Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

So Much Like Your Mother: 06

I explained everything to James on the way home. Ever since I got kidnapped.

"I understand... no more slaying...”

"WHAT?!" I said.

"You can't slay they'll just make another trap for you... they know your thirst for revenge, and they'll use it against you." said James.

"But the innocents...”

"Look you won't be able to protect future innocents if you're in the grasps." said James. I hated to admit it but he was right.

"They know who I am." I said.

"I can't go back to your dorm, so you'll be staying at the house with me until this passes." said James.

"That could take months... years." I said.

"I know, but your safety comes first." said James. For the rest of the ride, I didn't say anything. No more slaying. But Slaying was for what I lived for. It was my place where I could let out my anger.

~Two days later~

After I rested for two days, I decided to come back to college. I wasn't about to hide, like I was scared, because I wasn't. I come into my first class, and see Aiden, Matt and Dominic, sitting on their spot. When I saw his eyes and we met eyes we glare at each other. I look away and take my usual seat at the back.

"Okay class, guess what?" said the professor. The class didn't answer.

“It’s lab time."

"Oh nooo." everyone said. We hated labs, it was hard and it meant wearing goggles, which left marks on your face.

(Trust me when you take chemistry in high school; be sure to grab the loose one because the tight goggles leave marks.)

"Don't whine here are your partners for the next month." said the professor.

"Viola and Jessica...” said the professor, but Jessica wasn't there. “No Jessica? Okay then Aiden you're Viola's new partner."

"What?! We both said.


"Sorry it's not up to you." said the professor.

After she called the rest of the groups. We had to walk into the lab room. I grabbed a coat and goggles. I didn't even wait for Aiden. I took the front desk so he wouldn't do anything funny. Aiden comes next to me with a bored look on his face.

"I let you win." said Aiden.


"Okay so the instructions are on the board, you have one hour." said the professor.

"You let me win?" I hissed at him. “As I recall, you were the one knocked out."

"Yes, but I could've easily blocked that kick...”

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"None of your business." said Aiden.

"Actually it is since it involves me." I said. “Tell me how pissed was your 'Lord' when he found out I was gone."

"Really pissed. You should be flattered, he rarely gets pissed, he also said he's impressed by your escape." said Aiden.

"Well you had no idea who you were messing with." I said with a smirk.

"Why did you go on a date with me knowing I was Vampire?" asked Aiden.

"I told you it wasn't part of the plan... I sort of let my...forget it." I said, and then we didn't talk for the rest of the class.

The next month was torture. At night, I had many visions of girls and sometimes guys being attacked. But James told me to stay at the house. He locked everything up in the safe thingy. He was the only one with the combination. Then during day, I had to stand Aiden, since we were lab partners.

Sometimes I forgot what he was. We would laugh and make jokes. One time we almost blew up the building. I told him not to mix those chemicals but he wouldn't listen. We had detention for the next week and we were on probation. I thought they went easy on us. I guess because we had the highest scores in the class. After detention, I would go straight home, but on the last day of detention, I had a vision.


A girl and her mother were talking a short cut home. They were happy. It looked familiar. The mom stops and gives the little girl a red box. She opens it and there’s the amulet and the cross, I had on my chest. The scene changes, to where my mom is fighting off vampires. But there was too many. So two vampires knock her down and hold her still on the ground. Then a vampire comes from the shadows.

"Victor!" my mom spat.

"Harper, still beautiful." said victor. “Now where is little Harper?"

"Don't you dare touch her." my mom said.

"Look we both know what she is." said Victor. My mom gasp.

"Oh yes I know, I've known since she was born."

"Then you know God is on her side, and she has the power to stop you." my mom said. “I have failed to kill you many times but my daughter will not."

"Pick her up." victor said to the vampires holding my mother down. They pick her up and make her face Victor. He smirks at her. And forces a kiss on her.

“How I missed your sweet lips." but then he sinks his teeth into my mom's neck. She moans in pain but doesn't scream.

"Sir the watcher is here, we must go." said one of the vampires. Victor stops and leaves me mom on the floor, bleeding. He leans in on my mom.

"She will be mine." said victor.

~End of vision~

I held on to the rail of the stairs so I wouldn't fall. The vision had taken a lot of energy. It wasn't even a real vision, well not to the future but to the past, that was the first time it's ever happened to me. I quickly get on the car and drive to James house.

"James! James!" I yelled as I went inside the house.

"In the basement!" yelled James. I go down the stairs.

"Who's Victor?" I asked. James drops the gun he had in his hand.

"Who?" James said.

"Victor, and don't say you don't know because the reaction you just had said a lot." I said pointing my finger at the gun. He sighs.

"Guess its time." said James. “When your mom was a Slayer, she fell in love with a vampire, but she didn't know who he was and he didn't know who she was. Sound familiar?"

