"Shit... uh... I just realized I have to go bathroom. I'll be back." I said getting up and headed towards the girls bathroom. There were some girls in there. I avoid them and go inside one of the bathrooms.

"Did you see that boy with the black hair and blue eyes?" said one girl.

"Yes! OMG he is so hot!" said the other girl.

"The girl with him is so lucky, I'd give anything to go out with a sex god like him." said the first girl. And they leave all giggling. I take advantage and take of my normal clothes.

"Fuck! I forgot the wig, damn!" I said so I had to put my hair in a bun. I always bring my glasses, so I put them on. I could feel my eyes turning purple. There were windows that lead to the alley so I went out there. I jump out and landed nicely on my feet.

I hear a scream coming from my left. I start to run, and not far I see a girl trying to escape the bite. But vampires are too strong.

"Ahem." I said and the vampire stops and looks at me. “Run and don't look back." I told the girl. She doesn't hesitate and runs off.

"Who are you?" said the vampire.

"The person you'll ever see." I said and took out my gun and shot him on the chest. And like from Underworld, the vampire turns to dust.

Then I sense more. They were all around me. It was a trap. 10 more come down and surround me.

"So the rumors are true. There is a Slayer." said a voice, I never wanted to hear. It was a British accent. It was one of the voices that killed my mom.

"Every generation has a new Slayer." I said.

"No you see we killed the last Slayer and with her death the Slayer reincarnation should've stopped."

I smirk. “Then I guess you killed the wrong person."

"Have we met before?"

"Yes, we have, I'm just a little older." I said.

"You're Harper's daughter."

"Finally caught up." I said and went for a roundhouse kick. But he blocked it. I try to punch but he blocks it making an X with his hands.

He then hits me in the stomach, and I hit one of the trash cans. He was strong. I get up and then something shocks me from my back, making me black out.
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Thanks for the comments, they make me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. =]