Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

Like Buffy: 05

I wasn't allowed out of the room. Only for dinner. Days passed, and I was getting tired of being stuck there. So it was time to think of a plan to get out. How? I had no idea. My best chance was to go to the woods and find the nearest town or something. Until on day 5 something happened that made my plan come to a halt.

The 'Boss' had gotten there. How did I know? I had the biggest headache in my life. It felt like it was going to explode. But somehow, it had stopped after the first 60 seconds, but it was the most painful 60 seconds in my life.

My door is opened Aiden is there with matt and Dominic.

"Let me guess, you're Lord is here." I said rubbing my temples with my eyes closed.

"How did..."

"I just had the biggest headache in my life." I said.

"Pick the best dress for tonight's dinner." said Aiden.

"Whatever." I said. “Can I at least have fresh air; I'm a bit tired of no sun and moon."

"Matt will take you to the garden." said Aiden.

"Sounds good." I said getting off from the bed, and walked to the door. Aiden and I hadn't been this closed since I've been here, so when I passed him my heart thumped. I ignored the feeling in my heart and follow Matt.

After some rights and left turns we made it to some garden. It was a nice garden. It had red, purple and yellow roses. Some lilies and other flowers I couldn't name. But there were some orchids in the fountain. The fountain was a plain one, nothing special. Beyond the garden was a fence. 10 feet high. I could make it.

"This is one of the gardens." said Matt.

"How many are they?" I said staring to walk towards the fence, but making it look like I'm looking at the flowers.

"10, all around the house. But the house in England is way better. This is only a taste of what we have back home." said Matt. I shrug my shoulders. “I forgot to compliment you for the club thing; I've never been man handle like that."

"Man handled?" I said.

"Not that you're a man... but... you fight like a man...but you're a girl..."

"Stop stressing yourself, I'm not going to kill you I get the man handle thing a lot." I said.

I start to look around.

"Want me to show you how I did that?"

"Uh... sure." said Matt. I walk to an empty grass area and matt follows.

"Okay, first always expect the unexpected I knew you and Dominic would grab me. The plan was to find out how I would escape your grip. So, grab my arm like you did in the club." I said and Matt grabs my right arm, and tightens.

“So all I had to do was twist my arm, and as soon as you let go grab yours and spin you." I twisted my arm and grabbed his and spun him upside down. “Sorry dude nothing personal."

I said and punched him on the face and he was unconscious. I run to the fence, I see one of the many statues close to the fence.

I jump it Jackie Chan style. I land swiftly on my feet. And begin to run into the forest. I was as fast as a vampire because of my Slayer powers. Then in the distant, I hear some sort of an alarm.

Matt must've woken up, and told I had escaped. I kept running and didn't look back. I had to stop I needed some weapons if they caught up with me. So I jump on a tree, and break some branches, and break them so there’s a pointy part so it could work like a stake. I had my cross with me.

Once I made about 5 more I began to run again. After what seemed like forever, I found a road. But there was no car in sight. I feel blood on my face, must've been from the branches that hit my face. I was out of breath. I make a decision and take a left, cause if I turned right it could get me closer to the castle. I start to walk. It was dark.

I had been running for hours. Above me were the stars and the full moon. Werewolves and I had no protection with me against them.

"I'm fucked." I said.

"Not yet." said Aiden's voice.

I make a 180 turn and see Aiden in his vampire 'mode'. He was about two big jumps away from me.

"Get away Aiden." I said taking one of the stakes out. He takes two steps closer and I take two back.

"You do know you're 20 miles away from the civilization." said Aiden.

"If I can handle 100 vampires, I think I can handle 20 miles." I said. I started to run again, and this time I was being followed by Aiden. I could hear his footsteps behind me. I had to face him; I knew I wasn't strong enough to run anymore.

So I stopped and faced Aiden who had stopped also. I throw the stake at him who dodges it and has a surprised look on his face.

"You were gonna kill me?" said Aiden.

"What do you expect?" I said.

"Nothing from a Slayer." said Aiden.

