Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Meeting Old Enemies: 04

I slowly open my eyes. I still had my glasses on. Wonder why they didn't just take it off? I suddenly realized I was tied to a chair. With metal bars on my wrists holding me to the chair and cuffs on my legs tied to the chair's legs. There was also tape on my mouth. I feel blood on my head, and inside my mouth.

The room was in complete darkness, I could not see a door or anything. But then I hear clicking off keys and locks being unlocked. When a bright light blinds me, I realize I was facing the door.

Three men come in, and the door is shut. A man comes over and takes the tape off, I didn't wince, and I was used to the pain.

"You know, they talk about the Slayer like the boogie man, and yet here she sits in front of me, completely defenseless and in our grasp." said a thick British accent guy.

"Well if you let me go I'll show why your kind is so scared of me." I said.

"Tell me, have we met before?" the same man asked.

"No, if we ever met, you wouldn't be talking to me, you'd be dust." I said with a smirk.

"I like you. Your blunt." said the guy.

All this time he was in the shadows, but then he came into sight and he was gorgeous with brown hair and green eyes.

"Why haven't you killed me?" I asked. He smirks and gives a little laugh.

“How can we find out your name if we kill you?"

"Why do you want to know my name?" I asked.

"Because we are looking for a particular Slayer, whose last name is Harper, but apparently a lot of girls have the name Harper as a last name." he said.

"No shit Sherlock." I said.

"So you know someone with a name of Harper?"

"I know three."

"We're looking for one and we think it's you."

"Do you even know who me is?" I said.

"Viola Isabel Harper." said a familiar voice.

This person came from the shadows too. I gasped at the sight of him.

"Aiden." I said.

"You knew I was a Vampire?" asked Aiden. "That was you in the club?"

"It is my duty as the Slayer to protect the innocent. Jessica thought I didn't know, but I knew the moment I sensed her." I said.

"You agreed to go out with me." said Aiden.

"That wasn't part of the plan." I said.

"Well here's a new plan, you'll be kept a hostage, until we know what to do with you. You may roam around in the castle if you like, but try running away and we won't hesitate to kill you." said the man from earlier.

"What makes you think you'll be able to kill me?" I said.

"We've been training people for the past three years to hunt you down." said the man.

"I'm flattered." I said with a fake smile.

"You should be." he said and once more the door is opened.

One guy comes in and frees me from the chains to the chair. I quickly touch my head and feel blood.

"Oh you'll need some first aid for that, Dominic shows her to the nurse."

Dominic, who was in the shadows, nods and tells me to follow him. I pass Aiden, and walk out. I quickly look around for exit place. Like I was about to become a hostage for Vampires. I look out the window; there are miles and miles of trees.

"The forest isn’t your best choice, we know it like the back of our hand." said Dominic, who had seen me, looking out the window.

"Then I guess I'll have to kill you all." I said. “It’s not like I've done it before."

"All of your weapons were taken away." said Dominic who began to walk again, and so I follow.

"Hmm, I think I can manage without my weapons, but I'm too weak right now." I said and took off my glasses. I rub my eyes. And look at Dominic.

"Your eyes, they're purple!" he said surprised like it was a miracle or something.

"Yeah it happens when I'm using my powers or I'm around Vampires." I said.

"How come they weren't with Jessica?"

"She's only one, so I could handle that but when there’s many I can't control it." I said.

"Can you sense how many they are in the castle?" I stop, and close my eyes. "There’s about 40 vampires and 5 innocents. If you don't let them go, I'll make sure you all die."

"I doubt you can kill us all."

"Do you remember at the club how I single handed killed half the Vampires there?" I said.

With a scared look on his face, he walks to one of the phones and picks it up.

"Let the girls go...because I say so....just do it or suffer the consequences!" said Dominic and hanged up. A few moments after I hear a door open and closed.

"That wasn't so hard now was it? Now where is this nurse I need some aspirin." I said. we take a right and he opens a door and a woman is drinking some blood from a bottle. She drank it like it was water.

