Status: Finished

Vampires Are Easy to Kill

The Line Was So Cheesy: 07

"You really do look a lot like your dear mother, Viola." said Victor circling me.

I stand straight and show no fear, because I felt to fear.

"You must be Victor." I said making sure his name sounded disgusting.

"I see James finally told you about me and your mother....doesn't our story sound a lot like yours and my son."

I quickly turn my head. ‘His son? Aiden is his son?'

"You're Aiden's father?" I asked.

"Wow you catch on quick, but then again you are the Slayer." said Victor. “Took over mommy's job?"

"Shut up." I said quickly. I can feel he grabbed my hair from my back, and I thought I heard him sniff it.


"Tell me, do you remember your father?" he asked.

"Don't worry, I already know I'm half Angel." I said bored.

"James beat me to it then. Did he tell what happens on your 21st birthday?" asked Victor.

I stay quiet.

“Guess not."

"If it was something important James would've told me." I said.

"But it's the most important thing, you see when a half angel turns 21 he or she must decide if they want to stay on earth or go to heaven." said Victor.

"And you think I want to go to heaven and leave the innocents defenseless?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"No, I know what you'll choose, you're too good at heart to make a selfish decision." said Victor.

"Then what do you want?" I asked.

"I want to make a deal." said Victor.

"What kind of deal?" I asked.

"A simple one. We stop feeding on humans and start drinking from donated blood." said Victor.

"In exchange for what?" I asked.

"You." He said simply.

"What?" I said I almost laughed.

"The safety of those foolish and weak humans for your hand in marriage with me." said Victor. I wanted to gag right there. Marriage with Vampire royalty?

"Excuse me?" I said more confused and hoped I heard wrong.

"You for the safety of the humans." said Victor.

"Marriage with you?" I said. He nods. I mean don't get me wrong, Victor was hot for his age, but he went out with my mother and he's a VAMPIRE, AND he killed my mother. But if it meant the safety of the innocents.

"Can I think this over?"

"Sure, you have one week from now, if you have an answer tell my son Aiden and he will inform me...remember all you have to do is marry me and no vampire will EVER sink their fangs into another human again." said Victor.

"I will think about it." I said. The vampires 'poofed' out, and I was left alone with Victor.

"Your mother would be so proud." said Victor. I was about to punch him when he ‘poofed’ out.

~Hour later~

"No, no, no ,no, and NO!" yelled James, after I explained everything.

"But he said no innocent will ever get hurt." I said.

"But in exchange for marriage...with him?" said James. “He’s 500 years old for Christ Sake's!"

"Come on James, it's a very tempting offer, I mean, I have no future, I don't know what I want to do for the rest of life." I said.

"Viola with your grades you can do anything you want." said James.

"I want to protect the world." I said.

"How can we trust him?" said James.

"We'll have to risk it." I said. "I have a week to think about it."

"Think hard and long Viola. This is a big self sacrifice." said James.

"I know." I said."....James why didn't you tell me that when I turn 21 I had to chose between heaven and earth?"

"It didn't seem important, plus I'd know you pick earth." said James.

"Yeah." I said. “Did you know that Aiden was Victor's son?"

James eyes widen. "No." he said. I knew he wasn't lying. “Victor has a son?"

"Uh huh." I said. I started to think about Aiden and his beautiful eyes. The phone rings, but I'm still thinking about Aiden.

"I'll get it." said James. He walks in the kitchen with the phone. “It’s Aiden." I wake up and have a confused look. I took the phone and walked out the living room.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Viola, its Aiden." said Aiden.

"No duh, what’s up?" I said trying to sound casual.

"Uh, I was thinking if I could talk to you... like right now." said Aiden.

"Sure where do you want to meet?" I asked. It was dark outside, but it didn't matter.

"The school fountain?" said Aiden.

“I'll be there in 20 minutes." I said and we both hang up.

~20 minutes~

With a sweater, and a gun on my back just in case he was trying anything funny, I walk to the fountain and find Aiden already waiting for me there. I tap his shoulder, he was startled, and turns around.

"You didn't make a sound." said Aiden.

"I have to, to sneak behind...vampires." I said and mentally slapped myself. “So why do you want to meet me here?"

"Matt told me you met my father." said Aiden.

"Oh yeah, quiet few years ago, killed my mother." I said coldly.

"He told me about his proposal too." said Aiden. I freeze.

"Oh that...yeah..."

"What are you going to do?" asked Aiden with a concerned voice.

"Well, like I told James, it's a very tempting offer, I mean all I have to do is marry the dude." I said.

All that time I was looking at the ground, I couldn't look into his eyes. When I looked up, I felt someone’s lips on mine, pressed hard and full of passion and I think lust. It took me a while to realize it was Aiden's lips. He put his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him so we're chest to chest.

I wrap my hands around his neck, and kiss back with the same passion. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I don't hesitate to let him in and I open my mouth and explore each other's mouth. Then I felt something weird, the coldness went away and now I was in a warm room, and it was lit by candles. I break the kiss and look around. There was a bed, and it was full of rose pedals. Someone hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear.

"I love you Viola, slowly, I fell in love with you...I tried to deny it so many times, but every time I looked into your gorgeous eyes I fell back." said Aiden sincerely. "Every time I see you I tremble, I can't help it, you make me feel different, and I like the feeling."

"I love you too Aiden, and like you I tried to deny it and suppress the feeling down, but it's just that every time I see you I can't help but to smile, and I hate myself for this feeling because I love with all of my heart the thing I've hated the most." I said.

Aiden makes me face him and takes my right hand and places it on his chest, I could feel his chest and of course no heart beat.

"If this cold dead heart could be beat, it would be because of you." said Aiden. I chuckle. “Why are you laughing, I'm poring my heart here."

"No, the line was so cheesy, but I loved it." I said and kissed him.