"Me and Aiden." I said.

"Well your mom one day was out hunting and she saw one vampire feeding on a girl and after she killed him, Victor tried to kill her. Since we weren’t wearing a disguise, she recognized him. The vampire your mom had killed was Victor's youngest brother. Eventually Victor found out who your mom was and swore to kill her." said James.

I was so surprised by this news.

"That’s it?" I said.

"No, I have to tell you the rest of the story, and it has to do with your father." said James.

"My father?" I said.

"Your mother one day met a man called Jake, he was a....Angel." said James.

"Come again?" I said confused.

"An Angel, like with wings and all that." said James.

"And what does he have to do with me?" I asked.

"Everything, he's your father... Viola you're half angel." said James. I took the nearest stool and sat on it. I was half angel?

"Half angel?" I said.(A/N: READ MEMO it's IMPORTANT!!!!)

"That’s why your mother never told you. You see it's forbidden for a Mortal and an Angel to... reproduce." said James.

"So I'm a forbidden child?" I said and James nods. “Then why do the vampires want me?"

"Your powers of course." said James.

"Powers?" I said. “I only have premonitions and super strength."

"Hidden powers, triggered during emotional times." said James.

"Do you know what my powers are?" I asked James.

"According to legend you can control all seven elements." said James.

"Seven do you mean four?" I asked.

"Fire, earth, air, water, lighting, darkness, and light." said James. “Seven."

"What I don't get wings?" I asked.

"You're only half angel so you don't have wings, but I'm sure you can teleport to places, but that’s very hard to do." said James.

"So if I snap my fingers and think of fire, my index finger would lit?" I asked.

"Try it." said James. I smirk and snap my right hand fingers, and like Johnny from the Fantastic Four, fire appears on my index finger. I snap my fingers again turning it off.

"That is... wicked." I said. “This will make hunting much funnier."

"No hunting." said James.

"I know, I know, but can't I just do this for one night." I begged James.

"No it's too dangerous. Plus I have to go to a meeting about your little lab accident." said James. "I told Aiden not to mix them, but his dumb ass had to do it." I said crossing my arms.

"Still love him?"

"No! I never loved him." I said fast and turned red from the cheeks.

"It’s okay if you do. It still won't work out in the end." said James a bit cold. I give him a surprise look. “Look you can go hunting but just for tonight."

"Let's try that micro chip I was working on." I said and pulled down a 'wood', which was really a lever, and a wall flipped over and showed security cameras, and three computers. I pressed some buttons and a drawer opened, and I took out the chip, which would go inside me.

"I think its ready." said James examining it. I took the gun that would put it inside me. I gave the gun to James, and he inserts the chip in. I lift my long sleeve shirt so the chip would go on my right shoulder. The gun is pressed against my skin. I close my eye and wait for the impact. I hear the click and a sharp pain in my shoulder comes. I wince, and hold the pain down.

"That hurt." I said.

"You can take on 20 vampires but not a single shot?" said James.

"You know what James...whatever." I said not finding a come back.

"Amazing Viola doesn't have a come back." said James. I punch him in the arm.

"Hey watch it I'm old."

~That night~

How it felt good to be back. I missed my gun, and my glasses. James also gave me a little present, it was a sword, and it was beautiful. Like always I jump from roof to roof and looking down at alley's to see if there was any attacks.

"ahhhhhhhhhaaahhh!" it was a scream of a damsel in distress.

"Finally." I said. I jump in the air, do a 360 and land gracefully on my feet. I look down and see a girl running away from something. Like most of the times, it was a prostitute; she had 3 inch heels, mini skirt, and a tight shirt.

The girl falls because her heel breaks. The vampire is nearing her, more like circling her, like a prey. I put on a smile and jump down, sort of like from Underworld. I land between the girl and the vampire. I take my gun out and point it at the vampire.

"Human bullets won't hurt me." said the vampire.

"It will when it's pure silver." I said and shot him in the head, and the vampire turned into dust. After that I help the girl up.

"Oh my god, thank you so much." said the girl.

"Don't mention it." I said putting her arm around my neck and helped her up. I had checked her ankle it was broken, she had to be taken to a hospital. But as we were walking out, I sensed many vampires around me. I stop and look up and look around.

"What’s going?" asked the girl.

"There are more lots more." I said. I look around for some sort of stick, I find a long stick, and I hand it over to the girl. “Take this and get out of here, and don't look back."


"Just listen to me; I do this all the time." I said with a confident smile. She nods and starts to walk away. When she's finally gone, the vampires reveal themselves. There was like 20, including Matt and Dominic. They all surround me.

"My, my, my you look so much like your mother." said the voice from the vision...Victor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, don't freak out on me because I made her half angel, it's not really going to play a HUGE part in the story it's just to explain why she's special so don't think it's going to go like the other stories.