"Good." I said and then we both attacked. I stop his kick and he stops mine. We both glare at each other with hate. We both let go, and look at each other.

He attacks first with a punch. I block it and dodge and hit him in the stomach. When he was holding his stomach in pain I punch him on the face. When he is up I use my slayer powers and use my strength to kick him on the chest, which made him hit a tree, which shook from the impact.

Aiden is now unconscious. My first instinct is to go to him and see if he's alright. But then I hear walkie talkies, and I knew they were getting closer. So I began to run again, this time with all my might.

After about an hour later, I stopped to talk a breather. I felt the pain in my chest. My legs were going numb, and my head was spinning from not eating, and using a lot of energy. I wipe the sweat off my forehead. I begin to walk, and once I was over the hill, I saw city lights. I had no idea what city it was.

But then I saw a sign that said. Welcome to Palmdale.

"Palmdale?" I said. When I got inside the city I felt safer. Vampires wouldn't attack in front of innocents. Or 'mortals'. Then I realized I had no money and no form of id. I had to beg, for change. Some guys saw me and thought I was a prostitute. One of them tried to touch me, but I made sure, he didn't.

So I flipped him like I did with Matt. Poor matt never saw it coming. Once I had some change I went to the nearest pay phone. (555)123-4567. I dialed with my shaking hand, which was scratched from the branches. I hear the phone ring two times.

"Hello?" said James.

"James! It's Viola." I said with a relief.

"Viola! My god I've been worried what happened to you? Where are you? Are you alright?" he asked.

"I had a vision a girl was going to get attacked, so when I went to save her it was a trap. They knocked me out and took me to their place, and I've been there ever since...”

"Where are you?" he asked.

"Palmdale, but I don't know the street...I'm lost." I said scared for the first time in a long time.

"Don't move I think I can track your call with something, don’t worry I'll be there in a hour." said James.

"Hurry, they're after me." I said and we hanged up.

After I hang up my stomach begins to growl.

"Damn." There was a donut shop across the street. So I checked for cars and walked across. I looked at the donuts, and made a hungry look.

"Hey, you're that girl that saved me from those vampires." said a girl's voice. I look at the face of the voice and see a familiar face. It was the girl from my last vision, the one that got me kidnapped.

"Hey." I said.

"I never really got to thank you... here have some donuts." said the girl. I guess she worked there. She led me to a table, and gave me three donuts and a small hot chocolate. "It's not much."

"It doesn't matter I haven't eaten the whole day." I said taking huge bites from the donuts. And sipped some hot cocoa.

"How long have you done what you do?" the girls asked.

"Five years in November 2nd." I said.

"How old are you?" she asked.


"That means you were 15 when you started that’s young." she said with a surprised look.

"Bastards woke a demon inside of me." I said casually.

"And you do it every night?"

"Uh huh I walk around the alley's keeping them safe, at first it was hard because they had no idea who I was but now I have a reputation and they fear me." I said proudly.

"Must've been hard."

"Not at all, I mean sure they're strong...”

"No I mean growing up like that... school by day hunting by night. Was school hard?" she asked.

"Not really it make natural to me...” I said. “School and stuff, what was hard was mixing friends and hunting, so I had to chose between friends or saving lives, never had a friend since I was 17."

"That’s sad... do you mind if I ask why you became a ...a...”

"Slayer, Vampire Slayer..."

"Like Buffy."

"Yeah, but in reality. I didn't become, they made me. When they chose to kill my mother they created a demon hungry for revenge." I said.

The girl now has a scared look.

“Sorry if I scared you? Um, sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Amanda Press." said Amanda.

We talked for about 50 minutes. When I see out the window and see a familiar car. James comes out the driver’s seat and looks around.

"Thanks for everything Amanda, I have to go, my ride is here." I said getting up.

"Oh it's nothing you saved my life." said Amanda with a smile. I return the smile and walk out the donut shop.

"James!" I yelled waving my hand. James turns and sees me and gives a relieved sigh. He comes to me and hugs me.

"Thank god you're alright." said James while hugging me.

"Let's go now, before they find us." I said.