Well it was for them.

"How can I help you?" she asked showing her white fangs dripping from blood.

"The Lord has asked you to aid her, only aid her." said Dominic.

"But she's a human." said the nurse.

"She's the Slayer." said Dominic. The nurse let out a big squeal at the sound of the slayer and begins to tremble.

I smile. "I guess I made myself some reputation." I said taking a seat on the bed.

"You have no idea." said Dominic and walked out.

The nurse is still trembling.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you...yet...all I need is some aspirin and water, not blood regular water, I can heal myself." I said.

Standing straight and closed my eyes once more. I took several deep breaths, and started to heal myself. It came with the Slayer territory. When I open my eyes, I see two pills on a pale hand, and a glass of water. I take the two pills and swallow it with the water.


"No problem... I didn't think the Slayer was so young how old are you?" asked the Nurse.

"20 been hunting since I was 15." I said.

"That’s a bit young." said the nurse.

"Then you shouldn't have killed my mother." I snapped. Oops.

"You know not all of us drink human blood, I drink only chicken and goat blood." said the nurse with a proud face. I stood up, I was shorter but I sensed fear from her from head to toe.

"That doesn't make up for anything else you've done." I said and walked away. Dominic and more people were waiting outside. Matt was there and so was Aiden, who now had the same cold look from when I met him.

"We will show you to your room." said Matt.

"Room? I thought I was your hostage?" I said.

"You're a special case, we need to keep somewhere where we can watch you." said Aiden.
"Don't worry we have guards everywhere, so if you try to escape they won't hesitate to shoot."

"Good because I won't either." I said. If I was in their main headquarters, then maybe the person who killed my mother is here, and the moment we meet eyes, I won't hesitate to kill him.

Matt grabbed my arm and started to pull me. I didn't care, so I started to look at the paintings in the hallways. Most of them where of vampires. I think I killed one or two of them. One caught my attention, so I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at the painting.

It was a self portrait, it must've been in the 14th century by clothes, but the women in the portrait was so familiar. She looked like my mother; she had brown haired, green eyes and the same smile.

"Familiar?" asked Aiden's voice.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"A Slayer." said Matt. "

Why is she doing on your wall? If she's a Slayer?" I asked.

"She turned into one of us." said Dominic.

"A slayer would never do that." I said with a proud face.

"That one did." said Aiden. "Lady Harper. She's your ancestor. That’s why she looks like you."

"She looks like my mom, I don't have brown hair mine is naturally black." I said with a glare.

"Then it must be from your father." said Matt.

"I guess." I said.

"What do you mean you guess?" asked Dominic. “Don’t you know your father?"

"No I never met him." I said.

"Oh sorry." said Dominic.

"Don't be, it stopped hurting a long time ago." I said, and we started to walk again. Soon we reached a door with symbols written all over it. Matt opens the door. The room was simple nothing special. The bed had black sheets and red pillow cases. There was no windows.

"My room is next door." said Aiden.

"Goody." I said sarcastically.

"Dinner is at 9pm, everyday, we dress formally, so there’s a closet full of dresses for you." said Dominic.

"I don't wear dresses." I said.

"Oh well, you have to." said Aiden with a cold tone.



"Your face." I said, and took satisfaction of my win. Matt and Dominic walk and as Aiden was, "Why did you asked me out?"

Aiden turns around with an emotionless look.

“I thought you were going to be great in bed."

"Pshh I would've rocked your world." I said with a smirk. Actually I'm a virgin, but I don't mind talking about sex.

"Sure you would've."

"What you think you could've?" I said with hands on my hips.

"I've had girls scream my name at the top of their lungs." said Aiden.

"You must've been choking them then." I said.

He winks at me and closes the door behind him. I sigh and look around the room. Plan A is in action- Find and kill mom's murderer. I touch my necklaces that my mom gave me. That’s why they didn't touch me; I was protected by the amulet.

They can only touch me when I willingly take it off.
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Thanks for the comments, and sorry for the cliffhanger. lol